The 4 Most Exclusive Secret Societies in History

in #secret7 years ago



The Illuminati are a group from the 18th century devoted to the opposition of superstition and obscurantism.A movement of freethinkers that were the most radical offshoot of The Enlightenment — whose followers were given the name Illuminati. They are suspected of having been at the root of the French Revolution, and some conspiracy theorists believe they still exist and are looking to establish a new world order.Although the Illuminati originally branched off from, and broke away from, the Freemasons, they have since become a prime focus for conspiracy theorists, many of whom credit Illuminati agendas for every conceivable disaster, mystery, and economic downturn. In point of fact, there is no evidence that the Illuminati still exist, but that only seems to add to their mystique.It is often alleged to conspire and control world affairs by masterminding events and planting agents in government and corporations to establish a New World Order and gain further political power and influence. The group has been depicted as working in the shadows with references being spotted in novels, movies, television shows, comics, video games, and music videos.&nbsp![dollarilluminati.png]();



Freemasons are the longest-lasting secret society (that the general population is aware of) still in existence. They’ve become synonymous with secret handshakes, bizarre rituals and a hierarchy in which members move up through various levels as they gain experience and respect within the society.This secret society, whose members are selected in a meeting after an initiation ritual, essentially brings together men of common kinship who may favor each other in various political and economic sectors. You might know a Freemason without even realizing it.they refer to God as “The Great Architect of the Universe”. The three degrees of Masonry are: 1: Entered Apprentice, this makes you a basic member of the group. 2: Fellow Craft, this is an intermediate degree in which you are meant to develop further knowledge of Masonry. 3: Master Mason, this degree is necessary for participating in most masonic activities. Some rites (such as the Scottish rite) list up to 33 degrees of membership. Some say that Masonry is open to anyone of any faith, is one of the easiest groups to join, and is just there to help other Masons. But all this is just to attract more people to join the community. The 'G' used in their signs apparently stands for the Masonic gnosis or generation with Lucifer, and God as the main enemy of Christendom. They are made to take blood oaths to every degree up to 33 degrees, and vow not to reveal the secret of the Masons to anybody outside of their group, not even to their wives. 




Each year gathering the richest and most powerful in a select location, the Bilderberg Group holds top-secret discussions on global issues. They have continued to meet every year, but the content of their talks has remained a zealously guarded secret. They are not technically a secret society, since their existence and membership are not in question, but many conspiracy theorists worry about the influence and reach of their annual meetings.It is an annual private conference of 120-150 of the most influential people from the world of business, finance, academics, media, and even some presidents and prime ministers. It is believed that the main purpose of this private party of the creme-de-la-creme of the world is "to create an aristocracy of purpose", mainly in United States and Europe. Just being rich doesn't get you a spot in this party though. Meetings are organised by a steering committee with two members from each of approximately 18 nations.

4.The Skull and Bones


The Skull and Bones boasts many prominent heads of state,captains of industry, and heads of covert agencies among its membership. The society meets twice a week for rituals that are purported to closely follow Masonic rites, but many claim the organization is really nothing more than a glorified college fraternity.This Yale fraternity brings together the biggest names in American society, such as Whitney, Rockefeller, Goodyear, Pillsbury, Kellogg, Vanderbilt, and Bush, and attempts to intervene in politics through the influence its members may have on their social circles.The society is surrounded by conspiracy theories; the most popular of which is probably the idea that the CIA was built on members from the group. The CIA released a statement in 2007 (coinciding with the popularity of the film The Good Shepherd) in which it denied that the group was an incubator for the CIA. You can read that document here.


Have you heard about the white dragon society?

The International White Dragon Society is the only organization actively resisting world domination by the organized crime group known as the Illuminati or Black Lodge.

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