The enemy within my

in #steemchurch5 years ago

frist of all, I thank God for the opportunity he has given me to return to write in this space and for all those people who in some way or another receive these blessings in the name of Jesus thanks and @flaminghelpers, @god , @christian-trail for your job

The enemy within my


And as they failed to take account of God delivered
them to a reprobate mind, to do those things which
are not fitting; being crowded from all unrighteousness,
fornication, wickedness, greed and evil; full of envy,
murder, Bates, deceptions and malignancies (Romans 1:28-29)

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I am sure that in any group of men, all sorts of problems is present...
All kinds of need...
All kinds of weakness...
All kinds of difficulties...

Also be of that now is the time to face these problems, needs, weaknesses and difficulties.
It is time that we begin to challenge and confront that which we had within us.
I am not concerned about witches, witchcraft, demons, or Demonology, witchcraft or astrology. Although crime is a very bad thing, I'm not worried about the Bandit, the rapist, the scammer. What concerns me, however, every day of my life, is the enemy that I have inside of me. If there is someone in whom you need to confront continually, it is yourself.

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When a man ignores the commandments of God and refuses to turn to God in repentance and acknowledge him as Lord, and worst punishment which gave da man on this earth is to deliver it himself, let his own depraved mind.
A very popular in recent years ad has a part that says "do it and enjoy it your way". The problem is that when we seek to do things in our own way, we literally self-destruct.

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Never ceases to amaze me that a man can see to another and say arrogantly: "I am better that person". I am not here talking about racial differences or social distinctions, I'm talking about the distinctions we make the sin of others. When we claim to not be as sinful as the rest, we are, in effect, claiming that that kind of sin, and in particular our type of sin, is not as bad as the other type of sin. The man who comes to this conclusion simply does not know the Bible. The Bible says: "since all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).

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The case is, that the ability to perform all kinds of sin lies in each of us. It can be that we have not done so, but the odds say we at least thought it. We all know that there are many thoughts in our imagination that we are not talking about. And if still not have thought it, given once the situation and proper circumstance, we will think it and possibly will do it.

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If you're under pressure... or under certain intentions... or face certain alternatives, would not have any problem in commit every sin in the book...

If a killer comes to your House and is approaching the room of your child, you would have to think twice to detain that individual, no matter how?
If your family is dying of hunger and they go through a path full of food, do you wouldn't a time in becoming a thief?
If say you that you have to have sex with a person in order to save the life of your baby, would say that not?

In our human nature, we are totally depraved. We all have the same capacity to sin, and each of us must face that capacity that is within us. We must face our sin nature.

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