Greatful For the Precious Time!

in Steem Sri Lanka3 months ago


Today was the last day of my exams. It means all are finished. Um not gonna study for exams, may be for a few months or years, I guess. Um great ful for everyone and everything helped me in the journey. It actually took a long time to finish my higher studies due to many reasons. I have no worries about the time, as the experience through the long journey is so precious! I learned a lot through experiences.


My clinical practice taught me a lot. I associated with many people. I saw their efforts and fights for life. I saw how a second of neglect destroys someone's life. I learnt through their strength and courage. I saw some people whose both legs are paralyzed and will never be able to walk, are showing their strength to others.


Sometimes I got hurt. Yes. That happen to everyone. Through the painful experiences also I learnt something. Everyone we call as a friend is not actually a friend. I got so many friends here, and some of them will be unforgettable with their beautiful charcteristcs.


I have beautiful memories here either. I was able to be a part of small batch trips which I really enjoyed. Batch trip to Benthara beach was one of the most excited days in my life. It's unforgettable. We had so many evening gatherings to which is so nice to remember. I can definetely say I met genuine people who never hold a knife at my back. They saved me, protected me, went to the office for me even in my abscence.

Thanks you my friends! ❤️

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