Music; sculptor of generations and generations as sculptors of music

in Dance and music show3 years ago (edited)

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the paradigm of generations

Good friends, today is propitious, it is a new day and with it the opportunity to be better as human beings every day, but also the opportunity to think about history, specifically in the art of music, the past, the present and Maybe a little about the musical future that with the passage of time, which takes turns that seek to enchant the new generations but may end up disconcerting those of our parents and grandparents, and it is that who in his life has not heard the song? phrase of "in my time the music was music" or the old reliable one of "the music of now does not make sense"

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This is a daily conflict of tastes in time, and it is that since ultimately there are colors for tastes
It is just crazy to think that our tastes are the correct tastes or in other words ..... "the best". And I firmly support myself, no matter how arrogant it sounds, that the taste that makes you feel identified, is at the same time the best taste that exists, of course speaking from a point of view subject to the subjective, let's not get egotistical, it is not comparing my taste with yours but that song or song that makes me feel alive and revives my feelings or makes me move my body will be the best for me as well as yours will be for you. If you think about it, tastes in music as in almost everything are not always subject to gender or time, if not to the essence of the person himself.

criticizes tomorrow and tomorrow to the past.

If we think again about the theme of the times and music, you realize that it is a matter of evolution, but not in the sense of something better to something worse, do not get me wrong, it is like comparing a fruit juice with a soft drink. a chromosome has to be missing to compare one with the other because they are two very different things and both can be appreciated in their own way and it is that this evolution rather than generating the replacement of jazz by rock or rock by reggueton and pop I consider that It could be seen more as an expansion, an expansion of diversity in music and it is not that one is better than another because the different genres must have an audience that admires them and likes them otherwise, they would not exist. The truth is the way music is changing is something beautiful, fashions have been changing from stars like Ray Charles or Ben E. King to magnificent groups like Gun`Roses or AC / DC
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.And we have reached the era of pop and reggueton where what is heard the most today are singers like Bad Bunny or THe Weekend music that today is criticized for the disinhibition of certain taboos is an increasingly expanding industry. But in the history of music, each genre, no matter how popular it is, has its value well accommodated in its time because music as well as artists are shapers, what do I mean? When artists and their music are exposed to the social focus, define fashions and help greatly to influence the perception of many social realities, it is not for nothing that music is one of the most lucrative industries of all time and it is seen as A business, what sells the best will be what stays the longest ... that justifies the success of the artist Bad buny and his eccentric songs, and if we think about it from the side, the music changes when the same social ideas start to do it, those that they define taboos and virtues, and if the past cannot criticize tomorrow, tomorrow cannot criticize the past either, because we cannot let go of the fact that young people also tend to make fun of the music of our parents and grandparents saying things like "music old-fashioned, boring, old ", we already see double standards here right? His music in his time was fashion and it was considered as the maximum in his time, today there are simply different things not necessarily better in any sense because they are all the work of artists who immortalized their feelings and ideas in songs and deserve respect for what they represent, the past of music.
There is also, so to speak, a tendency to point to generation z (that is to say: the one born after 1995 to here) for the content of their songs, of course it is obvious because in the songs of before the language was much more moderate .. .. and well now the musical culture in general has developed to the point of not considering censorship necessary, so they say everything that comes from their "soul" lol.


Music is a defining factor of cultures and fashions since it is a social medium as important as radio or television themselves, do not get me wrong dolls, I do not mean that through a song by Jhon Llennon mental control was induced in the generation that time or anything like that. And it is that no generation is guilty of the economic, cultural, or social conditions in which it is born, for that reason they can thank previous generations, which can lead us to the conclusion that they are those ladies who they criticize the music of today those who caused, not as individuals but as a society, the evolution of today's musical genres.

which genre is better in time?

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If we see or think that music should be classified between the criteria of "old or new" it is better that we tear our eardrums out of their sockets, because that is not the true essence of music, the true essence of music. Music my brothers is in the originality, creativity and impact of the composition through time if we go to examples of the hymns of rock, pop, electronic music or even reggueton it is simple to find songs that will live immortalized in our memory.
At the end of the day, it is clear that tastes in fashion as well as in music are not a matter of an evolution or regression, my brothers, much less a competition with our grandparents, because as a joke we could compete with them in social and technological conditions that they lived through. Since today everything is innumerable easier, no. And at the same time it is a fallacy to imagine that it would be the music of that time with the technology of today, although personally I think that I would not need it.
Music and fashions are a generational phenomenon since change is a frequent part of life in the case of humanity, society, each generation in each culture determines its social patterns and tastes in general, each generation shapes its own preferences and directions artistic or musical !, then let's think about many years in the future, when some other crazy and crazy or simply different genre comes out, we could get to see this new creation as our elders see reggueton or pop today and that generation will see our music today like an old man or sign of the past ,,,,, "old man's music"! Yes or no? I let you think about it, but I emphasize again that music should not be qualified by its times, because in each era the peak of preferences was reached in those times, if not by the originality and creativity of each subject and in this world each more and more interconnected by the technology in which a thousand songs come out a day, I assure that only the most original ones will deserve to be immortalized in our memory, thank you very much for reading me I hope you enjoyed my reflection, a strong psychological hug and until next time!

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Here is a selection of songs through the ages and genres, I hope we agree on tastes :)

@ perzival77 #Venezuela #steemit #steem

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