Living a live without Proprioception.

in #venezuela5 years ago (edited)

"Homuncular Proprioception"

The term “proprioception” was introduced by Sherrington (1906), although this basic feeling of ourselves had always been present. Proprioception, or the perception of body awareness, is a sense that people are frequently not aware of, but greatly rely upon. More easily demonstrated than explained, proprioception is the “unconscious” awareness of where the various regions of the body are located at any given time. For example, with closed eyes, we can say where our hands or legs are at this moment. Without proprioception we could not bring a spoon bearing soup into the mouth, ride a bicycle, or change the gears of a car without looking at our hands or feet.

Exactly one year ago, I wrote a long article talking about Proprioception and the interesting condition of what it means live without the control and command of the proprioceptors within your body. At that time, I wrote that post from a slightly scientific point of view but more than anything from a more Social perspective viewpoint. Yeah! click on the previous green text if you want to know more in greater detail about this condition.

However today, I wanted to take on board again the subject but with a totally new scope. At this moment 01:15pm UTC, we've been going thru a new general country wide power outage in Venezuela for 24hrs in a row. Yeah! one more time. And I'm writing this post in a hurry just to publish it asap. Because I really dunno for how many time more the electricity is gonna last. 😫

But oh well, actually it's not the main topic about what I wanted to write today. So, regarding this specific issue, if anything, later at the end of this post I'm gonna drop a couple of links to keep you informed about this new hideous blackout. ;)

Proprioception is defined as our body's ability to know where it is in space.

¿Can you touch your nose with your finger, with eyes closed?

"Just a few thoughts"

You know, It's getting harder and harder to find the loyal cute little Mathildas to cheer up the lonely world of the Leon's fighters of this place. Or the adventurous pretty Ofelias that on this Pan's Labyrinth in what currently is turning out my country you could fall in love with. Yeah! it isn't getting easier whatsoever.

Specially trying to share your joys & sadness through your lovely written stories from the darkness of a ghost town to the increasingly ongoing scarce audience of an equally ghost town out there in a shiny blockchain somewhere on internet.

Oh Feedback, yeah. ¿Do you know how important it can be in your life?

«-“Elements of Thoughts”-»

¿Did you know how much of our actions is thoughtless automation?


Yup! even try to find a more mature Emily on this vast sea of life to fall in love with longer beyond our geographical physical borders. Is getting harder and harder these days here. As to keep you enthusiastically going on ahead in the quest of a lengthy relationship of fulfilling reciprocal feedback to maintain you happy and well fed with the thrill.

Maybe the best and wisest thing to do for now. Is simply go to bed in the darkness and try to sleep and rest well trying to waste as little energy as possible while the blackout last. And wait until the electricity of love and the emotion of a greater feedback returns to fill us with good vibes & renewed energies one more time. Yes, one day at a time!!

Links and new reports of Venezuela Power Outage:

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


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Cranky Gandalf

Cheers!! :)


Ojla cuando te logres tocar la nariz, tengamos un solo presidente...

Un abrazo... (Le voy mandar un memo a Priot que seguro a ti no te dio tiempo)

Gracias compay!! :)

De momento, la nariz me la tengo que tocar a menudo día tras día porque con éste mierdero, aparte de mentar madre a cada rato, también me toca a veces tener que exclamar simplemente ¡Fó! para no sonar tan indecente, ni blasfemo durante todo el jodido día. Jajajaja

Sin embargo, dudo mucho que para cuando tengamos un solo presidente (que en mi opinión ahora es que falta que jode), dejaré de ser menos hereje blasfemando espontanemente por doquier. };)

Y si hombre, mándale al Priot una cucharadita de su propio jarabe. Pa ver cuanto efecto le hace y cuanta bola le para a una dosis de su propia medicina.

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