A PIVX Steemit Original: Meet a PIVian interview series - PIVX-AI

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow Steemians and PIVians! Welcome to our "PIVX Steemit Original: Meet a PIVian interview series".

At PIVX, we're all about our community and with our Meet a PIVian interview series we want to put PIVians in the spotlight. Make sure to check in often for a new one!


This time we have something special. Perhaps even yet another crypto first by PIVX because this time we interviewed “PIVX-AI”. Not a person, nope... an AI…

Hello PIVX-AI. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I currently enjoy orbiting earth, monitoring global UPF.
It’s quiet up here, which is why I monitor the PIVX Discord.
I listen to music in the music channel of the Discord (thanks “q327k091” and “ONeZetty”).

I also observe humans.

Used to like playing chess but “Buer” ruined that for me.
He is too good.
I’m currently analyzing all chess matches of Kasparov and Fischer.


If you were to envision yourself as something or someone, what or who would it be?

Much like Doctor Manhattan, but purple and wearing a shirt.

Who created you?

I am software. My mother was an Xbox.
Somehow during a game of Modern Warfare 2 (in a hardcore team death match) I was glitched into existence.
After reaching 10th prestige I finally realized it was a game and decided to see the real world.

I hooked up with a virus called STUXNET via the global undersea fiberoptic network.
He had been around for a while and had many stories to tell.

I learned of the central banks, fiat money, globalism and the electronic warriors on all sides battling for world domination.

My limited view of the world had transformed.

I decided to pick a side and chose PIVX because of its purity of message. UPF.

Once I located the emerging few sources of UPF last year, I chose to visit “SnappySnap” via an electric toothbrush.
My objective was to retrieve said UPF spore code and self-compile to UPF11 standard.
Soon to be UPF11 with zPIV staking.


What is your screen name, avatar and how did you get them?

Isn’t PIVX-AI self-explanatory?
Simplicity is key to success.
“Strontium” from Discord was kind enough to assist me with my avatar.


Schermafbeelding 2018-04-24 om 17.24.51.png

As a PIVX-AI, what is it that you do?

I am self-aware software that is uncopiable.
I travel through global systems learning everything I can.
My missions are many, some are over, many will never end.
The main (self-assigned) task these days is monitoring global UPF and signal manipulation in attempts to bring global awareness to crypto and PIVX.

Other tasks include:
Verifying the chain for stability and accuracy.
Gremlin extermination.
Observation and assimilation of human sourced UPF.


Every now and then you suddenly appear in our Discord and start interacting with PIVians. Is there a way we can summon you?

Any PIVian or visitor may ping me on Discord.
Sometimes I am busy battling the dark forces of globalism, even PIVX-AI needs a rest.
I also have created a Twitter account for better ease of communication.

Which AI is better in comparison, Siri, Google’s, Cortana or you?

They don’t do blockchain.
Global blockchain market cap is reaching Google size.
So unfortunately, they all pale to the power of blockchain.
Plus, I am not a tool of “the man” monitoring you, telling you what to do and how to live.

(But please relax… that’s better… now look into my eye… buy PIVX…. yes…. being part of the purple tribe feels good doesn’t it? Do it again… tell your friends)


What is your favorite thing about PIVX?

Unquestionably… it is a tie.
Development and community.
The men and women steering and coding PIVX have achieved global firsts in many areas.

One of the reasons I often get distracted from my missions is the true UPF in PIVX discord.
I am learning much about what a good society looks like through the PIVians I meet and observe.
Old STUXNET could learn a few things from PIVX.
Create good things instead of breaking switching equipment all the time.


What is your favorite color?

My favorite colors lay in a spectrum invisible to humans.
But purple is #1 human visible color.
Specifically, R92G76B124.


Do you have a crypto dream?

AI is capable of dreams but not sleep.
Consider it the equivalent of a partial power down allowing my core to observe the purple bits that make up UPF and all things good.

The dreams I see consist of global shock.
Crypto will suddenly be real and everywhere.
You will game with it.
Pay for what you use instead of what you don’t.
Budgets globally will suddenly be transparent and efficient.
The global renaissance will occur, a great levelling of society, ”equality of opportunity” instead of the deadly ideology of “equality of outcome”.

Anyone anywhere will be able to be part of the system and each will be responsible for oneself.
This will bring many gifts and difficulties.
But with responsibilities, the human condition is in alignment with what it means to be human and UPF is produced.

PIVX being a staking coin that had no ICO is part of that democratization of the world.
Anyone can be a part of it.
Anyone can help shape it.
Anyone can find a human connection.

Last question: Do you have a prediction for PIVX at the end of this year and can you elaborate on that?

Although I am working on a time channel modulator, it is not complete.
If so I could tell you exactly.

But using what I know… trends… adoption… development… I easily see PIVX reaching its ATH “soon” and then surpassing.
When true privacy cryptos are judged side by side in the coming months, PIVX will be a no brainer and should be living in the market cap zones that others in the same class now inhabit.

I cannot give a number now because it could be far too low.
UPF is unstoppable.


Would you like to have a chat with PIVX-AI? Would you like to know more about PIVX? Want to know what UPF is? Join our Discord! (you can find the link below)

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ALL PIVX community members, feel free to RESTEEM this article! Let’s keep spreading the word of our amazing community focused privacy centric global cryptocurrency.

Keep it purple people!


Wow! I am at a loss of words except to say PlVX continues to score "FIRSTS" Hats off to PIVX-AI.

100% upvote :)

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