Coffee Latte Art Contest

in CCS11 months ago



Lomba kopi dan UMKM di festival, lhokseumawe, melatih seni menyajikan kopi latte. Perlombaan ini diikuti oleh seluruh masyarakat kota lhokseumawe, terutama para muda-mudi yang ahli dibidang kopi.

Para pelaku UMKM juga ikut berpastisipasi dalam ajang perlombaan tersebut. Proses pembuatan kopi latte menggunakan biji kopi pilihan, serta teknik dan mesin yang sangat luar biasa dalam mengolah biji kopi tersebut menjadi kopi latte.

Seni yang dituangkan didalam setiap kopi latte para peserta berbeda, serta dengan cara mereka masing-masing. Semua kopi yang dihasilkan sangatlah menarik perhatian. Tidak hanya dibutuhkan keindahan dari kopi latte, rasa juga sangat berpengaruh bagi pencinta kopi.

Kopi latte yang telah disiapkan akan dinilai oleh para juri yang tentunya lebih ahli dibidang kopi latte tersebut. Kesenian yang dituangkan di kopi latte begitu indah dan beragam, rasa setiap kopi latte dari para peserta berbeda-beda.

Perlombaan ini diadakan untuk meningkatkan skill para pembuat kopi latte dan para pelaku UMKM dibidang kopi agar terus meningkatkan kualitas rasa dan seni kopi mereka.


The coffee and MSME competition at the festival, lhokseumawe, trains the art of serving latte coffee. This competition was attended by all the people of the city of Lhokseumawe, especially young people who are experts in the field of coffee.

MSME actors also participated in the competition. The process of making coffee latte uses selected coffee beans, as well as techniques and machines that are very extraordinary in processing these coffee beans into coffee latte.

The art that was poured into each participant's coffee latte was different, and in their own way. All the coffee produced is very eye-catching. Not only does it take beauty from latte coffee, taste is also very influential for coffee lovers.

The prepared latte coffee will be assessed by the judges who are certainly more experts in the latte coffee field. The art that is poured on the latte coffee is so beautiful and varied, the taste of each coffee latte from the participants is different.

This competition was held to improve the skills of latte coffee makers and MSME players in the coffee sector so that they continue to improve the quality of their coffee taste and art.





Best regards,


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