Just a regular blog

in #life3 years ago

I am going to try and shove aside my 'New World' addiction for the moment and write you a nice, regular blog.

Because who doesn't want to know about my life, right?


We had a long weekend! As in, hubby had monday off. We did plenty of gaming (Ahem, New World...), but we also paid a little attention to our 'IRL' things!

There was still some garden work to do and for the clipping of a small tree and big-ass bush, I needed hubby's help. So, royally late to the clipping party (sorry garden!), we finally did the clipping stuff. Ofcourse, this is the weekend hubby's back hurt, but he definitely gave me moral support! And some side-line help and the places-a-small-person-can't-reach kinda help. Couldn't have done it without him!

I'm so happy all of the clipping work is done now. All of my other garden plans, I can do on my own, up until the point where two big bushes need to be removed and a cherry tree needs to be re-located. And more bushes need to be moved... Okay, I still need hubby!

Yesterday, during hubby's extended weekend, we finally got rid of my car. I'm sad! And happy! Sad, because I hate driving and I knew I could drive this car and was pretty comfortable with it. Sad, because now I have to learn to drive hubby's car for the few moments I might need it and it is a scary change for me. Happy, because it was on my to-do list and is now done. Happy, because it was the right thing to do in my current situation of not being able to hold a job.

We sold the car back to the garage that sold it to us to begin with. They are right here in this town, so that's easy. They are also good, honest people with honest prices. Way to bind customers to you, guys!

Then in the evening, we watched the movie Free guy on Disney Plus. I'd tell you I enjoyed the entire movie, but that would be a lie. Hubby enjoyed the entire movie, while I kept trying to stay awake and eventually just gave in and slept through most of the ending. It's not the movie's fault, I need the rest and hubby's just a good person to fall asleep against. I enjoyed the parts of the movie I did see.

Today, hubby's back to work and I guess I'll need to start doing some household chores, yuck! I am also back to my New World addiction, but I don't have to play it all day long anymore. Partly because I don't feel like it (I enjoy the game, but I can take breaks now), and partly because the queues aren't as crazy anymore. I'm not sure if they are still there during the evening, but during the day, I can just log in whenever I want, without having to wait in line for an hour or more.

Right, I'm going to leave it at that. I hope you're all doing well!

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Sometimes I usually do something similar, I take a one-day break, and then when I come back I not only see things better, I also analyze them better, and they give me good results. I call it a reset. Thank you for sharing this history.

Hello greetings, excellent your story, I also spend time at home, and I put aside the games from time to time, yes, then I return to the game to always be up to date. It is good that you have a good time with your husband and that both of you colloabore in the housework. Greetings.

It is always good to take a break, to spend a great long weekend with the family and share just like you did. But, keep telling us more about the progress of your game, it's really interesting. Greetings.

It was a busy day, but varied and with mutual support. That's ideal, it compensates. Greetings.

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