Female IncelssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #commentary6 years ago

Female incels, femcels, do exist. However, they may be slightly different from incels in their view of sex and relationships. Let's delve into some responses to questions from "true" femcels themselves.

User aellyce says:

Incels can get sex. They can hire a prostitute and 90% of them could approach a sub-5 woman. Yet they admit that's not what they want because it's not "validating" enough to them. The screenshot I linked is from incels .me, it's the response to being told to approach a sub-5 or a black woman. One compard having sex with a black woman to sex with a horse. I'm 1/4 black and i've been rejected by multiple incels who PMed me from this site. Incel = standardcel 90% of the time.

A deleted user says:

Men aren't real incels here, posted this about an incel guy not wanting to fugg anyone below 6.


Hypocrites and not true incels.

An excerpt from a post partially directed towards men says:

It's quite simple.

This moderated sub is a safe space for femcels. It is not for you.

You have a plethora of outlets to pipe in with "As a man" and many other male directed quips and opinions. This is not >one of those outlets.

The women who come here come to vent, relax, and to be free of your thoughts and input. They can shitpost or be highminded as they so please without interruption.

As such, moids who insist on being here are VISITORS ONLY.

If you interrupt the tone of this wonderful safe space with your anecdotes, male driven advice, insults, comments about your sexual preference, really any of your moid matters, you and your post will be removed.

No one here will be debating with any moids about her femcel status. No femcel will have her thoughts or feelings dismissed or trivialized by outsiders. There are also women here who are not femcels and are supporters who, for whatever reason, are empathetic or relate to our unique struggles. They are free to post here.

This is not a debate sub. It is not a zoo. Anyone who cares to hear your thoughts knows where to find you. PMs are also an option. Beyond this, this subreddit is not a free-for-all for you to pontificate or workshop your issues with women. Not here, not ever.

To the brigading incels in particular:

Absolutely no one here cares about your feelings on the usage of the term femcels. No one cares that you are steeped in hypocrisy with the realities of lookism and sex. You lack empathy and perspective. Frankly, so long as you stay out of our sub, you are free to say and do whatever you want.

It is not lost upon anyone here your hatred for femcels and women in general and it is why you and most of the manosphere that are identified for engaging in this behavior are almost always banned on sight. Feel however you want to feel. Keep your toxicity out of our space.

Overall, femcels are tamer and more open to discussion than incels and blame their sexlessness on the unrealistic standards of men rather than their own appearances. This could be in part due to the way female empowerment has worked over time, part of which is the notion that women need to stick together. They don't like incels for their views on women and for their apparent hypocrist. However, they dismiss men in a similar fashion to incels by calling them mascoids/moids and for using the Chad/Becky/Stacy system to rank appearances/sex lives.

Moid/Mascoid: A man

Standardcel: Someone whose standards are so high they don't see anyone in their immediate circles as sexually or romantically desirable

Sub-5: People's appearances are ranked on a scale of 1 (least attractive) to 10 (most attractive).

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