Spring, poetry game, stimulation and positive energy
Spring is my favorite season. Then the continuous smell of clean winter odorless air is lost. In the spring, the air is enriched with the scents of various plants, blossoming fruits, you can smell the evaporation of rivers, the smell of forests, you can feel life on earth.
In the spring, birds chirp, rejoice in the spring days, insects buzz all around us with their wings that are like light paper and wire mesh, light and strong, and small animals to have the power of speech, I believe they would be heard above and below the ground happy on warmer days but if you don't hear or understand them, you observe them and try to notice their body language which will tell you how happy they are.
I really like the spring freshness of the air that reaches me from the mountains where the attacked snowflakes are still hiding. A gentle breeze that flows through my hair, brings scents from the mountains, rivers, and valleys, through flower fields, slightly green gardens, and orchards.
Scents are like the essence of good energy that inspires me. I write, and I write, I write tirelessly, in order to share and convey to all of you dear friends, that energy that I feel. I tirelessly, selflessly share the good energy that I feel and have.
For this inspiration, I am grateful to my and your friends, my brothers @sultan-aceh and @tailah.bayu. Greetings to you, dear friends.
I like when I can help, then I feel useful. I don’t have to be first in something to be a winner. We are all winners in what we do, as soon as you work you go forward that is the point of life, to go forward.
Whenever you go, do something and if you continue to the end you are the winners, no matter when you arrive or do, you win for sure.
So work diligently on Steemit, on yourself, bring new members to feel what you felt and why you call them, let them feel your energy of success. Nothing without energy. My friend, my brother @dobartim, has been teaching me for years how to pass on good energy to someone else we want to give it to. I am grateful to him for that and I am glad to have a school on Steemit, for all of us, called “Steemit schools” that deals with business, education, and stimulating people.
”I know that @dobartim has a lot of positive energy when building what he loves and that is leadership. Know that this job is impossible if you are not born as a great leader. He could tell you about the business 24h /7 days, and how to build it to be successful for you, because if you are successful and he is, by the very fact that he has managed to teach you.
I wish all the best to everyone who has read because I believe in you and I believe in what I am saying now and that you will direct all your friends who are not to read this text. Make an effort to transfer the energy and inspiration you have received to others now, because only in this way will we be able to build the Steemit platform as a team.
All the best
Proleće, poetry game, stimulacija i pozitivna energija
Proleće je moje najomiljenije godišnje doba. Tada se gubi kontinualni miris čistog zimskog bezmirisnog vazduha. U proleće je vazuh oplemenjen mirisima raznog bilja, cvetalog voća, oseća se miris isparenja reka, miris šuma, oseća se zivot na zemlji. U proleće ptice cvrkuću, raduju se prolećnim danima, insekti zuje svuda oko nas svojim krilima koji su poput lakog papira i žičane mreže, lagana a čvrsta, i male životinjice da imaju moć govora, verujem da bi i njih čuli kako se iznad i ispod zemelje vesele toplijim danima ali ako ih ne čujete ili ne razumete, vi ih posmatrajte i probajte primetiti njihov govor tela koji će vam reći koliko su vesele.
Mnogo volim prolećnu svežinu vazduha koja dopire do mene sa planina gde se još uvek kriju napadane pahulje. Blagi lahor koji struji po mojoj kosi, donosi mirise sa planina, reka i dolina, preko cvetnih polja, blago ozelenelih bašta i voćnjaka.
Mirisi su kao esencija dobre energije koja me inspiriše. Pišem, i pišem, neumorno pišem, kako bi podelio i preneo svima vama dragi prijatelji, tu energiju koju osećam. Neumorno, neseično delim dobru energiju koju osećam i imam.
"Za ovu inspiraciju sam zahvalan mojim i vašim prijateljima, mojoj braći @sultan-aceh and @tailah.bayu. Pozdrav vama, dragi prijatelji."
Volim kad mogu pomoći, tad se osećam korisno. Ne moram biti prvi u nečemu da bih bio pobednik. Svi smo mi pobednici u onome što radimo, čim radiš ti ideš napred to i jeste poenta života, ići napred.
Kad god idete, radite nešto i ako nastavite do kraja vi ste pobednici, nije važno kada ćete stići ili uraditi, Vi pobeđujete sigurno.
Zato radite marljivo na Steemit, na sebi, dovedite nove članove da i oni osete to što ste vi osetili i zbog čega ih zovete, neka osete tu vašu energiju uspeha. Ništa bez energije. Moj prijatelj, moj brat @dobartim, me uči godinama u nazad kako predati dobru energiju drugome kome je želimo dati. Zahvalan sam mu na tome i drago mi je da ima školu na Steemit, za sve nas, koja se zove "Steemit schools" koja se bavi biznisom, edukacijom, i stimulisanju ljudi". Znam da @dobartim ima mnogo pozitivne energije kad gradi ono što voli a to je liderstvo. Znajte da je taj posao nemoguć, ako niste rođeni kao veliki vođa. On bi mogao da vam priča o biznisu 24h/7 dana, i kako ga graditi da bude uspešan po vas, jer ako ste vi uspešni i on je, samim tim što je uspeo da vas nauči.
Sve najbolje želim svima koji su pročitali jer verujem u vas i verujem u ono što govorim sada i da ćete usmeriti sve vaše prijetelje kaji nisu da pročitaju ovaj text. Potrudite se da energiju i inspiraciju koju ste dobili sada prenesete na druge, jer ćemo jedino tako kao tim uspeti da izgradimo Steemit platformu.
Sve najbolje
Thank you very much for all that my brother, you are a good person and we are also very lucky to get to know Mr. @dobartim and I did not think that you are so close to him even if you are in the same country, I am very grateful because I already know people -Good people like you on this steemit platform, Thank you my brother @photo-master
One correction to not living in delusion or ignorance-
@dobartim and I do not live in the same country. He lives in Macedonia and I live in Serbia - the countries are close, that is. they border but it is not the same, they are two states.
I'm glad you liked my story.
I will still write about my country, some of its sights and the city I live in at the moment.
I have some ugly weather all over the country, a cloud of rain is circling, so I can't go to some places and stop the weather with my camera and take photos of what you and I would like, nature, plants, animals, insects, rivers, mountains.
I will write several times on the same topic dedicated to you, because you asked for it. I'll be glad to fulfill that for you.
He wishes you all the best,
Your brother
Thank you very much my brother greetings and have a good activity, I hope the weather there will quickly improve,
Read my new post about inner strength. You might like it
I'm not sure about the time but I know it will get better soon
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The drawing looks nice. I enjoyed looking at some of the details, your drawing techniques
Good job