Ask The Hard Questions

in #word7 years ago (edited)


14th November 2017

Apostle Grace Lubega

Psalms 27:4 (KJV); One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.

There are men in the life of the Spirit who asked questions because they desired distinctive answers to propel them to purpose.

We learn from them that our places of inquiry in the temple of the Lord go beyond simply needing answers to carnal issues but answers to experiences in the Word that may seem “incomplete” in our understanding.

Take the example of Peter. Peter knew that there were those that had been judged during the days of Noah and he wondered about their salvation.

When he asked this question, the Lord carried him into an experience where he realized that Jesus Christ had descended and preached to those spirits too(1 Peter 3:19-20).

How about Jude? Jude studied the account of the death of Moses and found that by the scriptures, his body had never been found and that no man knew where he had been buried. When he asked the hard questions, God carried him into an experience where he saw Satan and the arch angel Michael fighting over Moses’ body(Jude 1:9).

The Bible is more than a collection of stories. It is an eternal record of the lives of men from which we are continually learning(Romans 15:4). Part of that learning comes from God-led experiences of these accounts and not simply what we read in print.

When you learn to ask these questions (as one who seeks to know more after the pattern of the Spirit of truth), the Word of God comes alive to you because God answers the questions that some prefer to only theorize about. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Luke 1:1-4, Ps 119:96

The Bible is more than a collection of stories. It is an eternal record of the lives of men from which we are continually learning. Part of that learning comes from God-led experiences of these accounts and not simply what we read in print.

PRAYER: Father, I am grateful for your Word. Thank you for redefining the wisdom and the understanding by which I inquire in your courts. By the Spirit of truth, I am led into deeper experiences of the Word. Your Word continually comes alive for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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By the Spirit of truth, I am led into deeper experiences of the Word.

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