Sound Healing - good vibes for body and soul PART 2

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemit community,

I hope you enjoyed first part of my Sound Healing booklet, here is PART 2.

On the bottom of this post you will find a link to Om Didge music for sound healing. Enjoy!

  1. Formula of Sound Healing

The most important thing in the practical application of Sound Healing is a theory, that was proven in practice, which says that SOUND in connection with INTENTION creates an EFFECT or HEALING as I learned from Jonathan. You can find more about the work of Jonathan Goldman at .

I have also noticed that intention combined with sound can be used for negative purposes. For example, when we are angry and yell at someone or when the sonar in American submarines, built for disabling the crew of enemy submarines, is used for destruction. There is another example from lost and almost forgotten human history, according to which the energy – etheric charge of sound was used as a force which literally pulverized an entire army of 100,000 men and elephants. In the Indian Vedas that force was known as Kapila's eye and I hope it will remain hidden until we humans truly start to live from the level of our hearts.

That is why the intention of a Sound Healing therapist has to be POSITIVE, filled with LOVE and DESIRE TO HELP.

This is how I came to my extended formula of Sound Healing which I will soon reveal to you. In December of 2005, as a musician and conductor of a Sound Healing workshop, I took part in a three day Music Medicine event in Egypt, Cairo. Once again I could feel the Hawaiian connection because I got the offer from Katie Fisher, a friend I met on Jonathan Goldman's seminar on Kauai in 2001.

The organiser of this event, Dan Furst, , made it possible for us to have a free flight from Vienna to Cairo. Our accommodation was in an apartment rented just for us musicians in an exclusive Zamalek quarter, which is one of the islands in the Nile in the center of Cairo. The night before my flight to Cairo, somewhere at the beginning of the December 2005, snow more than three feet high covered the Austrian village in the middle of the Alps where I was living at the time. Andrea, my wife, drove me as far as Klagenfurt train station because it was impossible to reach Vienna by car. So a train was taking me and my instruments through the snowdrifts towards the Egyptian sand because this was the only way to reach Vienna. Soon after taking off the Sun appeared above the clouds in its full splendour, or was it maybe Amon-Ra who was greeting me here in the heavenly heights welcoming me to the land of the pharaohs and their high priests – masters of the occult knowledge of sound, announcing with his sunny smile the beautiful adventures that lay ahead.

Amon Ra.JPG
The Sun appeared to greet me as I was approaching a land of Amon Ra
photo by: Svemir Vranko

The very first morning after arrival I went to visit Giza, the abode of the magnificent pyramids. Overpopulated city with air conditioners lining the facades of buildings, where car drivers communicate with their horns, shouting and hand gestures is in total contrast with the monumental serenity which the valley of the pyramids offers. I allowed myself a slow approach, almost seducing the Cheops’ pyramid (Khufu). On the first day I just walked around that amazing structure. I came to the entrance which was dug by the Arabian invaders in 820 A.D. led by Abdullah Al Mammun. There I met a friendly guard, Arabian of course, who was dressed in his long national dress and looked like he had been there ever since the entrance to the pyramid was dug.
Some sort of recognition happened between us. We exchanged smiles and words. The Cheops’ pyramid is open for visitors only two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. He suggested that I come the next day, in the second hour of the afternoon shift when very few or none at all people come. Most people visit the pyramid during the first hour. Normally, only 10 minutes long visits are allowed. He told me that if I come during the second hour I could stay longer for a small fee. I liked that idea because I wanted to record the silence and the sound of the Australian didgeridoo in the King's chamber, the one in which mysterious empty stone sarcophagus was found and where Napoleon had a profound experience which he would not share with anyone until the end of his life, claiming that no one would believe him. I wanted to check if the sound recorded in the King's chamber of the Cheops’ pyramid would contain the same energy created in the pyramid and if that sound could be used for a deeper meditation later on when listening to it outside the pyramid.

A cosmic coincidence happened so that I wasn't alone during my first entrance into the Cheops’ pyramid. More of us should have gone but only Tessa, an art student from Oregon, USA showed in front of the pyramid at the agreed time. We had met the night before. She was on our Music Medicine concert and she was delighted by the event. We agreed we would meet near the pyramid area entrance the next day. In her presence my heart opened naturally and spontaneously. We came into the pyramid in the second hour of the afternoon shift and climbed to the King's chamber. The whirring sound of the air conditioning ripped the air so I unplugged it from the wall. That enveloped the whole chamber in complete silence, surrounded by millions of tons of stone blocks. Unfortunately, I had to leave my didgeridoo and camera with the guard in front of the pyramid, though in one smaller bag around my waist I still had a Sony mini disc device for sound recording and a sensitive stereo microphone. After a short meditation I started to use my voice to explore the echo in the King's chamber, searching for the point where the pitch of the produced tone becomes one with the tone of the chamber, thus creating one continuous tone. Also I started to produce vocal harmonics. The Pyramid was returning them with the echoes which were amplified by supporting chambers and sound chambers built above the ceiling of this chamber. An amazing experience of bathing in thick sound waves rippled through my body. In a moment Tessa joined me and began singing in her extraordinary voice.

Could that have been the mystical meeting of the two who had known one another from the time of ancient Egypt? I don't know, but that's how it felt. I sensed how sound in that initiation chamber passed through my energy bodies, clearly shaping layers which spread much further than my physical body. After about 40 minutes of being in the King's chamber I came out of the pyramid feeling like a well-charged battery. My consciousness was expanded. My heart was open and I was amazed at the strength with which I was bursting after being inside and sound experimenting in the Cheops’ pyramid.

Watching pyramides in sunset is unforgettable!
photo by Svemir Vranko

A similar situation happened on the second day. Again, more people should have come, but only Tessa was there. Scott Huckaby, a guitar alchemist also form Oregon, who had played with us a few nights before at the Music Medicine concert and who was waiting for me with Tessa, went on his way because I was a little late. I felt that my heart was still open and again we entered the King's chamber followed by a happy smile on the face of the entrance guide, who was going to make a few extra Egyptian pounds by letting us go in. Something strange happened. We were followed by a group of American tourists. They started to meditate around the empty sarcophagus in the King's chamber and then the supervisor of the pyramid came and was shouting at them. He threw them out of the pyramid saying that it was forbidden to meditate inside the pyramid. There are security cameras in the King's chamber and from they could always see what was going on inside the control room. We were standing beside the north wall, also meditating, but out of the view of cameras as the guard on the doors told us. That angry inspector, who chased away the American spiritualists, just gave us a good look and went away. Then we realized that, intentionally or not, he had emptied the pyramid for us so we could meditate and experiment with sound and overtone singing in silence. This time the experience was even deeper.

The day before I had felt more effect on my physical and etheric body which spreads one inch around the physical body, but this time I found the gold point of balance where the sound I produced was coming back to me without any interference or delayed effect. The sound that was spreading from Tessa's and my vocal chords was also coming out of our hearts. In some magical way this joining of male and female energy was like inserting a key of life in an ancient door, which had awakened the gentle and wise heart of the pyramid.

I could feel how all the seemingly heavy stones were turning into a gentle, supporting construction which embraced us with care, like a mother would a child. I could describe this feeling as loving, protective, and very intimate. Another important thing was a deep understanding which came to me as a direct insight into my energy field. It was as if you would shine colorful lights through a water curtain. It would delineate the structure, density and content of the water curtain. In the same way, under the influence of the blending sounds of vocal harmonics and the plus and the minus of male and female open chakras, another dimension of the pyramid opened, the dimension that allows a possibility of direct insight and knowing of oneself. Through the spreading of vocal overtones and the energy that they carry around the etheric part of the pyramid, my consciousness was joined with the energy structure of the pyramid and it was of the same shape and size as the pyramid. The feeling of protection with direct insight in my own energy bodies filled me with subtle delight and exhilaration. All the stone blocks melted at once into an almost liquid whole which still had the pyramidal structure.

Majestic view and feeling - Keops pyramide is a place one has to visit
photo by Svemir Vranko

Then I realized that the shape of the pyramid is equal to the structure of a diamond, the most compact crystal on Earth. In yoga the purified spirit of a yogi is compared to a diamond – translucent, pure and perfectly solid. In the theosophical literature the word for Spirit is Monad, while it is called Paramatman in Hinduism. It is an atom or a cell of the Divine thought which is in the process of manifestation and which is at the same time one with everything and has its own individual expression through the higher Self within us (atman), the reincarnating ego as it is called in the theosophical literature, and finally through ego, which is called jiva. Jiva is the individual, personal consciousness, a persona or a mask of the spirit.

Being so united with the energy level of the pyramid, I realized that the pyramid is the physical manifestation or a symbolic physical replica of the deepest part of us, our spirit or monad. Through the use of vocal harmonics with an open heart and the right intention the pyramid can help connect the “above” with the “below” according to the Law of Hermes “As above so below” while simultaneously disclosing the subtle human energy, i.e. the layered cosmic structure of our energy bodies.

The most important precondition which enabled me to have the insight was an activated heart center, thanks to the presence of a person who inspired me for that opening. Without an open heart and usage of sound of vocal overtones my visit to the Cheops’ pyramid would remain on the level of a tourist excursion.

Thus, based on this experience my extended formula of the Sound Healing is as follows:


At the same time the sound healing practitioner has to remain in a NEUTRAL state which allows the client to experience his or her own subconscious content.

That's why it is important that between sound producing periods there are times when sound of an instrument or voice fades away into silence. In Sound Healing SILENCE is equally important as the SOUND itself. Periods of silence help the sound healing therapist to feel him or herself and the client and to choose those sounds which will take the treatment to a new qualitative level.

In the silence which ensues after creating sound it is possible to feel the energy imprint of the sound in space as well as client’s and your own altered states of mind. During the treatment the client enters the state of deep relaxation, and the sound of the same instrument will have a different effect in different stages of the treatment. Also, it is important to ask the client if the sounds are agreeable to them and kindly ask them to tell us if it gets too much or too loud for them.

  1. Methods of Sound Healing

In the work with sound we can use recorded materials like OM DIDGE music, musical instruments and voice. The human voice is the most perfect instrument, so it may be enough just to use the voice. The main characteristic of all tones is that they are composed of a fundamental tone and its overtones or harmonics. In a theoretical mathematical model of repetition of these tones, they spread into infinity towards higher frequencies and in deeper descending frequencies they reach sub-harmonic, low frequencies which can be related to the frequency of planet rotation or oscillations of stars and pulsars. Astronomers, among others a leading astronomer and astrophysicist, professor Don Kurtz, discovered that pulsars, large stars, emit sound waves caused by their natural vibration that produce eerie whistling, drumming, humming or rumbling sounds when their frequencies are raised to the range within human hearing. Rhythms which they create are similar to the sounds of traditional African drumming! Source: .

Different natural instruments and biofeedback devices are used together with the voice to enable controlled changes in brain waves.

In my work I use didgeridoo, a musical instrument of the Australian Aborigines. With its low tones, this instrument activates and creates vibration all over the body, including bones. I also use Tibetan bowls which are made of 7 metal alloy and bring relaxation by creating OM or AUM like sound – the vibration which stands for the beginning, duration and the end of a cosmic cycle in the Vedas. Then there are also wooden flutes, recorders, shakers and drums. I use a small native American buffalo drum which I acquired from a Lakota Sioux Indian in Idaho during their tribal Pow-Wow festival where there were representatives from around 15 tribes from the U.S. and Canada and where I had a chance to dance. Djembe, frame drum and other drums made of natural materials drums are also great. Workshops of Sound Healing drumming in Zagreb are led by Krešimir Oreški. More information is available on Drumtidam web site: .

  1. Vocal harmonics

By modulating the human voice one can produce vocal harmonics or overtones. Also, this singing style is called throat singing – which comes from Mongolian word kumi – throat.

Overtone is the tone which is in a strict mathematical relationship with the base tone. If tone C vibrates at 256 Hertz or oscillations per second, then the next overtone above the base tone is tone C, which is octave above and vibrating at 512 Hertz. Then follows tone G vibrating at 768 Hertz, followed by tone C at 1024 Hertz. The next tone would be E at 1280 Hertz. This means that each following tone oscillates at the frequency of the base tone plus 256 Hertz. It is interesting that in theory such sequences can go to infinity of sound frequencies which are above human hearing.

By using purely theoretical and mathematical approach we are already touching upon the possibility of existence of other dimensions where these overtones spread. Esoteric literature talks about the next plane of existence which is still a part of the physical plane, but it is etheric. This plane has its own sub-levels which we call bioenergy body or body of health, which creates the basis for our immune system. Then there is the astral plane or the dimension of human emotions followed by the world of concrete thoughts called the mental plane. Then there is a higher mental plane, abstract mind or the causal plane which is the seat of our Higher Self. This plane is followed by the plane of cosmic understanding, compassion, wisdom and love – buddhi and finally there is the world of spiritual will in the human being or atma. This was basic human spiritual structure. There are also other structures related to angelic beings or beings who had finished the human evolution and are now following some mysterious divine paths, unknown to us humans.

In my Sound Healing practice the theory of various planes of the existence of energy, which are invisible to our eyes, is confirmed every time I do a treatment which includes vocal harmonics that you can experience yourself by listening to OM DIDGE music on this CD.

Most famous throat singers live in Tuva (now under Russian annexation) and in the region of western Mongolia which borders with Tuva. Also, one can find throat singers in Ural, Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan and Kazahstan and under Dalai Lama’s Tibetan Buddhist monks of tantric order Gyume i Gyuto. In Sound Healing vocal harmonics are used as a therapeutic and diagnostic method and for sound meditations. Masters of vocal harmonics produce up to 12 overtones in kumei and sigut style, and if they apply kargjura technique it is possible to produce almost incredible 43 overtones. For application in Sound Healing it is enough to be able to produce 1 – 4 vocal harmonics and it is possible to learn the basics of throat singing in a one day course. After the basic course it is important to practice the basic technique and listen to the recorded material by throat singers. In most cases, these singers will reveal many secrets to us about their singing technique. Still, the basic course is necessary to understand the theory of overtone creating and gain practical experience.

One of the characteristics of vocal harmonics, as concluded by Kiva, in a research which she did on herself in Tokyo Scientific Salon, is that they change brain wave frequencies from beta towards alpha and theta. That’s why this kind of singing is well-known in most shamanic and yoga practices and is their important part, where by changing the state of consciousness the body processes are influenced, too. Experience shows that vocal harmonics help in reducing the number of thoughts and increase their quality, which means that we experience phenomena more directly and analyze less, not getting lost in details of the analytical mind.

I believe that this way of singing is one of the possible ways of liberating ourselves from the domination of the analytical mind. Of course, the concrete mind has great advantages in analyzing and creating content, but at the same time it has a great disadvantage because it creates the feeling of separation from the totality of being. That is why everybody experiences herself or himself as a separate unit, which can communicate with the outside world only through its analytical mind. This basic flaw of the concrete mind is then transferred to larger social groups, for example, groups of soccer fans, associations of musicians or whole nations marked by language, religion, culture and territory that unites them. They see themselves as a sum of analytical minds, which, on a larger collective plane, have very distinct personalities.

My experience in Sound Healing treatments with overtones is always enriched with new, yet undiscovered secrets. For example, vocal overtones supported with proper use of the Sound Healing formula can instantly help with inflammation by reducing the number of bacteria. It is known that some bacteria are oversensitive to certain sound frequencies that are used as a healing method instead of antibiotics. It is possible to get similar antibacterial effect with local application of throat singing directly on a place where inflammation occurs. In my Sound Healing practice, I had a client who, after only a few treatments, experienced a significant reduction of bacteria while the pain she had been experiencing was reduced with the help of overtones and deep breathing.
Another important thing is the change of the state of mind. Vocal harmonics act like a soul elevator. We press the button of the floor we want to reach and the elevator takes us to the desired floor. Likewise, overtones can take us to dimensions of subtler states of consciousness where we can experience visions; restructuring of our inner content, having revelations or get solutions for a certain relationship issue. On one occasion, under the influence of vocal harmonics in combination with breathing and in a state of deep relaxation, a client began to have an experience of regression. She could remember long forgotten memories, even those from her previous life.

Let me also mention an example related to OM DIDGE music. At one point during a session with this music my client saw her body lying on the couch with headphones on her ears while she was floating in her energy body in the space of the room. This is a typical example of an astral projection or separation of energy bodies from the physical one due to the use of vocal harmonics.

  1. Work with vowels as mantras

Vowels have a special quality in that they can be produced for a long time without interruption. They are most suitable for singing of improvised melodies which are used in Sound Healing treatments.

Also, vowels could be used for activation of energy centers and chakras.
Different schools and authors connect vowels and chakras in different ways. I decided to use Jonathan Goldman’s system which is published on his Chakra Chants CD. This is how he connects chakras with tones, frequencies, vowels, root bija mantras, elements, representing sound, instruments, and quality.
I would like to thank Jonathan Goldman for his permission to represent his Healing Sounds system here, together with his system of Sound Healing and chakra meditation.

1st CHAKRA – Root – Muladhara

Keynote: C
Frequency: 256 Hz.
Vowel: Uh
Bija: Lam
Element: Earth
Shabd Sound: Thunder
Instrument: Drum
Energy: Grounding

2nd CHAKRA – Sacral – Swadisthana

Keynote: D
Frequency: 288 Hz.
Vowel: Ooo
Bija: Vam
Element: Water
Shabd Sound: Ocean
Instrument: Brass
Energy: Life Energy, Sexual

3rd CHAKRA – Navel - Manipura

Keynote: E
Frequency: 320 Hz.
Vowel: Oh
Bija: Ram
Element: Fire
Shabd Sound: Roaring Fire
Instrument: Sax
Energy: Power

4th CHAKRA – Heart - Anahata

Keynote: F
Frequency: 341.3 Hz
Vowel: Ah
Bija: Yam
Element: Air
Shabd Sound: Wind
Instrument: Violin
Energy: Compassion, Love

5th CHAKRA – Throat - Vishuddhi

Keynote: G
Frequency: 384 Hz.
Vowel: Eye
Bija: Ham
Element: Ether
Shabd Sound: Crickets
Instrument: Flute
Energy: Communication, Creation

6th CHAKRA – 3rd Eye - Ajna

Keynote: A
Frequency: 426.7 Hz
Vowel: Aye
Bija: Sham
Element: All
Shabd Sound: Twinkling Bells
Instrument: Crystal Bowl
Energy: Insight, Wisdom

7th CHAKRA – Crown - Sahasrara

Keynote: B
Frequency: 480 Hz
Vowel: Eeee
Bija: Om
Element: All
Shabd Sound: Om
Instrument: Human Voice
Energy: Transcendence

  1. Johnatan Goldman’s chakra meditation with vowels (best to be done to his “Chakra Chants” CD published by Etherean Music, Boulder, CO, 1998.) Printed with kind permission of Jonathan Goldman.

Begin by focusing your attention on the first or root chakra, located between the anus and the genitals. Visualize this chakra as a spinning ball of energy; its color is red. The energy associated with this chakra is that of survival and grounding to the physical plane. To sound this chakra, in order to balance it, make the very deepest ”Uh“ sound (as in the word „cup“) that you can and focus your intention on this area. A Bija Mantra that resonates this area is ”Lam“.

Now focus your attention on the second or sacral chakra, located about three inches below your navel. This chakra is associated with sexual energy and with much of the life force. Visualize this chakra as a spinning ball of energy; its color is orange. To sound this chakra, make a higher pitched ”Ooo“ sound (as in the word ”you“) while you are focusing your intention on this area. A Bija Mantra which resonates this chakra is ”Vam“.

Now, focus your attention on the third or navel chakra, located at the navel and a little above; also called the solar plexus chakra. It is physically associated with the digestive process. This chakra's energy is also associated with power and self mastery. Visualize this chakra as a spinning ball of energy; its color is yellow. To sound this chakra, make a higher pitched ”Oh“ sound (as in the word ”go“) while focusing intention on this area. A Bija Mantra to resonate this chakra is ”Ram“.

Now focus your attention on the fourth or heart chakra, located in the center of the chest between the nipples. On the physical level, it works with the lungs and the heart. On the emotional level, it works with the energy of compassion and love. Visualize this chakra as a spinning ball of energy, its color is green. To sound this chakra, make a higher pitched ”Ah“ sound (as in the word “ma“) while focusing your intention on this area. A Bija Mantra for this chakra is “Yam“.

Now focus your attention on the fifth or throat chakra located in the throat, at the base of the neck. It is a chakra that is associated with communication. Visualize this chakra as a spinning ball of energy; its color is blue. Speech and hearing are associated with this chakra. To sound this chakra, make a higher pitched ”Eye“ sound (as in the word ”I“) while focusing your intention on it. A Bija Mantra to resonate this chakra is ”Ham“.

Now focus your attention on the sixth or brow chakra, located in the center of the forehead above the eyes. This chakra is often called ”The Third Eye“. It is associated with imagination and psychic abilities. Visualize this chakra as a spinning ball of energy; its color is indigo. To sound the Third Eye, make a higher pitched ”Aye“ sound (as in the word ”say“) while focusing your intention on this area. A Bija Mantra for this chakra is ”Sham“.

Finally, focus your attention on the seventh chakra or crown chakra, located at the top of the head. It is associated with the induction of spiritual energy into the body. Visualize this chakra as a spinning ball of energy; its color is purple. To sound the Crown, make the highest pitched ”Eeee“ sound (as in the word ”me“) that you can make, while focusing your intention on this area. A Bija Mantra for this chakra is ”Om“.

After meditation, where you can use only vowels or only Bija Mantras or both, stay in silence for a while, aware how this sounding affected your mind & body.

End of Sound Healing PART 2

Link to Om Didge music:

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Welcome @prana . I hope you enjoy here as much as I do! Nice post, I will follow your account, please follow me at @rohitrajput and give a upvote to this comment.

Thanks @rohitrajput, have a great day and enjoy the Sound Healing booklet and music!

Sweet ! Welcome to Steemit! Followed. Follow me back 😘

Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

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