The Coming Monetary Correction...

in #steemsilvergold3 years ago (edited)


The Monetary Correction will be very easy to understand...

All we need to know, is how to "Add and Subtract" Face Values...

I truly believe Ten Year Old Children will have no Problems with the Monetary Correction...

Naturally, the Central Bank Owners will be very angry once our Children figure it all out...

How hard is it to understand our Currency that Ranges from One Cent to 100 Cents, or One Dollar...???

100 Electronic Decimal Cents will be equal to One Electronic Cents, and 100 Electronic Cents will be equal with One Electronic Dollar...

As far as our Corrected Silver and Gold Coinage is concerned, they will Range from $1 to $100...

That's pretty much, all we need to know, to figure out our Corrected Monetary System, it's Currencies and our Silver and Gold Coinage...

Paper Coinage should look very similar to our Fiat Paper Dollars, but they will be Denominated in Cents, rather than Dollars...

That should make the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, very simple to understand...

All our New and Improved Physical and Electronic Currencies will be 100% backed by our Silver and Gold Coinage...

When I write 100% backed, I mean "Face Value for Face Value"...

I'm going to keep this post short, because I think everyone already knows my Vision, inside and out...

If by change, you're new to my posts, and have any questions, I'll do my best to give you an answer...

Fiat Dollars will be Rounded up and Destroyed during the Redemption Period...

At the End of the Redemption Period, all Fiat USD's will become Void of any and all Legal Tender Status...

Once Activated, the Monetary Correction will allow us to Pay off the National Debt in Full, including the interest...

Feel free to question anything I write...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

October 10, 2021... 17.0 Hollywood Time...


Hello @pocket-change, you are very motivated with all this change that is coming, I feel how convinced you are of all this, and somehow you transmit it, well you transmit it to me.

It's really very simple, when you take a closer look... I've been looking at it very close for years, and I still think it is the best way back to a Monetary System that will remain Stable... No more inflation, no more Federal Reserve Income Tax... The reason we have income tax here in the U.S. is because it was created to PAY the "interest" on the Borrowed "Fiat Currency" owned by the Central Bank Owners... We don't need or want their Fiat and Digital Currencies... Anyway, what are you doing to prepare for what I see coming...???
October 12, 2021... 7.0 Hollywood Time...

The Monetary Correction will happen in the Here and Now...

October 10, 2021... 18.3 Hollywood Time...

I loved this video, raises the spirit!

I was taking a look at the first few Sentences of my Post, and it made me laugh... I'm not sure why, but most of the people seems to think my Vision is very Complicated... Oh well...
October 16, 2021... 7.2 Hollywood Time...

That correction is approaching, and we must take action now and in the future, we must not remain without acting waiting for others to make decisions.

We the People hold the True Power... We will turn the tables on those who try to enslave us...
October 11, 2021... 5.2 Hollywood Time...

This is very good project. I eagerly awaiting to make my interaction with it.

Tell me what you've been doing to prepare for the Monetary Correction...
October 12, 2021... 23.5 Hollywood Time...

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