Follow me - i follow you - from me you will get all info about our blockchain startup company - Weig Rate Coin + Penny auction

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

What is the Project – WeigRate ?

WeigRate is a Penny Auction and Multi Vendors platform and much more features.

WeigRate is a very interesting option to safe a lot of money and still get what you want to get, from other side it is good option to attract buyers, sellers to post their goods/services for sale and promote it under interesting functionality of penny auction.

Penny auction is not a Gambling, according to UK Gambling commissions – if it is possible to control and understand when user has to bid and not to loose – then this is not a gambling. This is more like a prize wars because in same moment lot of users can bid on last reserved value and only 1 will be lucky to get an item – milliseconds will show who is a winner.

To make auction more reliable – integrated BIDs refund functionality , compromised auction cancelling and return of all bids in auto mode, and other features.

In any other ways, thank to crypto currency WRT – Weigrate Auction became safer, lower risk, more advanced and with new financial features.weigrate-Copy.png


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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64752.70
ETH 3455.13
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50