continue with the operation joy

in #steemchurch6 years ago
First of all I thank God for giving me the opportunity to write these short lines thanks to @steemchurch, @sirknight , @christian-trail and @sc-v for their gratitude and commitment to the work of God amen.


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We continue with the operation joy of the month of July and this time we have the goal of benefit to 500 children with few resources to which we want to give them a helping hand a message of hope and union forces under the direction of the father loved Jesucristo and of our leaders and friends of the congregacion of the Center Harbor Christian cross CPC all this is made possible with the help of God and the collaboration of all and each one of the people who provide the seed for a heart beautiful and full of goodness just so daunting task of carrying a plate of soya a smile on their faces, and so many children want in CCP participate in the values of love teaches us our father who is in heaven to all children and adults who are in a very bad state of nutrition for this it is necessary the collaboration of many people that alone is impossible to achieve this, we give thanks to God for all those who have come to us for support so beautiful cause "If you're one of those people or institution wishing to collaborate "with the seed please + 5804249527346 this is non-profit is just to give peace, love, and hope to an unprotected and hungry people of God" are located in Venezuela Edo. Anzoátegui specifically in the city of port the cross where our projects are made possible reality that the who is supporting us in our task is that beloved father that it provides everything we do not need the money as its seed can be a kilo of pasta or ketchup, mayonnaise that is part of our seed what God dispose in their hearts that their collaboration will be pleasant, and all on this platform who are outside our borders with their votes of support and help to spread so beautiful cause the PA Heavenly Dre to put in our hearts...


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Thank you all and God bless you greatly, and sent over all blessings until about abound...

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened. For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks finds; and called, opens. What man is there of you, who, if his son asks for bread, will give a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? Therefore if ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your father which is in heaven give good things to those who ask him? So, all the things that you want that men do with you, so also do ye to them; because this is the law and the prophets.
Matthew 7:7-12
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we do not want money we only need food for these very low income children and adolescents ...


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Everything we do from our hearts for our neighbor will be rewarded by God, continue to work for the children who are the most affected. Thank you for sharing this noble work with us.

sorry the late response is that this has been an exhausting but very beautiful work that has been extended by this sector of Puerto la Cruz, our goal is to continue to expand as much as possible to benefit many more children, it is our job as Christians and children of God for our neighbor

Excellent work, may God continue to bless you greatly.

Excellent work, may God continue to bless you greatly.

great work, surely god will put what is necessary in your way so you can help your brothers who need it most, it is good to find people who think about their peers before themselves. Blessings.

This is how our initiative is because we in person feel the raw reality that our beloved Venezuela lives and we see it daily around our homes with our neighbors and relatives and even we ourselves have had to live bad moments, but the mercy of God goes but find the heavy limits and help us put this great initiative

Good this help for this nation that needs it so much.

that's why we need the support of the whole world to achieve great things in the name of Jesus

God bless you for your excellent work, I will get in touch with you, Regards

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Excuse the late response a weekend full of work in the spiritual and excellent good when you like we are in contact to make this initiative grows to higher levels in the name of our beloved father Jesus Christ

This is a great project, is only God that can repay you more than what you ask for. Don't stop the good work

this is what we do is a work not only of one but of many in the work of the Lord to give a message of love and life to all these children who need them

May God always continue to bless you. Thanks for sharing

amen and thank you for always being there

God blesses the joyful giver, may God bless his work

Amen is a work of much but to God be the glory

It's a beautiful work, God bless you

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