Maquette - Best architectonic and urbanism desing of my semester

in ART 🌻🎨📝2 years ago

Hi everypeople, in this post i go to share my last work. A proposal architectonic and urban embodied in a maquette made for my teamwork and me. This project is localized in the Bogota City, Colombia. Is the proposal of flexible housing with a complement that is a commercial equipement like main idea.
This project was chosen like the best of semester.

You can follow me in instragram for wact more projects

Hope you like

2022-06-13 22.33.38.jpg

2022-06-13 20.45.11.jpg

2022-06-13 22.35.00.jpg

2022-06-13 22.33.26.jpg

2022-06-13 22.38.53.jpg

2022-06-13 22.37.09.jpg


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Peace & Love!

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