When you can not change anything in your life, change your attitude

in #life8 years ago

Sometimes, you can not change your circumstances, or at least is not timely. You can not start a job from one moment to the other. You can not change someone's opinion, against their will. And you certainly can not erase the past. So before this impracticality, what options are left? I think the options are, change your perception, belief or opinion on your circumstances. Doing so will help you change your attitude and ultimately allow you to grow beyond what disturbs or can not control.

More than 2,000 years ago the Greek philosopher Epictetus said, "People are disturbed not by things (that happen to them), but the principles and opinions that make for (those) things. When we are upset, or sad, we should never give it to others, but to ourselves, that is, to our own principles and opinions. "

Several studies in the psychology field have proven that the way people react to events is determined predominantly by its view of events, not the events themselves.

Not sure how to change your perception of things and improve your attitude?

Are seven tips that will help you change your attitude for the better. "

Reassure your mind

In order to consciously realize what goes on in your mind, you need to develop a clear awareness of this whole process. To make this possible care that you get the necessary distance to temporarily stop being involved with the events. For moments focus your attention on your breathing. Then take a few deep breaths, taking longer to inspire it to expire. No banalize this simple exercise. If in doubt, try it. Give him some credit.

Focus on your breathing makes room for a change of its internal state, allowing temporarily away from the whirlwind of negative feelings and thoughts. So, allow yourself to take a break these excessive worries.

Do not say you can not or you can not. I believe that you are going through a bad time to catch some battles, you feel some kind of insecurity or has important goals to achieve. But a break from all this for a few minutes can be a golden moment in your life.

It's perfectly healthy to take a break and let the world go around without concern for a while. If you do not, you will run out. Find brief moments in your life to recover and find the necessary tranquility to later think more clearly.

Example of an exercise:

Idealize a state of being where tranquility reigns and clarity of thought. Where can be observed without acting. A state where you can access your consciousness and self-knowledge. Feel the strength of your breath, feel the flow to reach every part of your body, every cell. Every breath is processed by your strength. It stays with you. Feel the energy in your breath. Feel your breath to re-energize your body. As you breathe, feel the energy rising. Now stay with your strength, feel it. Then channel it to some of its objectives. Middle his strength to where she needs to be.

Make this exercise a habit. Get used to promote this state. With practice this state will be familiar. Use it whenever you feel disturbed and his reason begin to abandon it. Call to you this state of lucidity and quiet whenever you feel you are losing control of your thoughts. Stay in it long enough to clear your mind and resuming full reasoning of features supported by your consciousness.

Change your focus

From the awareness of your thoughts and emotions you become able to consciously redirect your focus where you want. Once you realize that thinking too much in certain subject harms it is time for you to apply point 1. Reassure your mind briefly and then consciously orient their focus to something that can change your status for the better.

Focus on the next logical and significant step that can help improve the situation and therefore feel better. Keep hope alive through their positive. As difficult as the situation is, do not let the pain turns into despair, and despair in emotional distress. Do not direct your life by negativity. Do not let the bitterness steal your life force.

Spend your energy moving forward. Change your thoughts to change your reality. Our thoughts are manufacturers of our moods, are the inventors of our dreams, and the creators of our will. That's why we have to analyze it carefully, and choose to answer only those who will help us build the life we want.

Desdramatize your worries and embrace acceptance

All of us without exception possess the capacity to experience inner peace. Inner peace does not depend on external conditions, it is what we experience when we got rid of the ego and concerns. Peace can be found within you anywhere and at anytime. It's always there, waiting patiently for you to return your attention to it.

Peace of mind comes when we are not in inner conflict. This happens for example when we are right where we are and how we are. This acceptance of things as they are creating the basis for inner harmony. The need for something to be different from the time that we are experiencing can become a concern, and worry can lead you to a cycle of intrusive.s thoughts.

Remember, the same part of you that yearns for peace is the part of you experiencing peace. It is not difficult to achieve and is as simple as accepting the time and drive attention to the wishful thinking.

Practice gratitude

Although you may want to achieve more goals, dreams and challenges in your life, this does not invalidate that can not appreciate what you already have or have already won. If you do not have what you want, certainly has enough to ensure you many basic things in life that go unrecognized. Be grateful for what you have, and also grateful for all that you do not have but want to achieve. It's a beautiful way and bittersweet to think all at once.

If not achieved what you want also means that there are still many opportunities available from being able to take place. Find balance in the thought that you can not always have what you want. For if it were not so, there would be nothing to experience. Appreciate what you know, and also appreciate the many things that still does not understand or has not yet reached. In view generated by what we need to know or achieve, it is the growth of joy.

Life will always be incomplete and somewhat asymmetrical. Realize it and embrace it. Be grateful for what you have and at the same time for what is to come. If you have everything you want, your journey would come to an end.

Interpret your struggles and growing pains

Remember that happiness, passion or success in most cases there are no effortless. If the road is easy, rejoice with it. But if the path has been somewhat tortuous, do not despair, something will bloom. Many of our struggles help us grow, even if it is difficult to understand and accept at the time. The circumstances will direct it, fix it and improve it over time.

Sometimes these circumstances drop it, it's hard. There will be times when it seems that everything that could go wrong is going wrong. And you can feel that this will always happen that way, but it will not. When you feel like giving up, remember what positive can withdraw and come to serve you in the future?

Sometimes you have to go through the worst, to get to your best. Because our most significant opportunities are often found in times of great difficulty. Thus, you will face its greatest opposition when you are closer to your greatest miracle.

Look for a new beginning in each completed cycle

Everything in life has to come to an end at some point. It is important to recognize and accept the end of something and know move away sensibly when something has reached its end. For example, closing the door, turning the page, moving on. No matter how you dubs this decision, what matters is to leave the past where it belongs so you can enjoy the life that is still available to be lived.

This particular end is not the end, it's just your life to start again in a new way, in a particular area of life. It is an end to a chapter of life to start another. Write the first page of this new chapter and follow writing according to all that you have learned and to facilitate the achievement of future results.

When all else fails, use your body

The mind reflects your body, responding to your stress levels, breathing rate, movement speed and mental focus. Similarly your body reflects your thoughts, feelings, mood and responds to your state of mind, the questions you ask and the words you speak. So if the mind and body are intrinsically connected, means that one has a direct effect on the other, it becomes clear that if direct and consciously take control of one, it will influence and transform each other.

Consciously use your body to directly influence your state of mind, this will help change your attitude.
Imagine that you are feeling bad mood, performing with hanging shoulders forward, shallow breathing and frowning. If you want to change your status, do the opposite. Put yourself in the foot, straighten the trunk, look forward and put a lively expression on your face. Take a few deep breaths and strong, stretch your arms in the air. Then notice how you feel? Certainly better.

In short, use your greatest blessing, your body because it is the best tool to change your attitude in an instant.

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