in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Before we look at the reasons let's look at some facts first.

Fact 1: Facebook is under serious threat from blockchain built social media applications such as steemit.

Facebook in no way gives monetary value to the billions of users who add value to the platform everyday. The bulk profits go to a few people making them billionaires. But the blockchain is changing this narrative and most people are starting to see that they can earn from the value they provide online.

Fact 2: FB is not new to try and “sabotage” anything that seems a threat to their power.

Remember SnapChat IPO? SnapChat shares opened for trading on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange on March 2, 2017. A few weeks later, the same month,(March 28, 2017) Facebook releases Facebook stories. Which is basically a “snapchat” inside of Facebook.Coincidence?I don’t think so. Keep in mind Facebook had earlier tried to acquire snapchat but the snapchat founders declined their offer.

Fact 3: Facebook can see your data.Meaning they can manipulate their users.

Facebook can see which pages you click which adds you watch and much more. They have a lot of data about what information people are consuming. Moreover they have power over which data people consume on their platform. For example targeted ads. This means they(or other powerful people) have the power to manipulate the masses on their platform by feeding them specific information. This is extremely dangerous. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Is it possible that Facebook saw a rise in interest in cryptocurrencies and decentralised applications and felt threatened? Maybe, maybe not. (Cryptocurrencies and decentralised applications are inseparable.)

Fact 4: A lot of these ICOs are actually scams. But definitely not all.

Who is to determine a scam ICO and a genuine one? Is it just be a few individuals in one company? Or should it be democratic? Isn’t this censorship? Coincidentally decentralised applications let the users curate good information for others to consume and vote down bad ones for others to be aware.. This is decentralised power of censorship. It ensures that regimes don’t dictate what information the population consumes. My point? Let people flag down scam ICOs. Banning the advertisements does not prohibit them from accessing the the ICOs. Help them learn how to tell scams from genuine ones. But is that a priority to Facebook? I don’t know.

Fact 5: The Blockchain technology will be, and in some instances it already is, a facilitator of giving power back to the people.

This can be really scary to the establishment. Imagine the people who you have been exploiting and manipulating get power! That automatically makes you weaker. That must be scary! But fortunately or unfortunately (depending on where you are standing) one can not stop something whose time has come. Long live Blockchain… power to the people!

So what is the REAL reason why facebook banned all cryptocurrency ads?
The company in a statement said: "We want people to continue to discover and learn about new products and services through Facebook ads without fear of scams or deception.That said, there are many companies who are advertising binary options, ICOs and cryptocurrencies that are not currently operating in good faith."

But what is the REAL reason why facebook banned all cryptocurrency ads?
Always remember...
“If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.”
― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow.

To get the answer to this question, we need to ask the right questions.
What has facebook have to potentially gain from the ban?
What is the current biggest threat to Facebook power?

Anyway, there is a very ambitious ICO set to be launched later this year. Which one you ask? The Telegram ICO. Watch this video to know more about it.

Telegram ICO must be a threat to many establishments, institutions and even other cryptocurrencies. This is so because Telegram can leverage their millions of users to be early adopters. That might just make their currency hit the runway flying!

So what is the REAL reason why Facebook banned all cryptocurrency ads?

To find the answer analyse all facts then listen to your intuition.
And remember …..
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
– Albert Einstein

Kindly let me know your thoughts on the comments….

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