They don't call me pencil dick for nothing; I write bangers.

in #crypto4 years ago

Disclaimer: The title might be the best part of this post, I wrote it as a test comment earlier and immediately knew it would make a great title... 

I did not, however, think any further as to what it would be a title for.

Recently I may or may not have received an offer of assistance to become a dolphin on Hive. I think a dolphin is the 5K club I can't be sure because I don't really know which fish is what but I am sure that dolphin probably tastes like shit because they are not on my local fish and chips menu.

It does make me wonder why I would want to be one. Effectively on Hive the simple answer would be because I will get more curation rewards. That is given no one ever votes my posts.

So the basics are; I would gain more Hive, and that in turn is the same thing for Whaleshares, Steem and Uptrennd. Although Uptrennd is not really in the same category because the only way to gain there is through posting. But the others are exactly the same.

Essentially crypto faucets.

You either earn slowly through voting, or on Whaleshares it is through your daily claim or you earn quickly by posting and getting 10 times what you would just by voting.

Then what?

You get more of whichever crypto, some more valuable than others but essentially the same since if you don't sell it does not matter how much they are seemingly worth.

So you sell.

Then one is more worth than the other and you give preference accordingly. You make more and sell more.

How much though?

I think the how much is where I get hung up, and how that is related to how much you then are supposedly allowed to have.

It is a convoluted question but it is how I feel it instead of thinking it.

With the recent Steem drama and pathetic pennyslut governments doing lockdown I decided to sell my powerdown Steem. Which really was a saving grace. I sold $70 worth and that is almost half my rent which I now have in my account for general spending.

Maybe a better way to frame it is to say that $70 is half my rent. Essentially I get enough to pay rent, buy electricity and then I have about $20 left which obviously goes to cat food and noodles.

My problem is that I don't like wanting things too much. Maybe more specific I do not like being known as wanting things. If I gain more Hive or any of these currencies beyond a certain point the logical decision would be to improve my life by selling it.

If I sell it then people know that I want more of it, that is how salaries work and that is why I am a slave to my salary as it is. So to an extend someone can then use me wanting more funny money to control me and I will then maybe want even more funny money and start posting suckup bullshit and be nice to dumb cunts so I can get more funny money and then I will change my lifestyle because I am getting more and more...

Then I will lose it all, and I and everyone will know that I am a piece of shit that just did it for the money. Funny.

One might say we all do it for the money, it is how you do it that makes the difference.

I could continue meandering but I think this is enough to warrant my awesome fucking title and maybe y'all give me some funny money.

All I hoard: Hive | Whaleshares | Uptrennd | Steem | Image Source

at least one someone votes on your posts ... so they try to lure in people by buying them ?

interesting .. but if it's delegation you get and not raw steempower then you'll have to dance to their tune b/c they can take it away any second of any day ... né ?

$70 pays the rent ?

where is that ? 1850 ? ;-)

i never got down with the terminology myself and i found steemit to be a gathering of affiliate marketeers under the guise of content paladins shortly after i arrived but it clung to me ... i think in most cases the titles are an offense to the proud wanderers of the seas and i personally feel it most appealing to not have pêople dangle from my personal pencil dick just 'cuz" i happen to have 5 or 10k SP lol

if they offer you actual steem , not delegation you can always do like the lions when in rome and just
take the money and run lol

most of the content paladins spent a lot of time downvoting and campaigning while they were actually costing the most to their precious eco-system

ah well

Congratulations, I guess, on becoming a pencil dick dolphin. Now sit and think about the ensuing mental image.

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