in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)

In God We Trust Coin....jpg

This Post came from a Reply I gave to a Comment...

Who sets the Exchange Rates...???

I have to ask everyone...

Who do you think currently sets the exchange rates...???

I've been to other Countries and I turned in some Federal Reserve Notes for their Currency...

The Rates are in Constant Change...

I'm sure that once the Monetary Reset happens, we will still use the Current System of Currency Exchange Options...

If a Persons Currency gets them One Hundred Dollars in Federal Reserve Notes , and the Reset happens Today, they will only Receive 1 Dollar in Debt Free Money, with "no" loss in "Spending Power"...

So what, if you get less Numbers, as long as you have the "same" Spending Power...???

There is no chance of the Dollar Crashing because of the Activation of U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents...

You must realize that during the Redemption Period, you have the option of using Federal Reserve Notes or your Choice of the Existing or New U.S. Debt Free Currencies...

If an Item Costs 100 Federal Reserve Note Dollars, you will also have the "option" to Purchase the same item for One U.S. Crypto-Dollar, which (by the way) will be backed by U.S. Bullion Coinage...

At the ATM's...

Instead of receiving 100 Dollars in Federal Reserve Notes, you will receive One Hundred Cents in U.S. Paper Trade Cents...

U.S. Crypto's will mostly be used with Saving Accounts, Loans, Writing Checks and such, along with Credit and Debit Cards...

There will be many uses for U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents...

You will be able to Deposit a One Hundred Dollar "Bill" in "exchange" for One (Debt Free) U.S. Crypto-Dollar...

It's correct to think the Federal Reserve Note Dollar as being DOOMED...

The Redemption Period shouldn't last more than a Few Years...

After that Period ends, Federal Reserve Note Dollars will become Void of any and all Legal Tender Status...

U.S. Crypto, U.S. Trade Cents, and U.S. Coinage will be the Monetary Tools used to "Remove and Replace" all Federal Reserve Note Dollars, during the Redemption Period...

The New will Replace the Old, with "no loss" in Spending Power...

Thanks goes out to the Person, Questioning my Theory, which turned into this New Post...

It reinforces my Trust in the Plan...

March 14, 2019... @pocketechange or #ssg-membership


You have a hell of a thought process there, one option would be the option you present or the total replacement of money into a crypto coin which would not be good I think because it would be a sure way to put everyone out of anything of value with the click of a mouse.
As valuable as crypto is if you can access it, everyone would need something of real value, gold and silver has proved out it’s worth throughout history, as well as food and protection, everything from services to food I guess.
Either way your right about us congress right to coin money, what I’m hoping your wrong is we headed to a crypto valued by anything other than gold , silver or such....
I could go on but my time is limited, sorry, just don’t seem to have much time anymore!!!

My Theory removes and replaces Federal Reserve Notes, (World Wide) with U.S. Crypto, U.S. Paper Trade Cents, and U.S. Coinage... All backed by U.S. Bullion Coinage... If my Theory becomes a Reality, you’ll be able to turn in your U.S. Currencies, for an equal “Face Value” amount of U.S. Bullion Coinage...

I have a real QUESTION for EVERYONE...

What if along your theory here...Trump is trying to get the Wall completed by Election Day so he can Win the Election by a Landslide due to everyone in the US loving him.
Here is MY THEORY for this. He is building the wall because he plans to start everything the US. A Pardon of all Debts. And the US starts over with a new currency kinda along your Theory. Could be the Coins, could be Crypto, could be something else.
Guaranteed that Everyone in this country would Love Trump for this and would back him for the upcoming Election.

I believe all Debts will be paid... That’s not to say People won’t still be Filing for Bankruptcy like normal... I think President Trump is leading us away from the Central Bank Owners, which will bring Prosperity to We the People... He won’t be able to do this without a Monetary Reset... Debt Free Money is the Key... More “Spending Power” with less Dollars... Trump really is doing this for the People... We’re in Good Hands... I can read Trump like a Book, and I love what I’m reading... Pulling the Plug on the Central Bank Owners, will cause the Swamp to Drain...

For those of you who want to have a PRECIOUS METAL EXIT STRATEGY...

It seems to be what most people in the Steem Silver Gold Community want...
Why should I keep it from them...??? I'm all about having "Multiple Options"...
50 to 1, Silver to Gold Ratio in U.S. Coinage... Melt Value is a different story...

Your theory incorporates many options: Trade Dollar, Trade cents, US Coinage, US crypto, old Fed dollar, Au and Ag bullion coinage

I recently eliminated the Trade Dollar, to be replaced by 100 Cents in U.S. Paper Trade Cents ... This will make our Paper Currency look as familiar as possible to the old paper Currency... For example... The One Paper Trade Cent will look very much like the old Dollar Bill... Also a 5 Cent, a 10 Cent, a 20 Cent, and a 50 Cent, Paper Currency... Now that you mentioned it, the 100 Cent could say 1.00 Trade Dollar, I suppose... Then again, everyone knows a Hundred Cents, makes a Dollar... U.S. Paper Trade Cents will go no higher than 100 Cents... I've been experimenting with the amount of Cash I leave my House with... I rarely carry more than 100 Federal Reserve Note Dollars... After the Reset, I will rarely leave my Home with more than 100 Paper Trade Cents... Naturally, I'll be carrying the Debit Card to "collect" all my U.S. Crypto-Decimal Cents I have coming in Change... Let's call it U.S. Decimal Change... Thanks... This will become my Next Post...

That is a beautiful rose, from your garden?

It’s called a Perfume Delight, and it’s from my Garden...

It's a nice flower. I've been re-steeming your posts- help you try to reach more people. (Nurses like to help everyone).

Welcome Sir! And Thank you for the nice compliments

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