Joint Snake: Fearsome Critters

in #folklore6 years ago

This fearsome critter has origins in the southern United States. The mythological joint snake is said to have the ability to reassemble its body after being cut in half, as well as the ability to break itself into pieces if necessary.

The skin of the joint snake is allegedly textured like parchment, but with the smooth quality of glass. Streaked in black and white, the joint snake is allegedly so stiff and hard that it has difficulties moving in the typical snake like fashion.

Some say the obvious origin of this folkloric creature is based on actual creatures. The joint snake shares some characteristics of legless lizards with regenerative properties. However, no actual creature I know of is capable of doing what it is said the joint snake can do. There are anecdotal reports (or perhaps just tall tales) of the joint snake having its tail removed by a knife and the knife being set down between the two pieces of snake. In the process of regeneration, it is said that the joint snake will include the knife between the two segments and the knife will become part of its body.

Animal, Common, Favorites, Poisonous, Reptile, Snake
image via pixabay

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