Some new things that I have learned from the Communities in Steem

in Project HOPE5 years ago


This post is a continuation of a previous one that I published in Spanish and in English where I gave my first impressions about the communities in Steem, more exactly, about their implementation in the Beta test platform of Stemit.

Returning to the previous two posts, I saw in the comments several questions and answers from several colleagues who gave me new information and I thought about creating a new publication that grouped them, in addition, I revised a little on the account of my favorite front-end @SteamPeak and I found something there too that I want to add.

What I knew when I wrote those posts.

I had heard about the testing of communities within the blog system for weeks, but it was a short time ago that I learned about its launch by a comment in which they asked @ crypto.piotr for a label that was first in its publication and that it was of the hive-xxxxxx format

Well, I found out that the communities in Beta were working and that the @project.hope had one, I went to visit it in the Project HOPE Community, After reviewing it a bit I decided to write a post on this subject.

In a way it is not very different from the SteemIt front-end, it retains the design and functions, the publication link that is to the right of the post list allows you to write by directly adding the community tag, the box on the same side Gives information about the purpose of the community, its members and the rewards waiting. On the left side there is a list of the communities in which we are registered, indicating the names that were given to them by their administrators.

I found the interface for publication the same as SteemIt, but since it is a Beta platform of that front-end it would be strange if it were otherwise.

What I learned from the comments

First I want to thank those who participated in the discussion, in truth that they have been the most active posts I've had since I remember, the list goes without separating those who participated in the publication in Spanish or English and for convenience I have ordered alphabetically:

Well, after this list of thanks, let's move on to a couple of things I could learn, the first thing is that we all agree that the communities are still in their Beta stage and modifications may be presented at the time of their full adoption by the platform. Another point is that, from the beginning, I thought that if the tribes already existed, I was curious, what difference would the communities have from the tribes?

The answer, as far as the differences between the tribes and the communities was not at all complicated, in fact it goes in two directions quite easy to understand, on the one hand the birth of the tribes is linked to the creation of their respective tokens and the creation of specialized front-end for each one, this allows the establishment of side chains to that of Steem, these tokens of the tribes are commercialized in the Steem Engine.

In the case of communities, the creation of particular tokens is not needed, they work directly on the main Steem chain and I have not seen until now that I have any specialized front-end in each of the existing communities.

Discussion was still open about the possible utility it would have for the community, both for content creators, developers, curators and content consumers. This is not a small thing, because the idea can determine success, but for the moment (and being a Beta) there are things that will have to be clarified as adjustments are made.

My Comment on the front-end

One point highlighted by some colleagues was that it was preferable to write the posts intended to be shared in the communities directly from the SteemIt Beta front end, as this avoided having to take care of the location of the label that identifies the community, which should being first among all labels or our post will not appear within it.

I had said that I have a preference to use the front-end of @SteemPeak, but that left me with the detail that although I can create templates for publication with the community label placed first so that I do not forget and also I can save the list of community publications by adding them as favorites in the list of Topics, because it still does not convince me, because the list of topics shows is the label with the format hive-xxxxxx, which is not very explanatory of what That is each one.

Well, these days I reviewed the publication The Always Up to Date Proposal to Support SteemPeak I found that The team after this front-end has time working on the idea of adding the functionality of communities, but after talking with Steemit INC they decided to wait for its start-up to pass the Beta test stage.

He was then waiting for what will happen and I will continue to observe and learn what I can.

Post published for the @project.hope community -

20% of this Post is intended to support @project.hope - Project #HOPE Community

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 5 years ago 

hi @pedrobrito2004

I accidentally found your post a moment ago. Remember please to share it always on our project hope telegram channel :) It will increase change of me and others reading it.

Indeed, your last publication has been filled with valuable comments and I'm glad you decided to follow up and share your experience with steemit hives/communities.

One thing I've learned today is that if you're using to publish your post then it's adding their community tag (either you like it or not). Something worth to keep in mind, that other front-ends may also be doing it in the nearest future.

My strong impression is that few communities will flourish and that would be all. SteemLeo and 3speak will probably encourage most quality content creators to use their hives. And since one post can be only published in one community - then all new communities will struggle to encourage anyone-at-all to join them (meaning: use their hive tag).

Upvote on the way :)

 5 years ago 

Ops! I thought I had shared it shortly after publishing it, I think I forgot it, thanks for reminding me.

It is true that steemlelo directly adds the label of his tribe in the publication when using that front-end, I have not seen that the spaco or the steempeak or other front-end has that same action. In a way it is like automatic tagging when it is published from the community.

I think that small communities and in which there are a variety of issues will have it difficult, in part this issue of communities points to the creation of specialized niches (or at least clearly differentiated niches). We'll see how it evolves and it's time to wait for it to exit the Beta phase in order to evaluate its final form.

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 5 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 3 SBD worth and should receive 177 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

@pedrobrito2004, In my opinion still Communities are in Testing/Beta Phase and we have to see what kind of Benefits and Initiatives Communities can create.

Only time will give Clarity but one thing is for sure and that is, in my opinion Communities will bring more Adoption and more Engagement.

Let's see where this journey will reach and how it will evolve. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello dear @pedrobrito2004.

It seems that the communities or the separation of them in this interface are not causing much impact, they have not changed things much and as you said it is not clear that they will benefit their members.

So I think you have to wait for development and see what happens.

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