in #20187 years ago

Something new!

2018 is here…


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A new year


12 new chapters...

365 opportunities...

A Fresh start…

God HAS done His part.

Everything is NOW yours to take.

But, you know something?

Most of the people will do exactly what they did last year. No! Don't make that mistake

They will have some new year resolutions...which they will forget before the first week is over! You have to stay focused

They will have the same dreams...take the same actions...and end up getting the same results. You need to do something new

They’ll have the same complaints and excuses. Excuses reduces a man, don't begin with that

If you ask what’s stopping them from achieving their goals…the answer will be the same… don't let anything stop you this time, you have to push through

They don’t have enough time… but you have the same time you had last year! It's still 24hours

They don’t have the education or skills… you can add value to your life

They don’t have the money…invest your time and the product is money

Reasons… stories… and excuses. These are killers of dreams, vision and determination

The truth is that, lack is not what stops people from fulfilling their goals and plans for the year...

What is preventing people is their approach! Yes you need to take another style

They want their life to change…But they are not committed to making it happen. You have to play your part well

The truth is that when you just want something, you come up with stories, reasons, and excuses about why you can’t. You don't just want something, it's isn't enough to want it, go for it, grab it

But the moment you are committed, stories, reasons, and excuses are all thrown out the window. You will do whatever it takes to achieve the goals and realize the dreams.

God has bridged the gap between you and your greatest dreams!

The ball is in your court right now…

Begin that project.

Start that book.

Pen down that idea today.

In all you are doing, make a move and step into what God has prepared for you.

Remember, whatever we’re doing today will affect the future. Invest in your 2018

Remember, it's not just time alone that will change things. It's your action too

it’s how we use our time that makes the difference.

God has done His part.

It's time for you to take personal responsibility.

And make 2018 your best year ever.

Wish You A Very Happy New Year



Happy new we will accomplishe new thing this year

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