Thank-you @practicalthought for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

Thank you for what you do here. I think some of the problem is many are unaware of what is being done and you are helping to shed light on this.

I personally support the @familyprotection project and I just posted for my support and invited the World community to support @familyprotection, if you do not mind to visit my bloq, for my support

Thanks for this

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

Thank you. Please stay safe. I see that the volcano is still active.

Yes, Pele is always active, she just decided to release some built up pressure. Not good for residence of pahoa but necessary for the entire island as we have a couple other volcanoes that could easily erupt if pressure builds up too much. No injuries or deaths but around 30 homes destroyed already. Trump just approved disaster relief fund and lots of funds being set up to help displaced families. The community center is being used for shelter and food and financed by the red cross. Locals from all around the island taking items and food to the families also. I am a long way from the volcanic action but we get a bit of vog her. She seems to be calming down for now but still loads of mini earthquakes. the main concern is the rift breaking off which could destroy more homes. At least they are allowing people to retrieve things from their homes, for now.

Your raising some very interesting points. I want freedom and yes it will bring its own set of problem there is not doubt, but a whole lot less then currently I think.

On guns I am divided on where people should carry them true but that my conditioning of living in a country where we dont have them! But we still have high gun crime in the cities!

However we have a long way to go before we achieve freedom, but we are on the right path 💯🐒

Superb post and a lot to think about, I think and this is just my humble opinion , that home schooling is best, why should everyone turn their children over to government indoctrination anyway? especially in the UK where children are getting taught at nursery aged 3 yes 3 about transexuals, I have nothing against them people, though is it not up to me as a parent to decide when my child needs to see think or feel about these facts? I think so, and I am sticking to my guns on this one.

this is just my humble opinion , that home schooling is best, why should everyone turn their children over to government indoctrination anyway?

Exactly. I home schooled my son after the 5th grade. They had been working on him (and the others) to be punching bags for the bullies. Despite my advice to him, he took the punishment till it became to much and he fought back. Of course, I had to go talk with the principal about it. With him sitting right there, I let her know my son was not sent there to be a punching bag and since the school was unable to stop it, that my son had to take the matter into his own hands. And that while he might be in trouble at school, he was a hero in our home. That was his final year in the public school system.

Between that, all of the social engineering that he would come home with trying to dictate changes in our home I had enough. He was a bright child, often in trouble for finishing his work before the others and out of boredom and being a boy he would talk and joke. So he was home schooled, getting his technical certificate in computers 3 weeks after his 18th birthday. He now makes more money than I ever had. And as to the idea that it socially stunts a child's growth, my son is loved by many in a way I have never known nor will ever know.

Thanks for adding your thoughts on this and keep

sticking to my guns on this one.

You legend you, thank you, your seal of approval means more than you know.

Thank you for your kind words, as well as the votebot. I really appreciate the gesture but wanted to let you know of something I have been participating in. While I am not rabid about the votebots like some are, I do think they are bad for the long term success of the platform as far as their impact on newer users. Without making a lengthy explanation as to the whys (as everyone has their own opinion) I wanted to let you know I have been refraining from using them, and have been using the nobidbot tag. It is a newer tag that those of us who dislike the influence of the bots have been using as a new search feature to bypass the control the bots have on Hot and Trending. I went ahead and deleted the tag from this post so hopefully no harm no foul.

I really do appreciate the kind gesture. Please know I value your insights much more than a monetary value and whatever your voting power is (even if you have none to spare at the moment) is always the right amount when it comes to your weighing in on the topic.

It is the fact that my vote power is low now, and the value of my vote also, that I thought your post deserved more than I can give, so I gave in that way, you may note I am bot free on my own posts, I do see it as a plus for others though, maybe that needs to be written in the code, though then everyone will have 10 accounts on here, I do not have all the answers, I just wanted to give you some upvote loving.

I really do appreciate the gesture. I was thinking while I was writing my explanation to you (which wasn't easy as it is hard to ask for kind gestures not to be made after the fact) that maybe they should have a do not use list users can opt into that would tell the bots not to accept bids for certain accounts.

I do understand your thinking and have been struggling with vote issues enough myself I actually bought some Steem yesterday and am trying to rent enough delegation so I quit running out of votes so quickly. A few weeks ago I was consistently running between 45-55% voting power which wasn't good as it was going lower daily.

The education of our children is the ultimate battleground of freedom.

For people (such as myself) that believe that all people have rights and that any group of people (even if called a government) that claims to have special rights that no individual has is BS, the right to educate our children as we see fit is the most fundamental right there is.

Read John Holt. Our children are the future. If you let their brains be ground to mush by the "public school system" then you ask that they be enslaved.

We have rights. Our children have rights. Anyone that claims otherwise is simply a cog in the wheel of corruption.

Learn law. Home school your children. Tell government agents to take a long walk off of a short cliff.

Spot on. Every home in the U.S. Should be required to have a copy of Blacks Law dictionary. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Thank you for mentioning my story. Without intervention, our family issues would've worked out on their own. I feel oppression and uncertainty everyday. They aren't doing anything and have been silent for almost 2 weeks now...but I know they could stop by at anytime, it's very disconcerting...and I truly think they would've left me alone if I hadn't started homeschooling again.

I like your point of views on freedom too, it has become no more than a slogan for many people, but most aren't willing to embrace the reality of it.

Waiting has to be the worst. I am sorry you and your family are going through this ordeal. I had to brushes myself, one with a hospital the other with CPS back in the late 80's/early 90's. Thankfully it was not as dragged out as this is becoming for you. I don't know if you have any certified counselors in your circle of friends, and if not maybe that home schooling organization you joined could point you to a low cost/ free counselor. If you can, it might help you to become proactive and have someone friendly to your homeschooling lifestyle who would be viewed as an authority to sit down with your kids and interact with them in a non invasive way without all the leading questions those on a witch hunt will ask. Then they could do up a report showing that all is well (as well as any of us can be considering life is not some utopian bowl of cherries).

I know money must be tight but if you can I would recommend getting this law book. It may give you ideas and save money down the road on an attorney. There are probably cheaper copies used of previous editions that would save a little, but try to get as current one as you can if you decide to get one. It may contain information not present in past editions before this epidemic of out of control bureaucracy became so prevalent.

I am going to continue following you and your families struggle. I hope to read soon that they close your case.

successful friends, let's exchange vout by way of mutual visit to our blog each @zuhrafriska

You got a 2.38% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @deliberator!

Earn 100% earning payout by delegating SP to @upmewhale. Visit for details!

successful friends, let's exchange vout by way of mutual visit to our blog each @zuhrafriska

Please don't do this. I spent time on this, putting my feelings into it. It was not posted with the idea that it could be used to make shallow connections. These are serious issues and frankly I find it offensive that you degrade yourself in this way.

I value my votes to much to flag you, but I guarantee that if you continue spamming posts like this you will receive them at some point. If you can't refrain from this, please stick to memes and other low effort posts and stay away from serious topics.

Stop it and stop it on my posts also, I do not want to have to make you go down to minus reputation, I will if you do not stop begging.

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