Help The Poor

in #religion7 years ago

images(8).jpg All over the world, their are People with real problems

All over the world their are people that carry so great a burden
Real problems like debts, rent and social bills, lack of funds for school and hospital bills, hunger, not having a place to lay their head. So many countless problems

And yet, their are 2,000,000,000 CHRISTIANS and probably 100,000 Churches in the world! The teachings of Christ is Majorly based on Love and Charity. Now am facing the Christians because, I am one and I know and follow the teachings of Christ.

Love and Charity, these two words are in fact used synonymously in the Bible- God's word. Many places in the Bible, Love/Charity was repeated, hammered on, preached, demonstrated. (Check Rom 14:15, 2Thess 1:3, 2Pet 1:7 etc)

Col 3:14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

In a world so full of Confusion, Strive and Malice. Christians are suppose to take on this role of Love and Charity than ever. And let me tell you, the opposite of Love is no longer Hatred, it is Indifference. Perhaps you are a Christian and feel at least you don't hate on people nor fight them. If you are exhibiting indifference towards the needy and not love, stop calling yourself a Christian.

You go to preach in a Man's house and his kids are complaining that there's no matches to cook and the man doesn't have. Rather than stop your preaching and give them whatever you have, no you kept on elucidating on how God loves them and wants them to turn to him. It's okay, keep on with the good work. You have converted him already. Just keep up until he vex and stone you with your bible. Now you will be like they are persecuting you. You must be a joker!

1Co 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

So many people are down with real problems, try and help, even if it's just a little.

I watched Drake's "God's plan" video. I was so touched with the pleasant surprises he gave to people and was recorded. Am sure he must have carried out some survey. Because in the Video, you can see him giving out real cash, cars to individuals and families.

There was a particular man with his wife and two kids he gave some thousands of dollars to, the man broke out in tears. He really met his needs. There are several people with real problems and am not sorry to say, the Churches in the world are not doing enough.

Act of love is what make you a Christian, not claiming and going to Church. When you shoe love, you show God to people cause God is love. Not molesting people on the roadside

So many poisonous, self-righteous and stingy Christians out there.

People with real problems. And forget, 7 out of every 10 problems is linked with finance. So sometimes when you pray for the needy, don't forget to dip your hands in your pocket and give the little you can afford.

God is actually blessing the Christians, yes but unfortunately most of us aren't. Cause its whoever gives and show true love and concern that's truly a follower of Christ. Love and charity is the foundation of Christianity.

Change your perspective.

PS- these words is address to both the reader and the author

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