in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)


I'm not sure if it's ever been used before, but I started using the #ssg-membership TAG, on all my latest Posts...

I'm hoping to Reach more People in the #ssg-community along with the Majority of Us who use the #steemsilvergold Tag...

I realize that Most of you know everything there is to know about my Pocket Change Theory, right...???

But for those who are still Waking Up to the Idea of a Coming U.S. Monetary Reset, I've decided to keep posting on how this Monetary Reset might impact the Precious Metal Communities...

I've mentioned the Difference between Melt Value and Face Value, concerning Silver and Gold Rounds, verses United States Precious Metal "Bars and Bullion" Coinage...

Since it was brought to my attention that there's a Chance, the United States of a Sovereign People, will soon be Backing their "CIRCULATING MONEY" with Precious Metal Bars and Bullion Coinage, I started to Wonder if this idea would fit in with my P.C. Theory...

Believe it or not, it Fits in Perfectly with my Pocket Change Theory...

Bars of Precious Metals will have a Melt Value and U.S. Bullion Coinage will have the Face Value...

There will be a difference in the Melt Value and Face Value prices...

I've already covered that in a Recent Post, so I won't go into the Finer Details of that, here...

Anyway, I'm always Open to Questions, Thoughts or Answers, so feel free to Comment on any of my Posts...

Past, Present and Future...

March 11, 2019... @pocketechange #ssg-membership #ssg-community #silver or #gold


Brother Pokketz! Yur B~A~C~K !! Whut iz going on here @ tha steemit?!?! @pocketechange My acct 'value' has nearly dubbled from $83.01 to $141+ in a month's time since I stopped ALL Power Up activity!! List'nin' to this great new song in celebration:

I was wondering if you noticed the increase in value...

I think there's a renewed effort by powerz-that-be to push tha Steemit global . . . . . . .

I just watched this Video and thought I'd Play it Forward here...

I realize that Most of you know everything there is to know about my Pocket Change Theory, right...???


Yes we are fully aware of this and also no need to share further. To be honest it is embarassing that you continue doing this but it is a free world.

Please tell me what you know about my P.C. Theory...
Because most of the People who tell me they know, rarely do...
There’s a very good example, as seen on my @pocket-change post...

Here we say "a story has a beard" when it is told so many times over and over again. That is the last I say about it.

Don’t you realize, I’ve listened to and read everything I could find about Gold and Silver, and I still read and hear about it...??? And if you would have read the next Sentence, I’m continuing to Write for those still interested in my latest thoughts and up-dates about my Theory... Please feel free to put me on mute, if you feel I have nothing left to write, that's of further interest to you... Thanks for Your Comments all the same...

Who else in the Steem Silver Gold Community is telling people how Gold will bring down the Fed and the Central Bank Owners...???

Not just the Fed, but all central banks will fall. I just hope the masses are ready for the shit storm that will happen.

One day all is OK, the next banks are shut and all your fiat is gone.

The so called “Shit Storm” will not happen here in the States... We’re holding the Trump Card... We’ll be keeping the Banks open...

By the way... The Old Fiat Debt Notes, will be replaced by the New, Debt and interest Free Fiat Currency, which will be backed by “Real Money”...

That's great for you, but that leaves the rest of the world (99% run bt Central banks) screwed.

The debt levels are mind blowing, but as usual "Joe Blogs" carries on as normal burying their heads in the sand, hoping the world's governments has their best interests at heart. Lol

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