Shiny Large Silver Bars, along with Piles of Silver Coinage, with Cartwheel Mirror Finishes...

Stack after Stack of Beautiful Gold Bars and Bullion Coinage in Numbers hard to believe...

U.S. Gold Bullion Coinage, with "Spending Power" determined by its Face Value...

Stacks and Stacks of Large Gold and Silver Bars...

Those of us, living here in the United States, just so happen to have a Vast Fortune in Gold and Silver in every Size and Shape imaginable...

It's Spread out, all over our Country...

Guess What...???

We're going to be putting Gold and Silver, back into Circulation...

I know this will come as a Surprise to some of you, who are not Familiar with my Writings...

REAL MONEY is what everyone has been asking for...

Don't tell me it's impossible, because I've seen it in the

Yes, we once had Circulating Gold and Silver Coinage...

It's going to happen again Folks...

There will be a lot of Smiling Faces when the U.S. Monetary Reset is Activated...

Think of the Things we could do with that Money...

It has been said that Gold is going to bring down the Central Bank Owners...

I should know...

I've said it many times...

The Coming Transfer of Wealth will be the Biggest the World has ever seen...

Wouldn't you be willing to Pay Big Bucks to know where to be, for the Coming Transfer of Wealth...???

What would that type of information be Worth to you...???

Would People pay me in STEEM to reveal the Answer...???

All Comments, Questions and Answers are Welcome...

Don't be shy, because we might be in a Count Down Mode as I type...

March 12, 2019... @pocket-change or #ssg-membership


Here's an interesting Video< I think your Followers may enjoy Viewing...

No I will not go to Walmart! Lucky I don't have too much fiat bro!
They can't have me gold either!

I like that he talks about turning in all the Hundred Dollar Bills... That’s not how I think the Redemption Period will happen, but I do like to listen to the views of others... This guy is very close to my P.C. Theory... People are indeed, waking up to "how" Gold will bring down the Fed, along with their "Owners"...

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