My Unforgettable Embarrassing Victory

in #life6 years ago


Before going on to some different things, let me tell you a thing that literally changed my life. As everyone knows, one of the most awaited part of everyone’s school year is the year end party or mostly known as the Christmas Party. Our Christmas Party is fast approaching, and I don’t really care about it. As long as it has foods and stuffs, that’s what matters. I was sitting beside Isaac and Aljohn @ajflict while some of our classroom officers are planning about our incoming Christmas Party. They even requested everyone to keep quiet which is a little bit hard for me since I’m known as one of the most talkative person in class.

They took a lot of time, and then finally they announced their plan to the whole class. Darlyn – our classroom secretary announced that there will be a special event that they’re going to implement and that’s the “Miss Gay Competition” during our Christmas Party. After hearing the mentioned announcement, it didn’t really hit me since I don’t really care about it.

I was in the middle of enjoying my self’s company when Novie – my classmate approached me and asked me to join the competition. And I was like, “The heck? No freak’n way!”
Any other guy would decline of course. Cause that would be a really embarrassing and disgusting. Unfortunately, lots of my classmates eventually asked me to join as well. They kept on bugging me and fussing and forcing me to join the damn competition.

I thought, “Damn, guess I don’t have a choice.” I sighed and finally agreed to join the Miss Gay competition against my will just to stop them from bugging my peaceful life. Few days have passed and I’ve thought about backing out, I mean I just couldn’t take it. I hated it. But if I do, I know lots of my classmates will be disappointed. So, I decided not to decline the damn thing and just hoped for the best.

Eventually, Saturday came and they held an official photo shoot for the damn competition. Together with Aljohn @ajflict, we reached the venue by nearly 9 o’clock in the morning. The girls in my class immediately did their thing. And by thing, I mean they put make ups on us. We divided the class into four (4) groups since we’re only four (4) candidates. I was assigned in Darlyn’s group.


Darlyn fixed my brows, put foundations on my face and red lipsticks on my lips and even a damn wig! Like, I know that the consequences of joining the competition would not be good, but this is the worse. I looked at myself in the mirror and I was damn surprised. “Who the hell is that girl staring at me?” I asked to myself. I don’t even know how Darlyn turned my face into this.


Then as soon as all the candidates are already fixe up, the photo shoot had finally begun. I did my best on posing and smiling like an imbecile. I thought it would be epic, but good thing it didn’t. I didn’t even expected that I would be enjoying the whole thing. It was a new and funny experience for me. And I can’t deny the fact that I laughed way too hard while looking at my fellow dudes who’s now transformed into gorgeous ladies.


The photo shoot took probably 3 hours – more or less. And I felt so tired afterwards. Then the photo shoot finally ended, I immediately went back home slept all day to my self’s content. Two weeks before our Christmas Party, our classmate Dores @lucyheartfilla taught us how to walk while wearing heels. It was disgusting, really disgusting. I’m not used to wearing high heels and especially walking while wearing them, since I wasn’t born for this. Dores @lucyheartfilla taught me but it just didn’t worked out. Though I don’t care, I’m not after the title in the first place anyways.


Then the day has finally come. Just like any typical Miss Gay Competitions, we had our walk, our introduction, our casual attires, sport’s attires, school girl’s attire, gown and finally the question and answer portion. The question that I got is, “If you were to be one of our classmates, who would it be and why?” The questions were given before the competition so we were able to find some answers beforehand. Then I answered, “If I was to be one of my classmates, it would be Ate Nikki. Because just like her, I want to be responsible to certain things as well and I thank you.” The competition took longer than expected. It took 4-5 hours and finally it has come to an end. I thought to myself, “Finally! The damn thing is done! I can finally wash myself up and eat.” Honestly, I was already very hungry at that time. Then finally, they announced the winners. Unexpectedly, I received a lot of awards which are the following:


  • Best in production number
  • Best in talent
  • Best in school girl’s attire
  • HUMSS B MISS GAY 2017-2018

That’s right guys, I won the damn competition! I did not expect to win it though so I felt happy at some point. Lots of my classmates took a picture of me like I’m some kind of a celebrity or something. I did win the competition, but it’s nothing to be proud of, but I honestly liked the experience. After the event, we finally get to eat. It was a bountiful feast and I loved the foods. I enjoyed eating until Kate started playing with the icing. Though I tried my best not to get targeted. And good thing I survived. I didn’t got icing all over my body. Together with my classmates, we enjoyed the rest of the day.


I feel so happy to the extent that I realized that joining the competition isn’t bad after all. I get to win something for the first time; I get to experience something different and exciting and also made a wonderful and memorable day. I know it might sound weird but I’m glad that I came into this world to live a moment that I can never forget.

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