Does first impressions really paint the correct picture??

in #life7 years ago


So I had a massive list of posts that I would've liked to post today, but funny enough I decided to do a post based on my current circumstance which I know everyone battles with...that is the very important first impression...Ok so this is my story..

I was on my way out to lunch, yes I work at an Internet Service Provider and can't really take lunch, but this was an exception. So I received a phone call from a new supplier advising that they are around the corner, flew many miles to see me...ahhh crumbs man, why didn't you guys make an effort to set a time for the meeting like a normal human being...unfortunately I can't be an arse towards other people as it's not how I was brought up at all, so I decided I've got 2 options:

1)I could judge the supplier based on the fact that they weren't organized and are running a few minutes late and already sum them up based on that...


2)I could meet them, find out what kind of supplier they are and based on that formulate a justification on their behalf...I could then take that perception and compare it to the next encounter to see if this is who they are or could it have been that one day where everything went wrong and you just forgot to make the arrangements prior to traveling many many miles??

What is your take on first impressions? This could be first impressions from a personal or business perspective.

Since you are always traveling and it seems that you are extremely organized, what's your take on first impressions?


Great post, and totally agree. First impressions are important. And when it comes to other people, it is your choice on how you are going to handle it if they made an bad you said, there could have been a very reasonable answer..everybody has a bad day :) you made the right choice, well done

Ahhh thanks....yeahh thought as much and thus with the right atttude and passion in your pocket you have the ability to overcome anything. Well except the laws of cant fly..dont try it

you should meet them

I think you need to listen your intuition.

This is so true! People do seem to make a quick assessment!

philip! I actually voted for you and left a reply yesterday but for some reason the system thinks i didn't!

I think first impressions are so important, because they usually determine whether the two people will continue to interact with each other or even become friends in the long run. All just from the first impression!

Hey, thanks for the response as I do appreciate it. Please call me Phil, as Philip sounds too impersonal to be honest..

I have always been a very logical thinker and approach life in a different way than how most people would...not sure if this is a good thing at times...but hey, either you like me or you don't, can't win them all over ;)

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