in #heaven6 years ago (edited)

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Matthew 7:21-23 (ESV)

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Pastor Promise came over, meeting pastor Donne and I, while my wife was busy with domestic chores.

I raised some old time choruses we sing in my local Igbo Language. Igbo language is the predominant language of the people, South East Nigeria, West Africa.

Anyi n'aga, naa'ga
Anyi na'ga n'uzo el'ugwe
Anyi n'aga izute onye nwe anyi

Anyi n'azo ije ilan'igwe
Anyi n'azo ije ila n'igwe
Odigh'onye ma mgb'ogabia
M'obu n'otutu,
M'obu na anyasi
Anyi n'azo ije ila n'igwe

It was like we were asking "Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? and how do ye see it now? is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing? Haggai 2:3 (KJV)

The days when singing praises brought down the Glory of GOD among His people, the days when special numbers sang from the spirit brought conviction, tears and repentance to the sinners and not the kind of things we see in some places today. Dancing in Church has made the fellowship of the Saints look like a dancing theater instead of a Praise center. Temperance and modesty is cast to the winds. The style of the dance and the shaking of the back in the Church will almost send a Spirit-filled to a Flesh-filled. Where are we heading to?

The Church gathering has become a place to make people feel "GOOD" instead of feeling GOD. Two different things. Preach about SIN and repentance and loose membership. Never ask your parishioners the kind of business they do or you risk their exit from Church. When the members loot Treasuries and bring their tithes and seeds,you pray for them and put more blessings on them. When they are embarking of on illicit drug business, you bless them and pray for God's protection. After all they are your biz partners. Church has become a business center instead of prayers center for harvesting of lost Souls. Chai!

Pastor Promise told a story of what happened during a funeral service of a prominent man of God who ministered in a Pentecostal ministry for decades before he passed on. Very popular as he was that his funeral was not locally planed. It attracted "who is who" among the ministers in his country. Of course the planning and execution of all the burial things were undertaken by the Church headquarters and the rich.

Image Source: i.ytimg.com

On the day of the burial proper, there was jubilation in the air. Songs like:

Onye nso n'ala
Onye nso n'ala
Onye nso n'ala
Eze ebube n'akpo ya

Meaning: A saint is going home, The glorious king is calling him.

At the grave side, during his internment, the presiding minister enumerated all his labour in the vine yard of God and announced that he has gone home to be with Lord. At this point something unthinkable happened. Something the ear would not like to hear, but it was said.

A well known prophetess in the entire ministry was in attendance. Before the presiding minister could get done with his eulogy, this lady prophetess interrupted and said, "He did not return to me". The atmosphere become dead cold. "He is not Here in my kingdom", she continued. The presiding minister was trying to keep the microphone away from the prophetess but other ministers prevailed because they knew the integrity of the prophetess.

"Depart from me I do not know you". Yes you did some unacceptable work because it was not done in righteousness.

Where will these dry and dusty double faced standard of life lead us to?


Revive thy work oh! Lord God,
Gracious father hear us we pray,
Here in your name we have gathered,
Send revival Lord we pray.

Hold not thy peace oh! God of mercy,
Send down revival into my soul,
Hold not thy peace oh! Lord send revival,
Lord send revival in my Heart.

Amen! Yes Lord! Amen


Very scary indeed, so who calls Jesus Lord? Only those that believe in Him! What is lawlessness? Sin, when we break God's law! 1 John 3:4 - Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness.

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