Branding yourself on Steemit and keeping followers

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Why do we post to our Steemit community?

Are we motivated by love of cryptocurrencies, a need to express ourselves, a desire to engage with others, a passion for a certain subject we want to share, or perhaps a combination of all of the above?

But above all the questions of why we write looms an existential question of How: How do we get others to read our posts and follow us? How do we become whales, or at least large minnows?

Writing from a personal perspective, I really don't have a definite answer to that question..., but I am working on it:-) I certainly do not have a social media marketing plan (yet), even on Twitter! I focus on creating the best blog I can, and the old cliche about "if one does not have a destination, any road will do to get there" keeps going through my head. Yes, it is time to think seriously about where I want my blog to go...even if it is kind of scary.

Case in point, I logged on to make a post and noticed I had lost some followers since the last time I logged in. I have no idea why that happened, and it troubled me. Did I post something outside their comfort zone, or a topic they did not like? I know I cannot control what other people think, but do I need to define what I write about better and keep more on point with content, i.e. consistent branding? Y'all wonder these things too?

I find this picture hilarious and offensive at the same time..., but this is more like sponsorship/paid advertising than branding.

Upon further reflection I decided that having a certain amount of change in my followers is inevitable, so instead of having great angst about why people unfollow me (which I will probably never know for sure), I should concentrate my efforts on producing the excellent content that will engage more followers.

Actually gain four to ten more is my intent:-)

I don't mean to be cavalier about losing followers, it is just I realize people only have a finite amount of time to read and sometimes what I write is not feeding their specific hunger. I have read enough from other writers to know that it is better to follow your convictions rather than try to market yourself to what you think is popular.

Fashion is a fickle and moving target...

The concept of branding myself that I mentioned earlier bothers me, because it strikes at the very heart of what excites me so much about the Steemit platform; the richness, variety and incredible cornucopia of things, people, places, and ideas I get exposed to on a daily basis.

I don't want to live in a social media bubble of only like-minded people echoing the same old beliefs. And I don't want to write about the same topic everyday.

There are people on Steemit whose opinion I respect, like @modernpastor, that make a good argument for some form of personal branding, which I interpret him as saying be real, authentic , and consistent. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, let me show you what I think product branding means from my perspective as a MBA.

While this a fairly good basic graphic for traditional branding, it does not describe the reality of social media. What I really want to do with this blog is to produce content I can use to establish a social media presence across two or three platforms that is consistent, appealing, and still allows me flexibility. Any ideas and help would be greatly appreciated and widely shared!

Most people I follow utilize Twitter and Youtube as their two main alternative platforms, in many cases I suspect because they are migrating content to Steemit from other platforms instead of vice versa. At any rate, my research has led me to believe that social media advertising/branding to gain followers is a different critter than traditional methods that work for physical products because I am not trying to sell anything for money upfront on social media:What I really am after is attention (views and followers). Specifically, YOUR attention that millions of others are also vying for!

So here is what a glimpse of the social media universe looks like...just the major players!

Is it just me, or is that an overwhelming amount of stuff to keep straight unless you are actually a social media professional who does this all the time for a living?

This is a great website to visit when overwhelmed:-)

Here is what is really important. I think of my followers as an extended family who have trusted me to share valuable content with them, real people that I can interact with. So, instead of being overwhelmed with social media possibilities, I am going to interact with you, my Steemian readership/followers and tell you what you can expect from me..., then I ask you tell me what you think in the comments:-)

The Presentminded Credo
I will post valuable, original content that is worthy of your time and attention. If you find it good (or not!) please comment and tell me why.

I will answer each and every comment I receive, and do so in a timely manner. I want these posts to be the start of the conversation, not the end.

I will always be open to new opinions, different points of view, and ideas for future posts. This blog will be a respectful place to exchange ideas:-)

I will write mainly in the three areas of politics/philosophy, finance (including cryptocurrencies), and mind/body wellness AKA being present minded.

Obviously I am interested in much more than these three areas so occasionally riffs on musclecars, great hiking places, and the awesome posts of fellow Steemians might also grace my pages. I can promise you one thing: life here will not be boring:'-) I think that doing these things are also the best way to engage and create loyal followers. And if sometimes the creative torrent is just trickling I will go looking for great posts to comment on, and this image exactly captures why!

There are so many great, passionate, extremely talented people here on Steemit and I want to share my best with our community. Since I have been here a while now, this is a more mature introduction (re-introduction?) and a heartfelt Thank You to all who have read and commented on my posts. I have learned a lot from y'all. Adding value to your day is what makes my work worthwhile.


As always images are from Google and should have links/credits imbedded in the image. If you like my work, please upvote, resteem, and leave comments...especially leave comments! I would love to continue our conversation:-)


great content! and thanks again for following!

Very Informative

Thank you very much, @laughingshots!, I appreciate that:-)

Well hello there!

Hi @hiyo! Thank you for reading, I like the meme;-)

Hi there, 👋

Yes I get you mate. 🤗

It's not easy to get on the exposure train when you could be seen every time you create something new, to get to there you gotta build up your train.

Yeah it's a hard journey where you will be led down and demotivated by not seeing enough progress or things happening out of expectations.

But what I will tell you is keep up the good work and be consistent with what you are doing and keep reasearching all the resources and help here and there on steemit and you will finally find it feasible.

You gotta wait for the fruit to grow and become sweeter.

Cheers Mate 🍻

Thank you for the thoughtful reply @asteemian. I know it is all about consistency and good content, nice to hear it repeated though:-) I just like to know what works the best, or at least effectively, so I do not waste my time. I sure enjoy the community and the learning experience, thank you again for reading and having a conversation!

Hi there mate 👋
Nice to hear back from you.

Yeah consistency is the key here.
And yes it's really important doing things the right way.

I think this steemit post will help you on how to do the basic things the right way.

Thank you again @asteemian, I will go check it out:-) Just did. It is a great read and I totally agree. Reading other people's posts and commenting is having that conversation that actually builds relationships. Funny how I can put so much time into writing my own post but get more followers commenting on other people's posts...Balance in everything I guess:-) Have a great day!

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