Is There Really A Trinity? Or only one God. King or Fraud. How close is He really?

in #truth6 years ago

In Bible study yesterday, one fellow said that the bible doesn't teach about the Trinity.

I was taken back for a while and that had to sink in.

We are "witness" speaking people. So just let me know if you don't need a witness. No steemit politics just community talk.

The reason behind that question us to proclaim that if there is no "Trinity" then there is no witness. Water, Blood, and Spirit. 1John 5f

Jesus is Lord and He is at the right hand of God in heaven. However, he promised not to leave us here alone. So the Spirit of God That had always lived in Christ Jesus. Came to dwell in believers.

Do you remember when Jesus said "Let not your hearts be troubled." John 14f. He goes into the part of the scripture that says he has to go and prepare a place for us. That we can be with Him. But He promised to send His Spirit to remind us of His teaching about the Kingdom of God. In Acts 7f, a brief history of the children of Israel is given and we are introduced to Saul who later would be known as Paul. That portion of scripture says that there were Two in heaven. God, and seated at his right hand. The Savior, Jesus Christ. Why are there not 3? Well the Holy Spirit was sent to earth as a "best friend".

So now, here on the Big @blue rock His Spirit bears witness to His teaching.

Let's back up to the beginning.

Gen 1f. God created the heavens and the earth. And the Spirit if God hovered over the waters. And God said "Let there be Light"

The Will of God Spoke and his Spirit acted on the Spoken Will of God.

The Word is not independent, the Action of God is not independent. They, plural, as in "let US make man in OUR image" is not revealing 3 gods. But one Spoken Will Acted upon. Never independent but able to be viewed as Fruit. Peel, Meat, and Seed. Covering, Edible, and Producing. Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. One Authority, three distinct visually taught murals of God.

Jesus became flesh and lived, walked, died, was buried and then raised from death by the power of The Spirit to glorify The Father. Not himself. That was not His Purpose.

Now we, you and I, have a choice. To believe and receive. Or reject Him.

To reject his Son is to reject Him. For He is the only way to the Father. How do we know that? His Spirit revealed it. To reject God's actions is to reject the Son.

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