Kandy Wedding Bells!

in Steem Sri Lankalast year

Hello everyone,

Today um gonna share with you about one of the very first experiences in my life. It's attending in a Muslim wedding. Not only in Sri Lanka, but also in the entire world we celebrate marriages giving priority to our religion. I've never thought of this before. Anyway here is my very first experience!


Girls pay a great attention on their dresses when they are invited to a wedding. So um a girl! I always love to wear frocks and finally this orange red frock became my dress for the wedding. There was a rush in the dressing room, as many girls of the batch were in the room. I quickly got ready, applied simple make up and helped others for their saree dressings.


Finally the time came that bride entering to the hall. There I experienced a huge difference than ours. Only the bride came to the hall, and many of her female relatives and few males were in the hall. You may know this. In Muslim weddings they set two separate parts, one part for males and the other part for females.

Furthermore the way they arrange their lunch is totally different than ours. They place mats on the floor, foods are kept in the big bowls called as "Sawan". All sit on the mat, as a round and eat together. It has given them a lovely family gathering, as it looked.Also they do not use any alcohols in their parties. According to their religion alcohols are prohibited.

As we are not familiar with that "sawans" they have arranged tables for us. Specially their warm welcomes, Our friend's mother's and father's lovely talkings made my day!

Dear Nusra, May you have a wonderful marriage life!

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