Sound Healing - good vibes for body and soul PART 3

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit community,

I hope you enjoyed first two parts of my Sound Healing booklet, it is worth reading it but the best is to put it in practice.

One of the ways to do it is to lay down on a comfy mat, cover yourself with a blanket, put your headphones on, turn Om didge music on and breathe 10 times deeper, relax. You might experience really deep relaxation and other interesting phenomena. Om Didge music is intended to be a thoughts eraser. It will help you calm your mind down all to the state of blank which is deep theta and almost delta brain waves state.

Here is link to Om Didge music for sound healing. Enjoy!

And here is Sound Healing booklet PART 3.

  1. Sound and movement – Vision Dance™

Sound and movement are inseparable. Movement creates sound and sound creates movement; one is intertwined with the other. Dance is physical, manifested expression of our inner state of mind and soul. We can consciously change our inner condition by using dance. If we are feeling depressed, dance can bring us joy very quickly, if we are sad, by the end of a dance exercise we could become ecstatic. Rhythm of the drum automatically moves our feet to dance and dance introduces us into changed states of consciousness where we tap into and work through our emotional and unconscious stuff so that we can, purified in this way, touch our spiritual Source which ceaselessly cleanses us with its clean waters.

In the year 2000 when I was in Nevada's Black Rock desert at the Burning Man festival this is what happened during the dance. This is the chapter ”Awakening“ from my still unpublished book ”Dancer in the desert“:

   It was around 10 o'clock on a sunny Sunday morning, 4th of September 2000, in the city of Burning man in Black Rock desert, Nevada, when I heard song Here comes the Sun by the Beatles. I was cruising on a bicycle between parked campers. There was a stage on the back of a transport truck with large speakers facing East. Other campers and trailers were parked so that they created a square space that could easily accommodate about a 100 people. I got off the bike, which I had borrowed from Spiral girl, threw my yellow jacket on the floor and started to dance moved by this song. Two people joined me, one of them was Rose, my massage client and friend from San Francisco. I started to dance out of pain and realization that I had to let go of Maria de Flore and that I would never see her again. The day before I lost her in the mass of around 30 000 people in the area of at least 10 square kilometers, which was filled with tents, art installations, campers and streets with names of body demarcated by cars. I was looking for her the previous night in all the places where she should have appeared with her band. I even had an ad that I was searching for her on the desert Burning man radio and where she could find me, I looked through the whole file with all registered members of the festival and I circled on a bicycle the area of the festival ground where her French band was supposed to have their campsite.  

I didn't want to go through possibly months of pain similar to what I had recently felt after my previous relationship ended a year ago back in Croatia. At that moment I decided to release the pain of losing Marie. One more woman joined the dance while I was dancing with Rose.

And then I had the following experience – it all happened while Here comes the Sun was playing. My chest area was filled with pain caused by lost love which I decided to completely let go of. I gave my pain to the Universe and to the Being which is the source of everything there is. I felt some movement from the inside, some kind of prayer which was shaking my whole being, a powerful prayer which is impossible to say, the one which can just be. At that moment I danced that prayer with inner movement, without words. That almost impossible prayer contained all my meditations, all spiritual efforts and intentions, all the love that I had received from many sources, the whole twenty year search of this life, together with search efforts for the meaning of everything which were continuing from who knows when, lost in the fog of possible previous lives and their forgotten experiences.

The pain and its vibration were moving upwards through my body and I decided to release, to let go of myself, too. At that moment I saw two of my teachers above my head. They represented authority figures which didn't allow me to pass further on. I had to slay them with one determined movement of my consciousness like a swordsman in the moment of thrust.
By doing this I erased the authority that these two figures represented as my mind's creation. All the cells in my body began to scream due to an ecstatic acceleration and some inner barrier breaking. My awareness began to spread outside the borders of the body and at this very moment of the sunny morning I saw a dark evening sky filled with stars and galaxies. My consciousness was spreading in all directions with an incredible speed, touching the whole existence of the Universe. I was in the state of letting go of my identification with anything. In just a couple of seconds, which seemed to be out of time, my consciousness touched the borders of the Universe and started to return towards the center of my body like a big tidal wave. I didn't know what would happen when this wave came back, I only knew it was coming and I knew one thing – it doesn't matter because I am ready to die right HERE AND NOW!

Suddenly there was a feeling of change in the air pressure, the feeling of silence of a mighty vacuum, the moment before the storm. Waves of tingling pins and needles were passing through my body and then it dawned on me how it would be impossible for something like this to happen at will and that it was impossible to share, teach or learn something like this. Blissful mercy of that intelligent, all-loving Source of cosmic Being is here and nothing can be consciously done to get that experience – it comes when one is ready. In that moment waves of pure pleasure like dozens of simultaneous orgasms went through my body together with an explosion of energy which followed. Rose was dancing in front of me and at that moment I embraced her from the back. She felt that wave too and probably thought that I was the source, but this just WAS - impersonal and powerful.

I was immediately released from present pain and all future pain related to lost Marie. At the same time I was filled with deepest joy, feeling of freedom and ecstasy. A smile beamed across my face and I was free, free of sorrow and free of myself. I became the flow of big YES, shining ray of sunshine and star shine, joyful being living in the NOW.

This state of being, living in the energy-filled present moment lasted for almost a week. I wasn't able to do anything else but share this experience wherever I went. My first thought in the morning, after awakening of the body, was to wake up again in that state. In this respect, great help to me was the book by Eckhart Tolle “The Power of Now“, For the first time in my life that state of mind enabled me to understand the deeper meaning of Buddhist teachings while I was reading the “Buddhist Bible”,, selected Buddhist texts. Even months later I could feel the vawes of this experience and connection with the Cosmic Body of that Cosmic Being.“

Dancer in the desert
photo by Svemir Vranko

Together with this experience in the desert of Nevada, another event inspired the creation of Vision Dance.

Native people of different cultures used dance a lot in their rituals. Working with and learning from Jeff Romanowski, who is a student and carrier of the Native American shamanic tradition taught to him by Joseph Rael – Beautiful Painted Arrow, I had a chance to experience Vision Quest of the North American Indians in 2001. At that time Jeff came to Croatia and a Vision Quest was held in Istria on a private land surrounded by woods near Raspadalica. Searching for a vision is an integral part of the initiation process which enables young Native Americans to enter the world of adults. They stay in an unpleasant or lonely place praying for guidance and vision or to see their animal spirit or receive an important message which will be a hallmark of their future life.

Hot spring which forms Native American holy lakes near Black Rock desert, Nevada
photo by Svemir Vranko

At the very beginning of the Vision Quest process, which was taking place on a beautiful clearing with a view of the fields, hills and woods of Istria, Jeff took each of the participants to a lonely place. Each of us had to make his or her own protective circle out of stones and sticks and to stay awake throughout the night all the time repeating the question: “How can I help Mother Earth? “

After I completed my protection circle I started to repeat the question in the silence of the summer night. Nothing happened, it started to get colder and the clouds were gathering in the starry night. After a couple of hours I was overwhelmed by exhaustion so I crawled inside my sleeping bag and closed my eyes without the intention to fall asleep but feeling very sleepy. The dream world came over my eyes for an instant. It started to rain and that woke me up. I had to put the hood over my head and I began to walk in a circle. Soon I started to dance to activate the body and invite in the atoms of heat while the chilly rain was falling down on me. During the Vision Quest you cannot eat, you can only drink water, and I had enough water in the bottle near the tree and from the cloudy sky. In the struggle to stay awake, to keep my body warm, trying to push away the fear of being alone in the woods where moments ago a big animal passed by my circle, my inner eye began to open. First I saw myself flying above the Earth looking down from space, the view was like the one from a space shuttle, really beautiful sight and then I saw the Sun on a dark background of vast space sending rays of love towards the Earth. The Sun is in love with the Earth! I was deeply touched by this scene and then a message came to me to continue working in a society which I had established for the good of the Earth. Today, seven years later, the Creative Living Society is still here. I am writing this in the Sunao Center, a therapeutic Center where I conduct workshops and events which I believe help the Earth through individual and group work!

In the morning Jeff had prepared an Indian Sweat Lodge for all of us who were awake the whole night. The Sweat Lodge was a very low, round tent with a hole in the middle, where Jeff put red-hot stones from the fire which had been burning there all night. On the hot stones, whose forms reminded me of the heads of strange, petrified men, Jeff poured water and put different aromatic herbs – mint, sage and other. He opened the blessings of the four sides of the world for us by saying the Native American prayers.

After the Sweat Lodge and the whole experience of the Vision Quest, I had a feeling that my body does not exist, it was transparent and without weight. The feeling was very similar to the one I had had at the Burning man festival when following the ecstatic dance experience I went to swim in a holy Indian lake on the edge of the desert.

Also, I would like to mention the influence of Trance Dance which I danced for the first time with Tatjana Kaurinović. She learned it from Wilbert Alix, the founder and teacher of Trance Dance, shamanic dance method . Tatjana held a Trance Dance workshop in the venue of Integral Living Society (which I was co-founder and vice president of) in San Francisco in 2000.

Based on these three experiences, my tantric background, yogic and Osho’s active meditations, together with Irja Kren from Zagreb, Vision Dance was created. Originally, this workshop lasts for 24 hours, starts on Saturday at 12 p.m. and ends on Sunday at 12 p.m.

Vision Dance is a movement method of discovering one's own spiritual and creative potential and a way of deep cleansing and detoxifying. It is a tool for experiencing the answer to a question which every participant forms for himself in the preparation stage of Vision Dance.

This dance/therapeutic method arose on the one hand from the need to ensure a time and place for expression in a city environment of all that the ”outside“ world suppresses and forbids. On the other hand, it is a bridge to spiritual methods of ancient cultures. Vision Dance combines the influences of searching for a vision from the Native American tradition, trance dances of different cultures and contemporary methods of active meditations.

In terms of contemporary medicine, physics and psychology, through Vision Dance we approach the domain of quantum healing (Deepak Chopra), morphogenetic fields (Rupert Sheldrake), and archetypal layers of the collective unconscious (Carl Gustav Jung). It is here that a contact with the totality of knowledge and intuition of nature as well as spontaneous healing are possible.

Vision Dance is a method of true personal transformation which calls for a dance journey that takes a human being from the world of personal and mental expression to the unconditional universe of free expression, ecstatic heart, being in the present moment and awareness of that moment. Music is the basis and carrier which makes this possible. That is why I use this workshop with sound and movement in my therapeutic work.

Dancing with a shadow
photo by Svemir Vranko

  1. Sound Healing treatment

I use Sound Healing as an independent method or in combination with other bodywork methods.

The most important thing is that the client feels comfortable and that's why I have to adjust the loudness of my voice or instruments to the level which promotes relaxation. If I use sound with for example massage, then I can start with sound, for example with Tibetan bowls and during the treatment I can sometimes work with voice and finish with Tibetan bells or didgeridoo.

If I am doing a Sound Healing treatment only, I ask the client to lie down on his/her back, ensuring that there is a blanket nearby and I put a cushion under the head if needed.

I sit near the client and I observe his or her breathing. I ask her/him to breathe in and out 5 – 10 times and I breathe together with the client. The right hand could be gently placed on the client's hara, energy point four fingers below the navel, to create a contact with the body. After that I start the treatment using primarily my voice, vowels, and vocal harmonics.
Working with sound is similar to lulling a child to sleep or communicating with a loved one, it is fraught with attention and listening. If I make a wrong move it can be seen immediately in the changes of the client’s breathing or slight movements. Tibetan bells can be tricky in this respect. They are a fine instrument when played with care, but if we loose control the sound also gets out of control, which means it is too loud.

The best sign of good work is the relaxed face of the client. If the client falls asleep that is also OK. This means that the state of mind has changed and that the client is entering the state of alfa brainwaves and deeper states of consciousness. Sounds which we produce will bring the client from the state of being awake through a dream-like state of mind to the deeper state of meditation and back to the state of being awake. This process, in which many different insights or solutions to problems can appear, is called a Shamanic Journey where the client gets in touch with the deeper parts of his/her being, those that are connected with the collective unconscious or as the Australian Aborigines say Dream Time.

Collective unconscious contains all thoughts and emotions which are created by the emotional and mental activities of the whole humanity. In an altered state of mind our subconscious part can communicate with this source of knowledge from where it draws the energy needed for a new step in life, a solution for a problem, for healing and much more.

During a Sound Healing session, similar to other relaxation techniques, our brainwaves change from beta, which are most common in the awakened state to alpha and theta vawes which occur in the brain in the state of daydreaming, relaxation, deep meditation and dreaming. During the treatment, a Sound Healing practitioner HARMONIZES with the client by changing his/her own brainwaves. The closest comparison would be the one of the radio antenna and the receiver, which have to have the same working frequency for a signal to be transmitted. In a Sound Healing treatment the therapist and the client are at the same time senders and receivers.

In the state of deep relaxation our body regenerates and has the opportunity to come back to the state of natural harmony. The sound helps in that process.

At the end of a treatment I stop producing sound and I place my hand or hands back on the client’s hara, heart chakra or below their head. I stay like this for some time and then I sit or stand near the client in meditation while I wait for him/her to ”come back“, which means until they completely “connect” with their body. This could last up to 10 minutes. Lastly, I ask the client to share her or his experience if they wish to do so.

Sound Healing is a method known in all cultures on all continents. Shamans, yogis and scientists of past cultures used sound in their practice and they left us a rich heritage which is worth exploring and using. Great minds like Edgar Cayce, a clairvoyant, or the founder of anthroposophy Rudolf Steiner, announced that the sound will be medicine of the future and that future is rapidly turning into the present.

One of the contributions to that present is my OM DIDGE music for Sound Healing sessions.

Sound Energy.JPG
Gong energy
photo by Svemir Vranko

  1. Directions for Sound Healing session with OM DIDGE music

(To be done to Svemir Vranko's OM DIDGE music which is on the CD with this book.)

OM or AUM is known in yoga as a sound vibration which indicates the beginning, duration and the end of a Cosmic Cycle of Creation and DIDGE is a term of endearment for the Australian musical instrument didgeridoo.


If used just for listening, OM DIDGE music has a proven effect on reducing the mental activity; it has a calming and deeply relaxing effect. If you want to extend that effect into materializing your goals follow the instructions given below.

Lie comfortably in a place where no one will disturb you. Direct your thoughts to the subject or theme which you want to accomplish in a particular area of your life. This could be resolving a health issue or a problem in communication with others, working on improving your relationship with a partner, improvement of your financial situation or simply release of the things that bother you or which you don’t need any more in your life.

Be very specific while imagining what it is that you want and let that be something which will improve you and make you a happier person. This will make people around you happier, too. If you persist in this program for 21 days even if it is for just a short time every day, success will follow.

Imagine yourself already in a situation in which you want to be. For example, if you want to pass an exam, imagine yourself joyfully coming out of the exam room with the best mark which you deserve. Fill this image with excitement and complete conviction that you have already passed the exam.

In order for your intention to have materialization your heart has to be be involved and open, i.e. your heart chakra, which is located in your chest area, has to be activated.
This chakra is very close to the Source of your universal life energy – prana. Prana is continuously flowing from the all powerful spiritual center in all of us. It is very important to clearly direct it towards a specific aspect of our life. Direct your thoughts to the realization of a certain need as a child would do, with fervor, enthusiasm and natural joy of life. If you activated your intention on the level of your open heart and spent at least 2 minutes empowering it, by imagining that it is being realized NOW and if this intention is in harmony with the general good, you can be sure that it will be realized. Express your intention in this way:

“It is my intention…” (say what you would like to see realized in your life).

Example 1: “It is my intention to heal my stomach ache.”

Example 2: “It is my intention to release tension from my shoulder and neck area”.

Example 3: “It is my intention to improve my financial situation.” “I will have earned an extra 1000 $ until e.g. January 1, 2021.”

Example 4: “It is my intention to forgive everything and release anger towards...”

Example 5 : “It is my intention to stop smoking, taking drugs, etc.”

Example 6: “It is my intention to live in the state of harmony and happiness with myself and with others.”

Example 7: “It is my intention to fill my body with freshness.”

Example 8: “It is my intention to finish a project until... e.g. January 1, 2021.”

When you have said your intention from the level of the heart, you don't have to think of it any more. Laying down put your headphones on, play the OM DIDGE CD and begin to breathe deeper. Please breathe deeply while listening to OM DIDGE music and doing this exercise. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. Let your breath be deep but flowing and relaxed, without exerting yourself. It is possible that you will experience vibrations in your hands, face and the whole body which is natural. The excess of oxygen and prana energy in your body creates this effect. If this becomes an unpleasant feeling or you start to feel stiffening in your hands, lower the intensity and slow down your breathing.

You don't have to listen to the whole OM DIDGE CD from the beginning till the end. Sometimes 10 or 20 minutes will be enough, and sometimes you will want to press PLAY again. This is alright; the most important thing is that your intention is clearly and POSITIVELY directed for you and your issues, not for other people.

If during your work with OM DIDGE Sound Healing music you fall asleep, this is completely all right. You will wake up refreshed and in a better state of mind than before.

Also, you can use OM DIDGE music for Sound Healing cleansing of space from energy, emotional or mental content. Simply play OM DIDGE music a little louder on your stereo and allow that sound vibrations to cleanse and harmonize the desired space.

After you have empowered your intention and listened to OM DIDGE music – get into ACTION! Write down your goals and start working on them systematically, daily and with focus. Begin with the goals that are easily reached, they are the so-called edge of growth, your first little step. If you start with unrealistic goals and try to jump over those which are easy to accomplish, you may only disappoint yourself. Very soon you will find out that daily you will have a handful of little goals which when acted upon will start to paint a bigger picture for you with growing feeling of happiness while your life purpose is being fulfilled. In so doing, do not forget the totality of your life and share your gratitude and joy with others in different ways.

Make others happy even with little bit of positive attention!

Authors of Om Didge Music

svemir didgepyramide.JPG
Svemir Vranko, didgeridoo, overtones, chimes, rain stick

kreso & drums.JPG
Kresimir Oreski - Daksh, udu pot and frame drum

Thank you for your positive attention dear Steemit friends, use sound healing for your benefit and do not forget to comment. :)


p.s. Om Didge music is published on CDBaby and if you wish to download high quality audio file and contribute to authors please use following link:

Thanks, blessings!


That is great.

Thank you @hynet , I was introduced to Steemit from my trusted friend which I call Bitguru. He showed me the way towards crypto and blockchain in January this year and since then I learned a lot...Sound Healing is my old work, first published in 2008 but the subject on sound is eternal so enjoy it and try to use Om Didge music for deep relaxation, meditation, yoga or space clensing with sound. :)

Welcome to Steemit! Hope you find this to be a great place to share your ideas and thoughts. Keep Steeming on!

@elsabailey6 thank you for your warm welcome, lets create a better world together...:)

Welcome to this amazing community!! Followed. Follow me back 😘

Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

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