in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

Liberty Lady, Breaking Free from the Central Bank Owners Chains...

The 4th of July, 2018...

If it were up to me, and if the timing was right...

...I'd pick tonight to Flip the Switch...

But, since I have no insider information...'s possible the Timing isn't quite right yet...

Then again, what do I know...???

I think we do have "them" looking the other way...

Did "they" think we weren't watching...???

The Central Bank Owners are in Panic Mode...

...and there's nothing "they" can do...

They have "too" much to lose...

...if they try getting in our way...

We know what they own...

We know who they control...

We know who they are...

Who's ready to go see this one...

...when they turn it into a Movie...???

Can you Picture who Wins...???

Can you guess Who or What, Saves our Country...???

Have a nice Day...



You said you would flip today .
Do you mean as as soon as possible or this day specifically?

It's not up to me, but if it were, what better day, than the 4th of July...???

hmmm, makes sense in that way

Hello there!

Question: Since in previous postings it has been indicated that our POTUS might be working with other countries to turn the tables on the central banks; hence the US Trade Dollar (by pocket change theory)- would not be in the same category as Jim Willie's "sheist dollar"?

I like listening to Jim Willie, but he makes me laugh sometimes... He's aware of a problem, and he does come close, but he has no clue how we can Solve the Problem... Whenever I hear of a coming Hyper-Inflation, I know they're on the Wrong Path... We're not going to take the Path of Venezuela.... You need to remember that we've all had our share of Thought Manipulation... It's very hard to break free, but the Chains are beginning to fall apart... When you start hearing the Financial Guru's mention the Central Bank "Owners" instead of just saying the Central Banks, you'll know they're getting close to solving the problem... Our Battle is not with the Physical Buildings called Banks... It's with the Buildings Owner/Owners...

Yes, he always goes back to the the gold standard; however- no way to implement in the modern world. (no way that I can think of to implement on a global scale except blockchain, then you go back to storage issues and who really owns gold- just a few.)

I can't say I blame people for wanting to own Gold... After all, there may come a time when we might have to Trade it in for some U.S. Pocket Change... I just can't see it as a Circulating Medium of Exchange... I'm talking about just Common Folks, carrying it around in their Pockets... And if Gold was ever made into Pocket Change again, it would be so tiny, you'd need a Magnifying Glass to deal with such tiny coins... That does pose another question... How Big would a Golden Penny be...??? Have a nice 4th of July...

thank you. Have a good holiday as well!

It turned out very well... In hindsight, I see that the Timing wasn't quite Right... Falling on a Wednesday may have played an important part... Also: I made a post about the size of a Golden Penny, but changed the Penny to a Dollar...

Brother pockets!! Need to kno' m.o.r.e. a'bout this coin depicted a'bove! Tha onlie thing missin' iz a little more L.E.G. !! HA Love it man . . .

Happu 4th - enjoy & be safe brotherman . . .

I posted the Reverse Side, just for you...

Very cool! Thank you good sir *cheers & Happy 4th!

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