Do not let Satan divide and conquer you

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Do not let Satan divide and conquer you

Hello, dear family of @steemchurch: @sirknight , @christian-trail, @SniffnScurry and @sc-v for their gratitude and commitment to the work of God I thank God for giving me the opportunity to write these short lines thanks to amen

"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves
Ourselves and the truth is not in us¨
(1 John 1: 8)


One of Satan's favorite tactics is "Divide and conquer". When Jesus met the man who had an unclean spirit, I find him dwelling among the tombs. He was out of town, away from his family and friends. It had been divided and subsequently conquered.


Satan will always relentlessly try to distance you from your community, family, and ministry. He will do everything in his power to convince you that you must separate. Because he can conquer you more easily if you are isolated.

The enemy will separate you from others by making you swallow their lies, some of which are:
• You are exceptional, you are not really like those people. You are better than them.
• Your situation is different, you have grown in conditions very different from those of others.
• Your childhood has molded in you certain ways that can not be altered.
Your problem is unique, nobody can understand your problem because nobody has had one as bad as yours, nobody can know how you feel.


These lies become excuses. They constitute your false premises for you to give yourself license to act or speak in ways that are contrary to the commands of God. If you think you are different from other people, there is only one step for you to come to the conclusion that you do not have to be in the same rules as others.


If you find yourself saying ...
I would not be the way I am, if my mother had not abandoned me, if I had a different father, if I had a more loving wife, if I had a better job, if I had not faced so much opposition.
… awake! You are giving yourself a passport that leads to failure, a visa to fail. You are hardening your attitude to the point that it does not matter who preaches you, the "different" excuse will automatically spring from your lips, then mentally and emotionally you begin to separate yourself from other people. You disconnect yourself from the foundation and the fundamental truths. There is a grave danger in that, especially if you are disconnected from other people who truly believe in God and are serving Him.


Once you disconnect mentally and spiritually, you also disconnect in other areas of your life, whether you do it on purpose or not. You will realize that it is impossible to keep a job, marriage, relate healthy with your children, or make long-term commitments that require discipline.
The reason you give to others is always a good reason. It makes sense to you. It might still make sense to others, but not to God. Your excuse can keep you away from misfortune, but it can also keep you damned and away from the change.
Do not give in to the lies of satan. Do not give yourself license to fall into the black hole of sin. Free yourself of your excuses!
Refuse to be separated from the people of God, from God's plan to do justice, or from God's purpose for your life.


When satan approaches with his
Lies, confront him with the truth of God.

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