Coffee and Philosophy: Stress

Today's mug is brought to us by freedom, not the kind bought with blood and the illusion of the necessity of killing each other either.

Let's dive deep today. I'm going to pose a series of questions and let you figure out the answers for yourself. I have figured out the answers for myself and I'm much happier now. :) Namaste.

What if stress is an illusion you put on yourself because you think you have to do things you don't want to do?

What if the only arguments you could come up with to defend stress are more self limiting illusions you put on yourself to justify living anything other than the life you want?

What if imaginary lines that separate countries are about control and ultimately irrelevant if we stop being "whatever our countries tell us we are" and start being "human?"

What if you could eliminate all stress from your life by simply not playing the self doubt game?

What if all of these questions aren't really questions and are asking you to face what you already know to be true?

What if you actually couldn't have clicked on this post to have read these questions if you were not supposed to and in turn start a process of changing your limiting thoughts to change from a life of "I can't because" to a life of "I should have been doing this all along?"

What if the only thing stopping us from living our dreams and being the people we want are lies we let ourselves believe because we saw so many others do it before us and don't know another way?

Do these questions make you uncomfortable?

Do they make you angry, because they imply that you aren't helpless to change it?


Have you already changed it?

If not, are you going to change it or keep believing you have to be stressed and unhappy?

I say again: Namaste.


Awesome mug

Good post.
I started to accept that we have a worldwide knowledge problem, and that an international platform is needed, to share knowledge, to awaken the sleepy ones. Good thing we have Steemit!!
Because everything you say here make sense to people who understand it, but unfortunately the biggest group don't understand it.
Plato's cave is the reality, of a small group among us.

I said to a person ones, everything you feel and think is because of your interpretation of your reality.
He looked at me, with a strange look.
As if i said to him, that i saw a flying dragon!!

I know that look allllll too well.

Yeah i thought so :)
I was talking with my cousin today, and i was explaining the reward system of our brain to him.
Then on some point i said.LOOK basically what i am saying to you is, do you want the red or blue pil.
If you take blue, then you will get out of the matrix, or take red and stay asleep. He said ok ok ok i am listening.
Icompletely understand why Nietzsche when crazy, he had no internet to stay in contact with similar mind thinkers. :)

I read somewhere (I think it was in 'The Sedona Method' that somewhere, somehow someone told us we had to be responsible adults. That we had to step up and make the world a better place. Then the book asked a simple question: what if you don't have to carry the burdens of the world?
What then?
What if you were responsible for your world. Meaning, yourself, your children, your neighborhood. The only thing you would have to do is extend the definition of 'you' to include your brother man.
I'm trying to say be selfish, take care of yourself. Just remember we are all connected in spirit so what you do for your neighbor is also done to you.
The whole do unto others thing.
Then we would be mindful of our impact on others. We would love others because we recognize they are part of ourselves. Wouldn't that be a revolutionary thing?

:) Almost like we are all "one" right? What is internal reflects in our external words and actions.

This is such a great post, for so many reasons. Questioning of any kind, particularly self-questioning, is on the wane. Your questions provoke something inside, and it takes courage to answer them honestly. With all the confusion in the world, the last thing most of us would want to do, is question ourselves and the surety we place on our motives. Its easy to blame others or circumstance for our shortcomings, and you are correct, we create the reality around us; including stress.
I think if more people were brave enough to question themselves, we would see a tremendous positive shift forward.
Thanks for putting a positive spin on my day!

So glad to meet you. I never thought of looking for people of like mind in philosophy. As far as your last question. I am happy and believe being in the moment is the secret of peace and happiness. Again nice to connect with you.

We can do it all, we just need openness and peace. Stress is not needed, it's fear manifesting within us and has no use in perfection. deserve resteem and upvote...

Your post reminded me of a book I downloaded a while ago called "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World", by Harry Brown. He talks about freedom being a matter of freeing yourself from the various traps many of us face, the Identity Trap, the Morality Trap, The Government Trap, etc. And that these are basically self imposed traps. I started reading it, but didn't want to fall into the Must Finish Books Trap

Amazing post. <3 philosophy.

:) Thanks, feel free to make philosophical posts as I curate from that account and share those interesting tingly thought provoking posts that help shift reality!

I like the thought-provoking questions but often times the stress comes from others being dependent on you (kids, parents, friends, coworkers, etc) and in order to maintain the relationship, you need to take care of things. There are a lot of situations where you can't just not do something simply because you don't want to. And that often equals stress.

in order to maintain the relationship

No one owes anyone anything, except perhaps their children, but you define how whatever you owe them looks to you. Food and shelter can look like a cabin in the woods and foraging or it could look like a low income apartment begging the government to provide for you or anything in between. Change the definitions of what it takes to maintain the relationship. Spend time with family until it gets toxic and then move on for a while. I'm dealing with that personally so I know it isn't always easy, but I'm done stressing myself out worrying about other people that aren't taking care of themselves. I don't have children though, so I cannot really speak in that regard.

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