Landscape Photography: Griffith Park, one of the largest city parks in the US

in #landscapephotography7 years ago (edited)

Hey my Steemit fellows,

Today´s #lanscapephotography contest hosted by @juliank is the perfect opportunity for me to show you some of the photos I took during my last travels. I recently spent a couple of days in the vibrant Californian metropolis of Los Angeles and even though I usually prefer natural environment to urban sites, I did enjoy some parts of this huge city very much.

Located at the eastern part of the Santa Monica Mountains, the Griffith Park is definitely one the places that made the biggest impression on me. Covering a total land area of staggering 1,740 ha, it is one of the largest city parks in the US and possibly in the world too.

The Griffith Park is sometimes compared to the famous Central Park in New York City but I think these two parks cannot really be compared as the Griffith is a way more extensive, rugged and wild than its NYC counterpart.

To give you a better idea of its enormous size, let me tell you we actually spent a whole day hiking up in the hills of the park and we still only scratched the surface as we got to see just a tiny fraction of the park.

There are numerous hiking trails in the Griffith Park, ranging in length and difficulty, but there are many other activities the visitors can choose from. Once there, you can rent a bike, try horseback riding, play golf and much more.

The Griffith Park is also home to the famous Griffith Observatory, a popular tourist attraction with excellent panoramic views of the city as well as the iconic Hollywood Sign sitting on the top of the Mount Lee.

I will definitely tell you more about this amazing natural place found literally just a few miles outside the hustle and bustle of the 4-million metropolis but for now, let me just show you some photos that I took while exploring the beautiful landscape of the park.







Czech / Česky:

Tak jsme opět zpátky „doma“ v Mexiku a konečně vám můžu ukázat první fotky z našeho posledního výletu. Vyrazili jsme na pár dní do Kalifornie, konkrétně do největšího města tohoto amerického státu, čtyřmilionové metropole Los Angeles. Já tedy většinou dávám přednost přírodním místům, ale musím říct, že i já jsem si během tohoto výletu přišel na své.

Místem, které se mi líbilo asi nejvíc, je Griffith Park. Tento park patří s rozlohou 1740 hektarů mezi největší městské parky v celé Severní Americe a dost možná i na světě. My jsme v něm strávili celý den a nachodili desítky kilometrů a i tak jsme viděli jen nepatrný zlomek toho, co nabízí.

Celý park je protkán bezpočtem upravených turistických tras lišících se časovou i fyzickou náročností, takže na své si tam přijde opravdu každý fanda pěší turistiky. Kromě krásné, všudypřítomné přírody si můžete téměř z každého místa vychutnávat panoramatické výhledy na město a z některých vyhlídek je také vidět legendární nápis Hollywood, který se nachází na hoře Mount Lee v západní části parku.

Další články o našem kalifornském výletu budu postupně přidávat, takže pokud vás to zajímá, sledujte můj blog :) Děkuji za pozornost a přeji hezký den.

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about #nature, #animals, #traveling and discovering secrets and beauties of the #world, make sure to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about.
If you enjoy my content, feel free to upvote and resteem :) I don’t always follow back but I upvote original and interesting comments on my posts. Have a wonderful day and Steem on!


That's definitely a place MUST VISIT! Thanks for sharing. Nice photos and keep up the traveling <3
We are travel bloggers as well :)

Hey, thanks for stopping by and leaving this nice comment :) Have fun and stay safe on your travels guys :)

Congratulations! Your high quality travel content caught our attention and earned you a reward, in form of an upvote and resteem. Your work really stands out. Your article now has a chance to get curated and featured under the appropriate daily topic of our Travelfeed blog. Thank you for using #travelfeed


Wow, thank you so much, means a lot! :)

Beautiful place, a wonder that is really worth being appreciated. Amazing shots!

I was in LA last year and all I could manage was a touristy trip around the Beverly Hills before running away to find some peace. Had I known about this, would have definitely explored and hiked. Nice pictures!

Haha, we also did that touristy trip around the Beverly Hills but fortunately, we got to see many other places too, including this amazing park ;) Thanks for stopping by and welcome to Steemit! I like your name, sounds like you will be posting travel stuff too :))

I'm so happy you made it to Griffith Park! It really is one of my favorite parts of the city. It still amazes me that embedded within this busy metropolis you can climb up a trail and escape it all. Even when I don't go into the park, I use that neighborhood for outside runs along Los Feliz Blvd. Your photos from here are fantastic!

Thanks Matt! :) I will reply in a PM ;)

Vítej zpátky ;)
1740 ha a "městský" park ? ;)

Díky :) To víš, Amíci, ti mají jiné měřítka :D

Very beautiful! I visited LA in 2014, but I didn't know about this place! :(

Thanks :) You will know next time ;) Its like an oasis of peace and quiet among all the craziness of the huge city.

Cool! Don't you hear any noise from the city at all?

Nope... only bird singing (and possibly the rattlesnakes rattling :D) I think you would love that place ;)

Rattlesnakes, yikes! :D..I guess that many LA citizens come here to find some peace!

Wow, I loved the first one, you can see the city in the distance!

Actually, you can see the city from almost every spot in the park :) Very cool location.

Yes it seems like a really cool position!

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