Contest | "Book Knowledge vs Practical Knowledge"

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago (edited)



I am Peace Bala with the username @peacebala. I am here in the community of Hindwhale to share my participation on the contest topic. Questions are attached to the contest which I will answer them to make my readers understand easily. These two words are different in meaning and they mean different things completely which I will explain the differences below.

Explain the difference between bookish knowledge and practical knowledge.

Bookish knowledge means the total knowledge or new knowledge gained through books. The bookish Knowledge is an opposite of practical knowledge. Bookish is gotten from the word book, we all know that a book contains rich contents that impacts more to the reader and there, the readers has started having new knowledge or an added knowledge to the previous knowledge.

Practical knowledge is that knowledge that is acquired throught practice i.e the practice of what has been thought theoretically and most times some learning institutions does not learn through theories rather they learn through practical method althrough.

Am instance is, there are people who have their chemists shops today not because they acquired such knowledge through school rather they took years to learn it practically through a good chemist. In this situation, the learner is not learning using the bookish method rather he or she is learning through the practical method.

Which knowledge (bookish knowledge and practical knowledge ) has more impact in our life?

The practical method of learning or knowledge has more impact in our life, with my following reasons. Learning through practicals gives one boldness and makes one becoming very experts. An instance is the handworks such as, Baking, Tailoring, Barbing, Furniture etc which I am very sure that non of these people learnt this through the bookish method. Infact every of the above mentioned handwork is always a great impact in our lives except we do not bend our heads to be commited in the learning.

What kind of knowledge does a person gain experience from?

A person gains knowledge easily from the practical knowledge. It has been rightly said that experience is the best teacher, some persons go to school and learn without having an experience of what they are been thought because the tools to be used for the practicals are not available therefore leaving the student with the theoritical knowledge and that's all. Some people sends their children into learning some handworks after school because the parents knows that the child would gain alot from the handwork and will of course pay.

Does practical knowledge bring us face to face with life experience? Express your views on this.

Sometimes, the bookish knowledge is transferred through online without the students seeing or knowing the lecturer which is not a problem but learning through the practical knowledge is very useful, gainful and better because the learner will see the teacher face to face to be able to ask questions as the teacher answers the learner through the practical knowledge.

Through this method, assignment can be given to be done through the use of the practical tools and that's the best method of learning to make the learner get use to what he or she is learning and to become an expert.

Thank you for reading. Dear @josepha @radjasalman @vickyson and @arvindkumar to support me and feel free to participate too. Success!

Cc: @aviral123

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