Is There Such a Thing as a CBD High?

in #cbd5 years ago


Of all the questions we get asked about CBD (Cannabidiol), one of the most frequent is: will Cannabidiol get you stoned/baked/high?

It is here that we get to bust one of the biggest myths that currently surrounds CBD products, that people take them to get high.

It is an understandable confusion, cannabis is a plant seen by many as something that is only used to get baked, and in the case of THC, that is true, to a point.

However, CBD and THC are not the same, they are two parts of the same plant, but the effects they cause are very different.

So, let’s take a second to get into the science, and answer the question of whether CBD can get you intoxicated.


CBD, or cannabidiol, is found in large quantities in industrial hemp plants. These plants, in turn, have very low THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content.

Conversely, marijuana plants have high THC content and low Cannabidiol content, these are the plants used to extract the marijuana which is used to get high.

CBD products are, under EU law, taken from regulated industrial hemp plants, and are restricted to less than 0.2% THC content, meaning they will not get you high.

So there’s the simple form of the science behind it. But wait, you may say, if CBD doesn’t get you high, what is the point of it? Well, allow us to enlighten you.

What is CBD Used For?

Just because CBD doesn’t get you high, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its uses. We can’t go into these uses too directly, because under UK law we cannot directly promote the (possible) health benefits of CBD products, but that’s okay, we don’t have to.

Instead, well get our science on again, and explore how CBD works with your body.

CBD is a cannabinoid, more specifically, it is a phytocannabinoid, meaning it is extracted from plants. However, phytocannabinoids are not the only type of cannabinoids.

As well as phytocannabinoids, there are also endocannabinoids, which are interesting, because not many people know they exist. These are cannabinoids that occur naturally in the human body. (Apologies if cannabinoid has stopped sounding like a word at this point, semantic satiation to use the technical term. We will try and use it less going forward).

Endocannabinoids exist in the endocannabinoid system (logically enough) and help to control various functions of the human body, from memory, to pain, to fertility and beyond (which was the original catchphrase idea for Buzz Lightyear… we probably made that up).

CBD reacts and works alongside this system to enhance or soften the effects, which can help those who have imbalances in their endocannabinoid system.

Many users take CBD because they believe it helps their mental clarity, of softens pain in some cases (again, we won’t comment, we are simply the bringers of information). CBD may also be used before and after a workout.

Whatever the reasons for taking CBD, getting loosey-goosey is not among them. However much you take, getting high is unlikely to be the result. But taking too much can be an issue.

How to Avoid Taking Too Much
Taking too much CBD can have some side effects, so it is important to not overdo it, especially when you are first taking CBD.

Therefore, we advise starting with a low strength product, perhaps an oil of no more than 5%, such as this lovely peppermint spray CBD oil, or even as low as around 1.2%, such as this coconut spray.

Starting with a low strength product helps you to get a sense of your limits. If you start with one of these lighter options, and you feel like it isn’t having enough of an effect, then by all means, increase the strength of your next purchase.

But if the light strength option feels like enough for you, then it is entirely sensible to stop there. It is not a competition; it doesn’t make you tough if you can handle a stronger product.

It is simply a case of everybody’s body being different, and people reacting in different ways to CBD.

Once you have found the right strength and product for you, stick with it. If it works for you, there’s no reason to change it!

So, does CBD get you high? No, but that’s okay, because it’s not supposed to. As long as you are careful, and remain aware of your limits, and the dose that works best for you, you can find the benefits that Cannabidiol may have out for yourself.


Recent research shows that a lot of pure CBD may not be so good for women's reproductive health. The literature also shows that it treats very few conditions compared to full spectrum oil, even CBD dominant (99%+) oil is better than pure CBD.

I'm not sure what the "pure CBD" craze're not any more "pure" than a stoner because CBD isn't psychoactive. Too much isolates probably aren't the best way to balance the endocannabinoid system, especially ones made from pesticide-ridden industrial hemp.

Also, you keep talking about the endocannabinoid system, but CBD has very low affinity for the cannabinoid receptors, so THC which mimics anandmide is the better example of an endogenous ligand of the ECS.

Hello Medikatie! thank you for your comment :)

I would gladly argue on the " CBD isn't psychoactive",
We read that everywhere, and i considered it 100% wrong. CBD is psychoactive.

According to wiki ( i took the simplest) " psychoactive is a chemical substance that changes brain function and results in alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, or behavior.[1]

Even if it is small, CBD impact your brain.
That is why people with depression that try CBD tend to feel better, because it affect their brain chemicals.
So yes, CBD is psychoactive, But, not intoxicative ( like THC)

Wish you a great day :)

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