Right Brain vs Left Brain

in #spirituality6 years ago


The right hemisphere controls the muscles in the left side of the body, and conversely, the left hemisphere controls the muscles in the right side of the body. When we blink right eye, that means the left brain is working. Therefore, if there is damage to one side of the brain, it affects the opposite body functions. In general, the left brain is dominant in the language; including what we hear and handle most speaking tasks. The left brain is also in charge of logic, mathematical calculations, writing, intelligence, analysis, and short-term memory (short term memory). If we want to reveal a fact, the left brain will pull it from our memory.

Meanwhile, the right hemisphere of the brain is used for creativity, imagination, music, color, shape, emotion and for long term memory. The right brain is responsible for spatial abilities; including face recognition and music processing. The right brain also performs some mathematical functions, but only a rough estimate and comparison. This section also helps us understand the visual image and what we see. In terms of language, this section helps us interpret the context and tone of a person when speaking. Simply put, that is the difference between the right hemisphere and the left brain.

The brain in which there is a part of the cerebellum is part of the cerebrum. The cerebrum is a large part of the human brain that has the function to process all intellectual activities performed by human beings such as thinking, reasoning, remembering, imagining and also planning for future in the future. Then the question, which one is better? right brain hemisphere or left hemisphere?


  • The function of the right hemisphere as well as the left brain is a complementary unity.

No one can answer which one is better, right brain and left brain. That's because the two hemispheres of the brain will complement each other. But the research is done to provide facts about the relationship between the right brain and the left brain. The research is that if someone is using his left brain, his right brain will be more calm. Similarly with the opposite, when a person working with the right brain then left brain calm. What distinguishes is the human owner of the brain. Man who plays an important role in the domination tehadap the right brain and also the left brain.

  • No human can dominate both hemispheres of the brain at once.

If only a few humans can do it. Need a way to balance the performance of the right brain and also the left brain. An example of the dominance of the brain is that people who are good at science will use the left brain a lot, but most of them can not get along with people around it and vice versa. In order to walk in balance, it helps human beings are able to balance the left brain and also the right brain. It is useful to make humans are able to mingle and socialize even though human beings including smart people.


The person who dominates the left brain and right brain will be seen from its nature. The nature of people who use the left brain will be very different from the right-brained person. Here is the nature of the left brain and right brain:

● The left-brained person will have a logical mindset, they will put forward logic rather than his or her feelings. The left brain will also be more rational, highly objective and also analytical in seeing and assessing things. The left hemisphere usually does not want to take psuing with all the problems associated with feelings. They tend to like the real things that are in front of them rather than thinking about what they feel.

● The right brain in seeing and judging something will put forward more of its feelings. Right-brained people will be creative, intitutive, emotional and subjective. The right-brained person will also see everything in their entirety. Therefore the right-brained person is suitable to be an artist because they are subjective and put forward with what they feel. They fit into a writer, storyteller, painter and many others. Artists when creating their works will use their feelings compared to their logic.


Balancing the right brain as well as the left brain will have an advantage for the man himself. Would not it be better if everything went well? Humans are advised to balance as much as possible the right brain and left brain it has. The way to balance the right brain and also the left brain is to use brain activation. Here are the things that can stimulate the activation of the human brain:

  • Left Hand

The normal person will write with his right hand. Neither with other activities such as eating, brushing, using the mouse and many more. When using the right body part, then the left brain is at work. If the left brain is working continuously the result is a dissonance will arise because the right brain is idle or not working. In order for the right brain to work, you can try using a left-handed hand. For example, brushing your teeth with your left hand and many more. Using left-handed hands is an exercise that can strengthen the neural connections that exist in the brain and trigger new neural growth.

  • Puzzles and Puzzles

Arranging puzzle pieces or solving puzzles (eg filling crossword puzzles) can be useful for improving left brain performance. That's because we're going to use thoughts instead of reasoning.

  • Art Appreciation

Can be in the form of music, painting, poetry, and others. Listening to music will improve the performance of the right brain because it can provoke a person's emotions. When we listen to music that is sad, our emotions will be hooked to sorrow. When listening to excited music, we will also be excited. A person's emotions will be created thanks to the music he or she hears.

  • Learn Music

Furthermore, we can improve the right brain performance by learning to play music. Play a lot of music that uses feelings instead of reasoning. By playing the music is expected the right brain will run balanced and in harmony with the left brain, especially for people who have logical and rational thinking. Playing a musical instrument also mostly requires the use of both hands simultaneously so that will train left-handed so as to improve the right brain performance.

  • Sports

Exercise is another way to balance both hemispheres. When you exercise you will use both body parts in tandem. Think about it, when you run if you only use one leg only? of course not, is not it? Using both parts of the body in tandem indirectly will also move the two hemispheres together as well.

  • Given by using the image

To be able to remember well, need to train the brain to function optimally. Unfortunately, more people are using the left brain in the process of remembering. The left brain of most people is more developed without balanced development of the right brain. Because the left brain is a short-term memory, the information stored in the left brain will be more easily forgotten. Therefore, if you want to store in the right brain, the information should be converted into a story or image, because the right brain does not recognize writing or numbers. By learning to remember things through stories or images, the right brain will flourish.

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Kalau ngak punya otak gimna bang pojan?😁😁😁

kalau gak punya otak itu tandanya tidak waras

Follow and upvote balik bg . makasih

Bek tuwe neuvote balek rakan @pojan

geut rakan

Puyeng bacanya bang @pojan, saya bantu upvote aja, semoga bisa saling membantu.

Ahaha, terimakasih bang yusuf

it's benefits to others, good job brother

ehm. Thnks partner

Itulah semua kekuasaan Allah. Yang begitu sempurna dalam menciptakan makhluknya. Mulai dari ujung kaki hingga kepala. Juga bagian inti seperti otak manusia. Sebagai mana yang telah bang @pojan terangkan di atas. Yang intinya apakah kita sudah sepenuhnya mensyukuri atas semua nikmat dan karunia dari-Nya.

Seharusnya dengan kelebihan-kelebihan otak manusia yang telah oleh Allah kita bisa berfikir dan merenungi. Bagaimana kekuasaan-Nya yang begitubamat dasyat.

Tetapi kenapa juga kita malas berfikir, bekerja, mncari rezeki dan lain-lain. Padahal dengen kelebihan otak kita bisa apapun selain yang di laur kemampuan manusia.

Otak kiri memang memiliki masa jngka pendek, tapi jika di iringi oleh otak kanan hasilnya kan sangat xemerlang. Karena mendukung ke kreatifan untuk lebih sempurna. Sobat manfaatkan kelebihan yang telah Allah berikan 👍👍👍.
Bukan begitu bang @pojan my senior 😊🙏?

Cek neujak bak lon sigo

Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 2.58% vote... I was summoned by @pn09s! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh

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