E Michael Jones Q&A Part 1: On Jews

in #catholic7 years ago


Let me start at the beginning. Almost forty years ago, I was a professor at Saint Mary's College in South Bend, Indiana. I got fired for being against abortion at a Catholic college. At that point I started a magazine called Fidelity, and after about ten years I turned it into Culture Wars. Fidelity was supposed to look at the intra-Catholic issues which I thought were the big issues at the time. I then got appointed to be the official biographer of Cardinal Crowell in Philadelphia. At that point I realized that the Catholic Church was in a fight with forces outside of the Church. According to the "Triple Melting Pot", which is a sociological theory about ethnicity in America, there are three ethnic groups in the United States - based on three religions. Those three ethnic groups are Protestant, Catholic and Jew. What I realized was that it was basically the Protestants and the Jews fighting the Catholic Church over changing the cultural settings that had existed up until that time.

The crucial moment in this regard came in 1965 when the Jews in Hollywood broke the production code, which had been imposed on it in 1933, and basically took over the culture from the Catholics. And nobody knows about it. The Legion of Decency was broken by what was basically a Holocaust porn movie. Eli Landau, who was the producer, used the Holocaust basically to break the production code prohibition on nudity on the screen. So it was a kind of cynical exploitation of the Holocaust to get basically the ability to show nudity on the big screen. Because at this point they were in a serious competition with television. They'd been that way for years, and this was a cheap way to get an edge on on television. So within seven years all of the barriers broke down, and by 1973 three of the top ten grossing films were hardcore pornography. Deep Throat was the famous one that came out in 1973. So all the standards had collapsed over that period of time, in spite of what Jews like Elie Landau said. He said it was going to be a New Era of Art. They were just cynically using the Holocaust to break down the nudity prohibition and basically get into pornography.

QUESTIONER: Now let me just read what the Southern Poverty Law Center has said about you and allow you to respond. "E Michael Jones, a former hippie says he spent his honeymoon stuck in traffic while trying to reach the 1969 Woodstock Festival started down the road of radical traditionalism in 1981 when he founded Fidelity magazine after being fired as a professor at a South Bend Catholics women's college, St. Mary's." Is that is that first sentence accurate?

Yeah. That's accurate.

QUESTIONER: Okay. "According to religion scholar Michael Kunio, Fidelity was devoted to exposing wrongdoing in the church with a special emphasis on sex, a topic Jones seems obsessed with." Is that accurate?


QUESTIONER: "Jones developed a reputation for his frequent clashes with other radical traditionalists, notably father Nicholas Gruner. For his part Gruner told Cuneo that Jones was secretly a Jew." Is that accurate?

Yeah, he did say that. I'm relying on Cuneo there.

QUESTIONER: "In 1996 Jones changed the name of his magazine to Culture Wars and he is increasingly focused on the alleged evils of the Jews, as he adds to his continuing series on the Jews." Is that true? Are you focused on the evils of the Jews?

That's not true. Culture Wars was basically what it said it was about, culture. Of things like that in general. I've already given you the background there. You were instrumental in getting me to thinking about the Jews, okay? I had a Jewish friend by the name of Rabbi Dresner. He wrote a book called How Can The Family Survive In Pagan America? And in that book he laid into Woody Allen and Hollywood and said the Jews are corrupting the morals of the people through the film industry. So I thought, well this is interesting. He was a big supporter of mine. He would tell people to subscribe to Culture Wars and so on and so forth. So it got me thinking about what I had already been thinking about, and he got me thinking about the Jews. And then I read your piece on Jews. I'm not sure it was a piece, it was like a lot of blog entries. At this point you were doing something called Luke Ford dot com and you were commenting on the porn industry. And then there was an article that came out, in the Weekly Standard I believe, about you at that point, and so I started putting my own article together based on research that I got basically through you, Rabbi Dresner and my own independent research. And I did an article called Rabbi Dresner's Dilemma, which is the first time I ever dealt with the Jews. It was around 2003. I don't know whether you remember.

QUESTIONER: Yes, I do. Your article came out in 2003 and it was about Rabbi Dresner and then Jews in the porn industry, etc. Yeah I remember very clearly.

Yeah. So at that point the United States invaded Iraq. 2003. And at this point I realized there was a group of people called Neoconservatives, and it was a Jewish political movement, and it had taken over our foreign policy. And I thought, well how am I supposed to make sense out of this? Because you know I'm just this poor boy from Indiana and people tell me there are Liberals and there are Conservatives. So which is it? They call themselves Neoconservatives. The main Neoconservative guy is a guy by the name of Irving Kristol. And you look into him and it turns out he was a Trotskyite in the 1930's. So how is this possible that Trotskyites and Conservatives can be on the same wavelength? Well, what did they have in common? Well that it was a Jewish political movement. And what these people had in common was Jewish messianic politics. Which got me started thinking about the big picture and at that point I embarked upon a program of research that eventuated about five years later with the publication of a book called the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

Now right before that happened the SPLC got on my case, because in this culture you are not allowed to say anything critical about Jews. It's that simple. If you do something like that, these people - people like the SPLC - will accuse you of anti-semitism. Which is what they did. And they in effect created a completely bogus traditionalist political movement that was supposed to be anti-semitic. They published a list of like twelve people called the Dirty Dozen or something like that, and none of these people had anything in common other than they were Catholic. People on the list didn't agree with me about anything. They created this list to give the people who give money to the SPLC some sense that there's this movement afoot that's about ready to take over the United States of America. Well I was the only one who was talking about Jews, because - I think it came out right before the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit came out - I had done all this research, and the book was about to come out, eventually the book did come out. And it's not, you know, it's never been publicly reviewed, but I sell lots of copies of it. People all over the world are discussing it.

And so what I tried to do in this book was re-focus the discussion here. Like why are we not allowed to talk about Jews? Okay, well because it was always in a racial context, and every time you criticized the Jew or said something that the Jew didn't like - even if a Jew had already said it - you were called an anti-semite, and you were associated with Hitler. This is the way the SPLC works. So I said, no, no I'm not trying to do that. I was trying to come up with a theological explanation now, so that's where the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit begins. It begins at the time of Christ. It begins at the time of the Crucifixion, and basically the time when the Jews rejected Jesus Christ as their messiah. When they rejected Christ they rejected the Logos Incarnate. When they rejected the Logos they rejected the order of the universe. And when they did that, they became revolutionaries. Note that the geniuses who wrote that report for the SPLC said, "Jones uses the Latin word Logos." Okay it's not Latin, it's a Greek word fellas! Okay, you didn't know that, did you? But anyway, that is the basis of the critique. And then after that follows 2,000 years of history of back and forth, you know, of the Jewish revolutionary spirit.

QUESTIONER: Okay, I'll go back to the SPLC's little mini essay on you, just for the laughs. "Culture Wars magazines cover stories over the last year or so are instructive. Judaizing Then and Now. John Huss and the Jews. The Conversos Problem Then and Now. The Judaism of Hitler. Shylock comes to Notre Dame, and so on." So you really didn't write that much about the Jews prior to 2003, is that correct?

No. All those things that you mentioned, they were chapters in the book. I run a monthly magazine, and the same time I'm writing what eventually ended up being a twelve hundred page book. So I can't do both. I can't do them separately. So basically those were chapters in what came to be the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

QUESTIONER: Okay this is more laughs here from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which in case anyone is confused I absolutely loathe and despise the Southern Poverty Law Center, and in case anyone's curious I had no fear about the Michael Jones of the world. I have no fear about anti-semitism on the right because these people have no power. Like Michael Jones is not about to take over the United States government. So my personal focus is on the wrongdoing of the major Jewish organizations, and I oppose the censorship that they try to put on people like Michael Jones, just in case anyone's curious where I'm coming from. Back to the SPLC: "Jones runs through all the usual anti-semitic canards, the idea that Jewish media elites run our country, the Jews are major players in pornography, and the Jews behind Fremasonry and the French Revolution." Okay, let's do that one at a time. E Michael Jones do you believe that Jewish media elites run our country?


QUESTIONER: And why do you say that?

Well, because it's true. I don't know if you remember this, but anyway there's a guy named McCall from England who wrote an article, I believe that was his name, anyway the guy wrote an article saying Jews control Hollywood. Okay Neal Gabler then writes in and says this is an anti-semitic canard. Well, Neal Gabler had just written a book called An Empire Of Their Own, How Jews Created Hollywood. So let's stop here and talk about the double standard, okay? A Jew can say it and it's okay. If a goy says exactly the same thing he's called an anti-semite. I'll give you an example. Were the Jews behind gay marriage?


Joe Biden thanked the Jews for being behind gay marriage. Amy Dean wrote an article in Tikun magazine, a Jewish magazine, saying if it weren't for the Jews we wouldn't have gay marriage. So they both say it and everybody applauds. E Michael Jones says that and they say this is anti-semitism to say this. Another instance: I quote you, okay? About Al Goldstein and Screw. That goes into the Rabbi Dresner article. Then an academic in England by the name of Abrams, he basically takes my entire article, reworks it - does cite me, okay, so I can't accuse him of plagiarism - okay, he reworks the thing and says, yeah Jews are in control of pornography, but that's a good thing. We're saying exactly the same thing. He gets a promotion - I'm assuming here, it's an academic journalist, the Jewish Quarterly in England, he gets a promotion because he gets another article to his credit - and I get accused of being an anti-semite. And we're saying exactly the same thing. Now this is an intolerable double standard and it's got to stop.

QUESTIONER: Were Jews behind Freemasonry and the French Revolution?

No. You can read the chapter on Freemasonry in the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. Freemasonry... it's a lot... it's a long story... it's a long book! It's a long story but basically the weak oligarchs in England took over the Masonic lodges in 1721 and established lodges on the continent basically to bring down the Bourbon monarchy, which they succeeded in doing. They created the French Revolution. Now there were people who talked about it. Abbé Barruel wrote a history of Jacobinism and he said it was the Illuminati who did it. And there was an Illuminati but they didn't do it. And he didn't say the Whigs did it because he was given political asylum in England by Burke, one of the main Whigs, and he didn't want to bite the hand that fed him. Worse than that, he received a letter from Mr. Simonini, the famous Simonini letter, in which this guy said, well the Jews were working with the Freemasons. He sent it to the Cardinal in Rome, his cousin the Cardinal, and he sent it to the Pope, and the Pope said yeah that's true. And then Barruel suppressed that letter. And for that Daniel Pipes called him an anti-semite. So there is a collaboration there, okay? There was a collaboration between the Jews and the Freemasons, but the Jews did not create Freemasonry. No, I never said that. It's not true.

QUESTIONER: What about the French Revolution? Did the Jews create the French Revolution?

No, but they collaborated. Rabbi Lewis Israel Newman wrote a book about revolutionary movements in Europe. He says there's never been a revolutionary movement which hasn't had collaboration with the Jews. That's his statement. If I say it I'm an anti-semite, but if Rabbi Newman says it then it's true. They did collaborate with every revolutionary movement, and the Simonini letter gives some indication that they collaborated with the French Revolution.

If you want to talk about the Jewish Question, okay? The beginning of the Jewish Question began when Napoleon emancipated the Jews. Okay, he made them Jewish citizens because he wanted to attack Russia. Within months of that decision he was coming back, because Strasbourg and the people in Strasbourg were complaining: "As soon as you made the Jews citizens all hell broke loose here! They're exploiting everyone! This is terrible!" That was the beginning of it. Napoleon started it, and for the rest of the nineteenth century we had something called the Jewish Question because of the emancipation of the Jews that Napoleon brought about. Not only in France but in every country that he conquered. The culmination of this was that LA CIVILTA CATTOLICA, which was the official journal of the Vatican, wrote a three piece series on the Jewish Question in 1890, and to summarize a long article, this is the official statement of the Vatican. It was written to talk about the hundredth anniversary of the French Revolution. And what they said was: any country that turns away from the laws created by Christian Kings winds up being ruled by Jews. That was state-of-the-art discussion of the Jewish Question as of 1890. And it's cited in the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

QUESTIONER: Are you in good standing in the Roman Catholic Church, or have you been ostracized?

I am a member of the local parish here. I go to Mass every Sunday. I'm in good standing with the Catholic Church. In terms of the official standing. In terms of, do Catholic academics clamor to invite me to their symposia? Well, no, that's a different story. I'll give you a good example, back when I was starting off on the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. The first chapter is on the Gospel of St. John. So I was invited to Prague by a Catholic group, and I gave a talk on the Gospel of St. John, specifically quotes like when the Jews turn on Jesus and Jesus says to the Jews, Your father is Satan. Okay, it's in there, Gospel of St. John. Jesus said it, I believe it, and that settles it. Okay? As the bumper sticker used to say. Anyway, after I gave this talk an article appears in a Jewish newspaper: "Jones says Jews are Children of Satan". Well, no. I felt like saying no, I don't want to be accused of plagiarism here. Jesus said that, I didn't say that. And so I was denounced as an anti-semite because I gave that talk in Prague. And the Cardinal Archbishop denounced me as well! I don't know exactly what he said but he went to the Israelis in the American Embassy.

Okay. Years later, okay? I'm in Poland and the Polish edition of Libido Dominandi, Sexual Liberation and Political Control is coming out and we're heading out on the book tour, throughout all Poland. The first stop is Warsaw and it's at the Catholic Archdiocese. I'm speaking in their auditorium. Well, every two minutes the phone is ringing. Cancel the book tour! Jones is an anti-semite! He's been identified as an anti-semite by some newspaper! I got to the venue, I go in and say a prayer in the cathedral. Come back out and there's the Chancellor. And he says, Don't worry about it. Don't worry, give your talk. I gave my talk. People lined up around the block. We sold a lot of copies. Next day we went to [a nearby town] where the big demonstration was supposed to be. There are six cop cars and no demonstrators. So this is an example. When the Catholic Church does show some type of unity and solidarity, we have some type of impact. Because what happened after my book came out, the Polish bishops did a pastoral letter on gender ideology and between the two of us we destroyed things like homosexual marriage in Poland. Okay? Nobody takes it seriously in Poland. If you mention homosexual marriage in Poland they'll ask you if you're taking money from George Soros.

QUESTIONER: Do you think that the Holocaust was a reaction to Jewish messianism in the form of Bolshevism?

I think Hitler could not have come to power if the Germans hadn't been scared to death by Bolshevism, which they saw as Jewish. So the Soviet republics, and the Munich Soviet Republic (German: Bayerische Räterepublik) that got established in Berlin at the same time, scared all of the Germans. They were scared to death that Bolshevism was going to spread West. And if it hadn't been for the Poles defeating the Bolsheviks in 1920, it would have gone to Germany. There's a story about the two famous Jews in the Politburo, I forget their names now: anyway one Jew stands up there and he says, "We're going to take over Poland and then we're going to take over Germany and then we're going to take over the world!" And the other guy says, "Wait a minute we don't have enough Jews to do that." It was kind of a joke in the Soviet Union. Okay? But everyone felt it. There's a guy also came out around the same time my book came out. Johannes Rogalla von Bieberstein wrote a book in German called Jüdischer Bolschewismus, Mythos & Realität, which pretty much states all of the sources. Not every Bolshevik was a Jew, but it was a Jewish political movement. It was portrayed as such, and it was perceived as such as well, and the Jews bragged about it. They thought it was a great thing, and so that's the way it was perceived. And Hitler never could have come to power if he hadn't associated Jews with Bolshevism.

QUESTIONER: Yeah. So you're saying that there are reactions. That when one group does one thing you know another group is going to react. That our deeds have consequences. That's another way of stating what you just said.

Right. It didn't come out of nowhere. In other words, when they saw Eugen Leviné and those guys take over Munich they thought, well they're going to try to take over the entire country. And we need someone who is going to protect us and Hitler was able to play that card. And that's how he got elected.

QUESTIONER: The Southern Poverty Law Center says here that you charge that anyone who goes to a mainstream university will emerge with the Jewish world view and maybe even a Jewish spouse.

I've never said that, sorry.

QUESTIONER: So do you think people who are going to elite universities are likely to emerge with a Jewish world view?

Well, there's a guy by the name of Yuri Slezkine, and he wrote a book called The Jewish Century in which he said basically Jews had taken over discourse in all of the major institutions of our country during the course of the 20th century, and it's a good thing. Okay? So there are people who have said this, who think it's a good thing. Yuri Slezkine is one of them. Okay, if you're asking me, Have Jews had inordinate influence over discourse during the course of 20th century, especially the second half of the 20th century in the United States? Yeah, they have.

QUESTIONER: I'm thinking that in all your writings on the Jews, if you had simply slanted things a little bit different, like if you said 90% of the same things but then said, "Isn't this wonderful", you know, you'd be celebrated today.

Of course. I mean pornography is like the classic example. Abram says, "Yeah Jews are behind pornography" and that's a good thing. Jones says, "Yeah Jews are behind pornography" and that's a bad thing. And then suddenly it's that I'm an anti-semite. I said exactly the same thing you said. The same thing. Are you an anti-semite?

QUESTIONER: I don't think so [laughs]. How important is race?



In terms of the Jewish Question?

QUESTIONER: In terms of the Jewish Question and, you know, everything else.

It has no bearing whatsoever on the Jewish Question. The Jewish Question is theological. The Genome Project has established that the Ashkenazi Jews are basically a Turkic race so they're not even Semitic. If you want to go back to the Bible, the Jews at the time of Jesus Christ basically invented racism. That's why they rejected Jesus Christ. They, at that time, I think they could say with a straight face that they had they were sperm of Abraham. They had Abraham's DNA in their cells. Okay, I think they could make that case. But Jesus dismissed the whole thing. He said, So what? So what? God doesn't need your DNA. God could take rocks and turn them into people. He doesn't need you. But that was the stumbling block of the Jews. The Jews created and they have preserved this kind of racial attitude even though it doesn't make any sense anymore. But from my point of view, I completely repudiate all forms of racism. Even the ADL had to say that in their attack on me. They had to say that. They had to admit that I am against racism.

The Jews from my perspective is a theological construct, as a rejecter of Christ. That's what he's been, that's what he is today. If you go click on Sarah Silverman you can see her, this so-called Jewish comedian, saying, "Yeah we killed Christ, and I'd do it again!" That's what I'm talking about. That's the rejection of Christ. The rejection of the Logos Incarnate. The rejection of the Logos of the universe that turned these people into revolutionaries, which is what they are, which is what she is, in her own way.

QUESTIONER: What do you think of the "Alt-Right"?

They're bogged down in race. I keep telling these people, "I'm not white. I'm biracial. I'm Irish and German." If you identify yourself as white that means you don't know who you are, okay? They're nice to me because I'm a willing to address the Jewish Question, which other, prominent people are not. I'm not saying I'm prominent, but I'm saying prominent people by definition will not talk about the Jewish Question. So Henrik and Lana invite me on Red Ice Radio, which is the Swedish white-guy "Alt-Right" program, to talk about Christmas. And there's Henrik the Swede wearing his Santa Claus hat. I'm thinking, well wait. What do you want? What do you Swedes want? You want Christmas without Christ. Is that what you want? Well, I can understand that, but it's not going to work. And that's not what I'm about. I spent time with David Duke trying to tell him, look this doesn't make sense. I have exchanges back and forth with Kevin McDonald. He's the hero of the "Alt-Right". Kevin is a former Catholic who lost his faith in Wisconsin because of the sexual revolution. He's already talked about that, and now he's going down this path of social Darwinism that makes no sense. Doesn't make any sense. The book I'm writing right now, the first chapter is on Darwinism and a Atheism. It just doesn't make any sense.

QUESTIONER: Do you think a lot of Catholics, and a lot of Christians, and frankly a lot of religious people lost their faith because of the sexual revolution? They simply couldn't control their sexual urges now that it was socially permitted to act on them.

I think you're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. And the man who understood how this works was Wilhelm Reich. He said basically, Use weaponized sex, politicized sex, living in Austria in the 1930's. If you read hit Reich's book... Reich was a Jew, he was a Freudian, and he was a communist. And he put all these things together in a book called The Mass Psychology of Fascism. Which means basically, if you pray you're not going to masturbate. And if you masturbate you're not going to pray. So his job in life was promoting masturbation to get people to stop praying, so that he could take over Catholic Austria. So yeah, you're absolutely right. I just got a letter from someone of contacted me through YouTube. He said, "You know, I love your stuff. I was raised a Catholic. My mother became the disco queen of the 1970's and wrecked our family." So yeah, you're absolutely right.

QUESTIONER: And I'm gonna sound like a total wacko here but I got to tell you when I completely gave up masturbation, four and a half years ago, it changed my life for the good. I used to obsess about sex like an hour a day, 2 hours a day, 3 hours a day, sometimes more. But when I completely cut out masturbation, you know I think about sex 5 minutes a day, maybe 10 minutes a day. And so it just freed up my mind and my life for much more productive uses. Do you have any thoughts on masturbation?

Well, I think Wilhelm Reich was absolutely right. If you masturbate you're not gonna pray, and if you pray you're not going to masturbate. The point of my book Libido Dominandi is that sexual liberation is a form of control. So the oligarchs, the people who control the culture, flood the culture with sexual imagery to encourage sexual deviance and masturbation because they know that people become docile, and that docile people are easier to control. This is the whole point of our culture. It is using this type of sexual liberation as a form of control. And what you said fits in exactly with that program.

QUESTIONER: I'm going to questions from the chat. Is Catholicism a sort of globalism?

Yes, it is true globalism. Let's take Europe as the classic example, the first instance of Catholicism taking over the culture. Did Catholicism obliterate local culture? No, it preserved local culture. Okay, Europe under Catholicism had ethnic identity, but allowed a collaboration between these ethnic groups that did not exist before that time. Okay, my German ancestors spent a lot of time fighting each other, okay? And other any other ethnic group that was different than they were. The Catholic Church preserved ethnic identity and allowed collaboration between these ethnic groups in a way that no other transcendental globalist group has been able to do up to this time.

QUESTIONER: Do you want America to become a Roman Catholic nation?

What does that mean? What does that mean? We have something here called the separation of church and state. Okay, the separation of church and state means that the rich people get to tell the poor people what to do, because the moral law has been excluded from discussion. The moral law is the only thing that protects the poor man from the exploitation by the rich. It was systematically excluded from discussion during the period following World War Two and the Jews played a significant role in this secularization of the United States, okay? Especially their school prayer decisions. That was all orchestrated by the AJC to secularize the United States and allow minorities greater and greater control over the majority.

Separation of church and state has proven to be a disaster. Proper balance would be: the United States government is the body, the Catholic Church should be the soul of the body. It should have this formative effect on the culture. I do not want a theocracy. We're not talking about theocracy. We are talking about a collaboration between the government and the only institution on the face of the earth that can guarantee the preservation of the moral law and an accurate understanding of it, and that's the Catholic Church.

QUESTIONER: Most all the intellectual leaders of the "Alt-Right" are atheists. I believe you've spoken at, you know, white-nationalist counter-current events or something like that. How much interactions have you had with these leading white-nationalist intellectuals, aside from David Duke and Kevin MacDonald, and what was your take-away from your interactions with these people?

I've never met Kevin MacDonald in person. We've had an exchange in the letters column of Culture Wars magazine, which i think is worth talking about. I did meet David Duke in person when I was in Mexico, and I spent a week trying to say... I told him basically, "You'd be more effective if you became a Catholic because you would have a clearer understanding of the dynamics involved here, and you wouldn't get hung up on these racial issues." And then I said, "Beyond that, when you talk about white European values, what the hell does that mean? There's no white people in Europe. When I was in in downtown Budapest, was I surrounded by white guys? I was surrounded by Hungarians! It's a totally alien ideology that doesn't work in Europe, and so you're not going to succeed". That's basically what I said. That's the only contact I've had with him. David Duke, so far as I know, has not become a Catholic, so that didn't work, but that's the only two contacts I've had with these, I guess what you would call the Racist Right, or the "Alt-Right".

QUESTIONER: Do you think the Old Testament is inferior to the New Testament?

No, I think the Old Testament finds its completion in the New Testament. There's a heresy called Marcionism which basically said that the Old Testament was written by the devil. No, I don't believe that. I think, as I said, that the Old Testament finds its completion in the New Testament, and I think if you cut the Old Testament off from the New Testament you're going to have a revolutionary tract - which is how the Puritans and other Judaizing sects used the Old Testament. All you have to do is look at the Civil War in England and you'll see what happens when you: first of all, when you take the Bible out of the Catholic Church; and secondly, when you remove the Old Testament from the New Testament you end up with a revolutionary manifesto.

QUESTIONER: You were friends with Rabbi Dresner. Have you had friendships with other Jews, and what sort of conversations did you have?

Yes I have. To give you an example, the series that I mentioned, the LA CIVILTA CATTOLICA series on the Jewish Question, it was a Jew who paid for that to be translated, because he thought it was the best statement on the Jewish Question has ever been written. There are lots of Jews who are unhappy being hostages to the major Jewish organizations, being used as human shields to advanced the agenda of the Sanhedrin of the major Jewish organizations. You know there are lots of Jews out there like that. Norman Finkelstein is a prominent example. There are lots of people who are like that. Some of them convert. I've been instrumental in the conversion of some Jews to Catholicism. Others support me even though they remain Jews, because they like what I'm saying. They like my honesty.

QUESTIONER: Right. I mean you are very forthright, and you're very funny. People just like listen to some of your interviews online, and it's like it's really refreshing how open you are. Do you see a connection between feminism, obesity and lesbianism?

Yeah I did an article on this. Roxanne Gay is a new feminist icon and she weighed in at 579 pounds or something like that. I did an article on that because I think the connection is appetite. It's very similar to what I said about sexual liberation and political control. Feminism is a social engineering thing and Jews played a prominent role at the beginning of it. Jewish women tend to be feminist. It's an oligarchic attempt to basically drive down wages. That's what the Rockefellers were interested in. Because if you double the workforce you're cutting wages in half. You're also weakening the family.

And how do you do this? How do you sell this to these young ladies? Well you say: "Now you can say Yes to appetite!" Now in the 70's everybody thought well, you must mean the sexual appetite, and so as I said that the disco queen is probably a feminist because she got to say Yes to appetite. But over a period of time it turned out to mean any appetite you can say yes to, and the other appetite is the one where you eat a lot. And apparently there's now, according to the NIH, there's a connection between lesbianism and obesity, okay? And they actually spent millions of dollars trying to figure out the connection. Well I could have saved them a lot of money! The connection is appetite. You're telling all these women to say Yes to appetite. You're telling them to "leave the kitchen": I quoted that woman who wrote that in the 70's and now she's head of the food bureau in in London, and she's regretting what she said because as soon as the women left the kitchen the kids had to go to McDonald's. And so you had the rise of junk food, and you have the rise of junk food you're having the rise of obesity. So there's a direct connection, this obvious direct connection, between feminism and obesity.

QUESTIONER: Yeah, that's common sense but you know it takes Michael Jones to say it. And then I gotta think that any normal person listening to you would say yeah the guy's right on. It's great.

I mean what are they going to call me? I mean they've already called me every name in the book. So what are you going to call me a misogynist because I said that? Well go ahead.

QUESTIONER: Do regular, ordinary Catholics give you a hard time for being too harsh on the Jews? Or is that only like some Catholic elites?

Well, I've already talked to you about that, but I mean... Recently Cardinal Wuerl gave a homily about how there's no Catholic unity anymore. And everybody thought it was the greatest speech since Demosthenes, so yeah, they decided to have a program based on this. And suddenly they hand it to a consultant. The consultant sends me a proposal. I get this proposal, and the proposal begins by saying well, yeah we need to talk about Catholic identity but in order to talk about that you need to talk about the "Triple Melting Pot", and you need to talk about the ethnic cleansing of Catholic neighborhoods and suddenly I realize well wait a minute, this guy's citing my stuff! And then there it is, my name appears in the proposal. Well, it gets sent in to the Archdiocese and the Cardinal's ghostwriter says, "E Michael Jones is a red flag, so we can't use it." This is the type of... I don't know who this guy is! I mean nobody's supposed to know, I suppose, that the Cardinal has a ghostwriter, but the guy runs the entire operation according to the commands of his oppressors. I mean this is what T'm saying: Catholics are good at internalizing the commands of their oppressors. So there are lots of Catholics who like me and then there are lots of Catholics who say, No, no, you can't use him, he's a red flag, and we can't we can't mention his name.

QUESTIONER: Yeah. What do you think would lead someone to to convert from a Christian background to Orthodox Judaism? You think that's a character flaw? Do you think it's simply bad reasoning? What do you understand?

To cite your case: you were raised as a Jew because you were raised as a Seventh-day Adventist. It's a Judaizing sect. I live 50 miles from the Vatican of the Seventh-day Adventists. Berrien Springs here. And they're a Judaizing sect. They worship on Saturday, and they have all these Talmudic dietary laws. So in a sense, you're one example, okay? And virtually every Evangelical is a Christian Zionist, so they're all raised to be Jews. The Puritans were classic Judaizing sects, so in a sense the pilgrims were all Judaizers - because they separated the Old Testament from the New. They didn't have a church to go to, the Catholic Church had been destroyed in England. And so when the pilgrims went to Holland they thought, we're really Jews! I mean they talked about the Presbyterians. He's a Scottish man who eats pork. He's a Jew who eats pork! And this is what happened. So I can understand why people in these Judaizing sects would become Jews. It's logical to me. I have a similar instance, my good friend Kevin Barrett. I've spent time with him in in Tehran and he was raised as a Unitarian. Well he's a Muslim now. So we're with a busload of Muslims there, and I say, "Kevin, you just added camels to your Unitarianism!" And everybody cracked up in the bus. They thought that was funny. But I mean you have these sects in the United States that are basically, you know, Judaizing or in that sense Unitarian, those kinds of rationalist sects, and I can understand why the people there would become Jews.

QUESTIONER: You seem to have a gift for friendship. You seem to have had a lot of very sustaining friendships. At the same time, because you're so outspoken, I'm assuming that also places a strain on many friendships. Can you talk a little bit about the importance that friendships have played in your life and also the consequences to your friendships from being so outspoken.

Yeah. I've been doing this for almost 40 years now. And I suddenly realized what I am trying to do: I'm trying to enable conversations where people cannot talk to each other. That's all I'm trying to do. And I do all this research and say, "Well no, you really need to reframe the issue..." You know, and where you have a conversation, where you really have a meeting of the minds, you become friends. So in a sense I'm trying to promote friendship. Okay now, that doesn't mean everything is going to be hunky-dory after that. So my whole life otherwise is basically like the cowboy movie. You know, one false move and you're dead. Well so I get a large following of people who think I'm great, and then I write something, and suddenly it's like I'm getting gored by some ox.

I mean, an example that you probably wouldn't understand is that there was a private apparition mania going through the Catholic Church in the 1980's. It was all a part of the anti-communist crusade and one of the biggest phony apparitions was Medjugorje in Yugoslavia. Anyway I got paid by two millionaires, okay? To go to Medjugorje. Now they were both fanatical followers, so it didn't take a genius to figure out which side my bread was buttered on. And I ended up writing an article saying, "It's all a hoax. It was all made up, and this is how it happened." Well, needless to say, that was the end of those friendships with those rich people. You know? I'm sorry. I made this decision a long time ago. I've committed myself to telling the truth. It's that simple. And if telling the truth offends you, I'm sorry. But I'm not gonna go back on telling you the truth. Even if I lose my millionaire friends, I'm not going to go back on this.

QUESTIONER: Does the present state of the Church contradict its claim to the truth?

The Church as of today is not proclaiming the Gospel in certain areas. Okay? It's always the danger. Now I went into Rome, and I had met with a high official in the State Department in Rome. And I had lunch with him, and I said, "Look. The Church is not proclaiming the Gospel in three areas: First area, they're not talking about usury. That's a crucial issue. Second area, is they're not talking about the Jews. They're not proclaiming what the Gospel says about the Jews. And the third area, separation of church and state. So there are three areas where the Church is not proclaiming the Gospel, and as a result the Church is not having an effect on the world that it should have."

QUESTIONER: What's the proper role of nationalism in your view?

Nationalism is a word that has to be defined, okay? If by nationalism you mean: "My country right or wrong" you're going to end up in trouble. And you're going to have something like National Socialism. "Ethnos" or nation, that's the basis of nationhood. It's a language group, basically. It doesn't really have a lot to do with race, but it's a language group. At the top of the pyramid there is the family as the first social entity. And then there is the ethnic group, and then there is the nation or the state. All of these need to be subordinated to the moral law and the Catholic Church exists to interpret the moral law correctly and insist on its enforcement. That's the proper hierarchy.

QUESTIONER: Would you like to bring back the Inquisition?

If I brought back to the Inquisition in the current Church, I would be the first guy that would be put on trial. I guarantee it.

QUESTIONER: Why do you think so many priests are homos?

First of all, the short answer to that is the Sexual Revolution of the 1960's. Wilhelm Reich, in his book, targeted Catholic clergy. He said, "We need to teach these clergymen how to masturbate because that will wreck the clergy". And he talked about women too. And he said, "Well, every time I tell a woman to masturbate, she ends up feeling guilty. So there's a problem here. How can I solve that problem?" Well, he talked about mass situations. So if you get a lot of people going to something like Woodstock or going to the movies or a feminist March, they can masturbate not feel guilty about it. So the point here is creating mass situations, which is what precisely what the Cultural Revolution of the 1960's was. It was a mass situation that basically persuaded... It came at the end of the Second Vatican Council, and the Church decided that we're going to update the Catholic Church, and these people, the sexual revolutionaries, rushed in the door and they updated it by allowing sexual liberties that did not exist before.

In the first wave, most people are heterosexual and so the priests who were heterosexual at this point all ran off and got married or had affairs and then repented. There was no incentive for a homosexual to leave the Catholic Church. And so the proportion became higher during this period of time. And then at certain points when you have enough homosexuals they take over things like the seminaries, and by the 1980's you had a severe crisis in seminaries across the across the entire Catholic Church. Because now they were forming priests, and basically if you didn't go along with the sexual liberation program (as basically imposed by some type of feminist counselor) you got kicked out of the seminary oftentimes. So that's how that led to that homosexual problem in the Catholic Church.

QUESITONER: And how big of a problem is it?

I think it's over. I think that one part of the homosexual thing was pedophilia, and this was centered on the sexual revolution. So it's like a bomb crater. You know? When you come from the 50's up to the 60's you come to one end of the crater, and then by the 80's you're starting leaving. You're heading out of the crater. So the most young priests are straight arrows. They're Orthodox. They're not bright for the most part, but they're Orthodox. And they know the difference between orthodoxy and sexual revolution. The sexual revolutionaries, whether they're homosexual or heterosexual, are basically my generation, the baby boomer generation, and they're going to pass out of existence.

QUESTIONER: Is it okay to blame the the pedophilia outbreak, you know, throughout different religions, though most famously in the Catholic Church, is it okay to blame this on the homosexuals? Or is that being homophobic?

No. I think the opposite is kind of odd. Homosexuals are attracted to attractive young people. So, we have this mysterious thing where if you're 17 years old and turn 18 next month and someone has sex with you, that's a crime. But if you're 18 years old, it's virtuous behavior because everybody knows that sodomy is the noblest thing you can do right now. So there's this weird double standard that I don't think stands up in reality. The homosexual is driven by his unruly passions and he sees something he likes and I don't think he checks the driver's license of people in bath houses or places like that. I don't think that happens. Now there's a special kind of sickness where people are attracted to prepubescent boys and girls and that's different. But it's a very small amount compared to the other wider homosexual perversions.

QUESTIONER: Now my friend Casey says as long as these gay priests are celibate, who cares? I say if they're gay, you know, even if they're celibate, they're so flawed that why would the Church want them as priests?

No, there's nothing sinful about having a homosexual orientation. You're just screwed up because of something that happened in your past. But if you have that, you should not be ordained to priesthood because it's a defect. Not everyone has the right to ordain to the priesthood. So if you have fingers missing you cannot become a priest. You have to have all ten fingers to become a priest because you have to say the Mass. If you don't have fingers - it may not be your fault, you probably didn't cut them off yourself - but because of that you're defective and therefore you cannot become a priest. The same thing is true of a homosexual orientation. You're defective. It's not a sin to have it, but you're defective and you can't become a priest.

QUESTIONER: Yeah, that makes absolute sense. Another question from the chat room. When JFK pledged that his Catholicism wouldn't affect his presidential judgment, was that the end of the Church in America? You know, ironically enough with the ascent of the first Catholic president, wouldn't you want his Catholicism affecting his judgment?

Yes. I think he made a mistake. I think he made a mistake in doing that. The good example of this would be Hilaire Belloc. He ran for office in England, and Hilaire Belloc was challenged because he was a Catholic. At this point Hilaire Belloc dragged his rosary beads out of his pocket and held them up in front of the crowd saying, "These are my beads. I tell them every day. If you don't like it, don't vote for me!" That's what Kennedy should have done, but he was advised by other people and he made a statement that I think was wrong. He shouldn't have said it.

QUESTIONER: It seems by and large that Roman Catholicism is a low-intensity commitment for the overwhelming majority of Catholics. As an Orthodox Jew, the overwhelming majority of Orthodox Jews I know have a very high commitment. They go to a synagogue every day. They study Torah. They study Talmud. It's a very high intensity, high commitment religion. But it seems like for most Roman Catholics their religion is a very low intensity, low commitment thing.

Yeah. I think I can understand what you're saying. I think that the tendency among people is to want to fit in. We're Catholics. We're immigrants here. The WASP elite had already been established before most of them came. They wanted to fit in, and the priests came from families that wanted to fit in, and so the priests wanted to fit in. It was called Americanism, and it was condemned as a heresy by Pope Leo the 13th, okay? But Americanism has had a devastating effect on Catholicism because at a certain point, what you're saying is that America has veto power. The American regime has veto power over what Catholics can believe or profess.

So then your tendency then is like, "Well let's water it down and make it like everyone else" and as a result, you do that enough, there's no reason to become a Catholic if it's just like every other religion. "Well no, why should I do it?" I went through this myself. I left the Church during my college years because of the Jesuits. The Jesuits were a disaster! They're still a disaster! James Martin is a disaster for the Catholic Church. But they kept saying, you know, they kept telling me, "Well, these are the best and brightest that the Church can produce" and I thought, well if that's the case, the Church can't be worth joining! I left to discover it on my own. When I went to Germany I discovered the real, or the universality of the Church. But I think you're right. It is low intensity. What you find here with these Latin Mass parishes is they demand more commitment and they get a more committed following.

QUESTIONER: When you left the Church, did you become a degenerate?

No. Because I got married almost at the same time. I got married. I was 21 years old when I got married and my wife was 20. And it saved my ass from a lot of trouble. So the story of my life is basically driving to Woodstock and getting stuck in a traffic jam. God saved me from a lot of bad things that my peers sucumbed to.

QUESTIONER: How long have you been married?

It will be 49 years this summer.

QUESTIONER: Oh fantastic! That's amazing. Malachi Martin was kind of a big deal in my Seventh-day Adventist upbringing. Who was Malachi Martin?

Malachi Martin was a Jesuit. He was working for Cardinal Bea in Rome at the time of the Second Vatican Council, and he became an agent of the Jews. Specifically B'nai Brith and the AJC. The Jews wanted the Church to remove the teaching of deicide from the Catholic Church, and that was Malachi Martin's job. So he was paid by the Jews to do this through publishing contracts.

QUESTIONER: Are all Jews responsible for the the killing of Jesus? Or was it only the responsibility of a small number of Jews?

The "Jewish People" are responsible for the killing of Christ. Now when you say the "Jewish People", you're not saying all Jews, okay? It's the same thing today. Just because you say "ADL" or "AJC", that doesn't mean you're talking about all Jews. That's the mobilization of the "Jewish People" for certain political ends. The Sanhedrin was responsible for them at that time, by that mobilization at that time. Nostra Aetate, the document of Vatican 2, says, "Not all Jews at the time of Christ were responsible for his death." Well, that's obvious! Are you telling me the Blessed Mother stood there and said, "Crucify Him!" No. Did Saint John the Beloved Disciple shout, "Crucify Him"? No no, obviously not! The "Jewish People" did, but that doesn't mean that all Jews did.

QUESTIONER: Like so does a Jew in twentieth century America bear any responsibility for the death of Jesus?

Well, I brought up Sarah Silverman. What the responsibility is, is the rejection of Christ! This is Jewish identity. As a Jew, your definition of yourself is someone who rejects Christ. Okay now, the extreme form of rejection is murder and that did take place. And so you have Jews like Sarah Silverman saying, "Yeah, I'd kill him again!" And that's an extreme version of it, but rejection is a manifestation of the same type of attitude.

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