My bank asked us about bitcoin

in #blog7 years ago

It's not every day I see anything about cryptocurrencies pop up here in the Netherlands.

Today though, I stumbled upon a poll my bank was holding. They asked the simple question:

"Do you own the cryptocurrency 'bitcoin'?"

ING bitcoin poll

There were three options:
Not anymore, but I used to

Ofcourse, the 98% went to 'No'.

I'm kind of sad that they didn't add a last option like "Never heard of it", because that would have been interesting information about the common knowledge of cryptos over here!

What do you think of this result? Are the 1% answers surprising to you? Did you expect more?

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Banks are getting information to be the first seller for their their customers. Banks ar getting ready!

Maybe! Though for now, the results show it won't be very interesting for them just yet.

Cryptocurrency is becoming more main stream nowadays. It will power the new economy

Yeah, though this poll shows that hardly anyone in the Netherlands owns it. I'm sad it doesn't show us how many people know it exists.

Good post... I think it pretty much shows us that most of the people - even financial institutions - do not know about it at all or especially banks kust dont take it serious competition yet

Thank you :-)
Exactly! I am pretty sad that they didn't ask if people knew about it. I'd be very interested to know how many people even knew about the existence of bitcoin or other crypto.

Absolutely... that would have been the correct question to ask. This way it only shows us that the bank did not even bother to ask...

Exactly. Either that, or the people making the poll aren't the right ones for the job. Makes me wonder who actually decides what polls should be posted!

I'm sure that banks are centralised and therefore getting polls from their main office. Those guys should definately and most likely know about Bitcoin etc

Be careful it's not a trick question. My bank (in Australia) shut my account down for sending funds to a bitcoin exchange.

Really? Oh gosh, that's a nasty thing to do. I'm not sending any funds from my account anywhere into the crypto world though. I keep it all seperate and simply trade with what I earn on Steemit :-)

Might be a step toward introducing bitcoin, and i agree with the option you suggested, that is must have for every new poll.

Bitcoin isn't in the news a lot yet, so I doubt they're seriously thinking about it. It must be interesting for them to know how many of their members know anything about crypto though, so the extra option is really a lost opportunity for them to learn more from this poll.

It seems like they're getting curious... They probably feel threatened... It's just so strange for a bank to ask such a question, given where their loyalties lie. They're not exactly pro cryptocurrency, you know.

Yeah, maybe it's just to check how popular (or not) it's getting amongst the public.

To be honest that is a good thing right now and it validates statements such as bitcoin being worth $100,000 in the future because a lot of people don't know about it.

True! They'll have to get to know about it some day though, for it to become mainstream. But I guess we can wait a while longer :-)

Is your bank considering adding Bitcoin as a banking option? or why are they doing these poles?
I'm glad financial institutions are finally starting to pay notice to cryptocurrencies.

I doubt they are. They usually do random polls to check people's opinions, but I'm not sure if they really do anything useful with them, other than showing the results on their website/newsletter. I'm sure some statistics can be useful to them though, like the results from this one. It'll probably show them they don't have a lot to worry about yet.

I would have thought it's all least 5% so a little more. Because I suggest that young people who might know about it do not take part in such polls. But maybe I am wrong.

I still would have thought that more of those who take part in polls know about Bitcoin.

Yeah, though taking the polls together, it seems more people know about it, but they just don't own any.

What bank was doing the poll? I worked for Rabo and ING indirectly before. ING seem like good people even though they are a bank :D.

And yeah, would have loved 4th option and I am almost surprised that every 100th Hollander has crypto, I bet in Germany it is less people.

It was ING.

Seems they did the 4th option in a seperate poll today! The results are quite surprising, but as other stated, probably a lot of people think they know bitcoin for its bad reputation, but don't really know much more than that.

yeah, else the difference between people "knowing" about crypto and the one who own it would not be that high.

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