It Was a Fun Day!

in Steem Sri Lanka11 months ago

As I mentioned in the previous post, world mental health day was celebrated on 10th october at the national institute of mental health. Their,they have organized an exhibition and a mental health day proggrame. We were asked to participate for this and eventually it became a free day since we decided to choose the exhibition.


Speciality of this exhibition was it was conducted by it's patients, who are statying there a long period of time. Their craftings like key tags, beautiful bags like tote bags, weaved bags, weaved rugs, earrings, drawngs, and etc. Some out siders were also invited for some stalls and make up items and foods were there.


Even though their functional level is reduced due to mental conditions, their creativity level was in a high level. In the art stall I found a guy who was with his own nice drawings. Arts on the train tickets were one of the nicest things I found. I found hospital made nice earrings too.


Heart shaped comfortable pillow is the only thing I bought, and it's for my boy friend. That stall consisted of items similar to that. Since it was an exhibition there must be somethimg to eat. Of course they had. Some food stalls belonged to NIMH patients and some belonged to out side people. Pol Rotty with lunu miris, cutlets and maniokka were really delious and I saw everyone was enjoying in the food stalls.


Walking here and there seeing those cute beautiful items was really an enjoyble thing with my friends. The first photo was taken at my favourite stall, a second hand book stall!

Fun day ryt?


Arts on the train tickets were one of the nicest things I found.

This sounds interesting. I'm curious to see them now.

But I did not buy ☹️

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