Which coins (Bitcoin, Ripple or any other) are best to buy in 2017?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I will rate a few cryptocurrencies by giving them a 1–5 star rating:

Ethereum (5 stars, 27 Billion MC) allows developers to code, smart contracts, on top of transactions. I’ve seen more job boards listing positions for Ethereum developers. Corporate support for the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) is growing after 86 firms including JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, CME Group, BNY Mellon joined the collective that is seeking to use blockchain technology to run smart contracts.

Ripple (2.5 stars, 10 Billion MC) is another option and have had partnerships with over 70 banks. They are smaller then the ones listed above. Examples are BBVA in Spain, MUFG in Japan, Akbank in Turkey, and SEB in Sweden. The Ripple company owns over 50% of the coin which makes it a less traditional type of cryptocurrency.


Next, are smaller market cap cryptocurrencies.

Monero (4 stars, 646 million MC) is a cryptocurrency used for anonymous transactions. They are a lot more low-key but have a strong developer community. Many say it’s the only true fungible and anonymous coin.

Waves (3 stars, 363 million MC) is also a platform where you could create custom tokens, which is similar to Ethereum. PrimalBase, a new ICO, built their token off of waves. Waves is also approaching a solution for a decentralized Exchange which has more potential since I find it hard to compete with Ethereum’s current network.

Antshares (3.5 stars, 403 million MC) is believed to be China’s Ethereum. The idea is that for Chinese development, there would need to be a chinese ethereum. Similar to why Facebook and Amazon never hit China. For this reason, I can see Chinese partnerships possibly happening with Antshares over Ethereum.

Disclaimer: I’m long on Ethereum, Monero, Ripple, Waves, and Antshares, but remember that buying cryptocurrencies is extremely dangerous and invest what you can afford to lose.

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Charles Marinor @Cryptowatchers725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy9lZTk4Y2Q1OWI0MTU5ZTFhZTM3YWQzMTZhNmZkODU2YS5qcGc=.jpg

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