Giving him a name those who do not have a father

in #steemchurch5 years ago

frist of all, I thank God for the opportunity he has given me to return to write in this space and for all those people who in some way or another receive these blessings in the name of Jesus thanks and @flaminghelpers, @god , @christian-trail for your job

Giving him a name
those who do not have a father


"He said to the paralytic: Son ..."
(Mark 2: 5)

The bible does not mention the name of the paralytic. In many biblical stories, not only is the name given, but also that of the father. For example: we know that the blind man of Jericho was Bartimaeus, son of Timaeus (Mark 10:46). When the name of a person is given and also the name of the father, the implication is that the person is important. This paralytic was a man without a name. We do not know his name. We do not know his father. For that reason, he may not have known his father.

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Parents in the bible give their children a position, a place in society. They give them an identity. Today as then, if a child does not have a father, he does not have a complete position. It does not have a full identity.

When I look at our society today, I see thousands and thousands of young people without a father. They are grouped together, because they do not belong to a group called family that is run by a leader called father. When I was a child, my friends and I were afraid to walk around the corner where a group of men gathered. We tried to avoid them. Now I see adult men who are afraid to go through groups of young people. They turn away from the road to not meet them.

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Boys without a father are often called by their problems, not by their names. They have been given an identification stamp, as was the man in the story "the paralytic." He was identified by his condition.
• Problematic.
• Gang member
• Homosexual
• Drug addict
• Convict
• Violator.
Boys without a father are known for their condition, their difficulties, their past actions.

We, as Christians, must reach these boys without a father. It may require four of us to reach a young man, but we must go and bring them to Jesus.

And what did Jesus call this man who was known by all as the "paralytic"? Jesus called him "son". He saw beyond this man's problem; He saw what was inside him. Jesus spoke to him, giving him a name that established a relationship. Jesus told this man an identity, even before forgiving his sins and healing his body.

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By calling this man "son", Jesus was assuming the role of "Father". We have to do the same. We should not wait until the fatherless boys we meet are completely clean, singing in the church choir, or conducting a Bible study. Jesus called this young man "son" when he was still sick. He did not condemn him for what had caused his paralysis. Jesus did not tell this man ...

• You should not have cited with that young woman
• You should never have joined that gang
• You should never have taken that first shot of liquor.
• You should never have smoked for the first time
• You should never have entered that billiard room
• You should never ...

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No, Jesus loved him as he was. Jesus started a relationship with him when he was still sick and in sin.
Nor did Jesus put any description in His relationship with that man. He did not tell him ...
• If you clean your life ...
• If you agree to do things my way ...
• If you stop ...
• If you start ...
No, Jesus loved it without conditions.
We are called to do the same.
I tell my daughters, "You are strong ... beautiful ... energetic ... capable ... talented ... intelligent women, not weaklings.
You are able to win and stand firm. You are someone! As a child of God, you must not be lonely forever, destroyed, desperate, or empty. You should never feel jealous of anyone. You are a fertile ground for a great harvest of blessings.

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I have told my daughters repeatedly that I am their first date. I am the first to take them to beautiful places, buy nice clothes and spend a good time with them. I am for them the example of how a man should behave with a woman, with courtesy and good manners. I am the first to tell you that they are special, beautiful, and loved in spirit. When they reach the age of falling in love, their appointments will have a pattern that should be followed. My daughters are accustomed to affection, praise, and kindness; a young man should give himself time to think very hard about slapping one of my daughters and then trying to convince her that it is what she deserved. She would tell him without hesitation; "I do not think so. My father taught me differently. "

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Tell your children who they are for you, and who they are for God. Do the same with your spiritual sons and daughters. Every child needs an identity. Every child needs a dad.

Identify a child or young person whom
can you love and help like a son
spiritual. Bring that young man to Christ. Do not
put conditions, or condemnation. Love him as
Jesus loves him. Call it "son"


Beautiful reflection @peraza182, and that is that identity is very important in the life of the human being, we are called to feed that identity that we receive from our heavenly father to our children, friends, not friends and all those around us. Well, unfortunately today our society has lost its way of what it means to have an identity.
Thanks for sharing.

Me es muy grato que les guste que Dios les bendiga grandemente...

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