Humans differ from animals to the degree that they are not merely an end
result of their conditioning, but are able to reflect on their
experiences and strategies, and apply insight to make changes in the way
they live to modify the outcome.
-- SlideTrombone (comment on "Programming can ruin your life")
All great things require great dedication.
-- Chuck Norris(?)
Every man prefers belief to the exercise of judgment.
-- Seneca
Humans differ from animals to the degree that they are not merely an end
result of their conditioning, but are able to reflect on their
experiences and strategies, and apply insight to make changes in the way
they live to modify the outcome.
-- SlideTrombone (comment on "Programming can ruin your life")
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
-- Albert Einstein
Any code of your own that you haven’t looked at for six or more months
might as well have been written by someone else.
-- Eagleson’s Law
To iterate is human, to recurse divine.
-- L. Peter Deutsch
Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.
-- Earl of Chesterfield
Good programmers use their brains, but good guidelines save us having to
think out every case.
-- Francis Glassborow