
A good day in paradise.



Today this old Bull wondered into the camp to say hello (or just to steal the seed pods off the trees and apply a mud pack), which was a huge relief. We have been concerned about this guy for about 2 months now, as there have been no sightings of him for awhile. Not unusual for him to disappear for long periods, but with increased unwanted activity in the area, definitely a concern.


I like elefant:) kisses

@sylaba25, Thanks for taking the time to look at my post. I also like elephant as you can see, but there are just so many wonderful animals here. I will post a lot more photos of elephant and all the other animals whenever I get a chance. I hope you keep on following and enjoy.

Very sad ): @pellucidity

@researchgeek, thank you for taking the time to look at my post and for your support. Happy he is still around. Hopefully he will stay in the protected area for a while.

Thank you sir for coming in my blog i really appreciate you are also good photographer...

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