Exploratory Analysis – Account Creation and HF20 Changes

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Exciting times are ahead with HF20 coming to STEEM on the 25th of September. For most of us here on steem this does not mean to much but there are some fundamental changes taking place that will need a little consideration by witnesses on new parameters that need to be set.



HF20, known as Velocity, makes changes to the account creation process works.  Currently accounts can be set up with delegation, as Steemit Inc. have been doing for some time.  This method of account creation will cease.

Instead the options will be Non-Discounted Accounts and Discounted Accounts.

Non-Discounted Accounts will be created by paying the Account creation fee in STEEM.  From what I understand, this STEEM will be burned when the account is created.  

The account creation fee is set by witnesses.  Currently, this identified as ‘reg fee’ on https://steemian.info/witnesses and is multiplied by 30 to get the actual fee.  So, a 0.20 fee would be 6.0 STEEM.  At current prices this is very low, considering some months ago most witnesses had this set at 0.10 or 3 STEEM and the price was 10 times higher.

When HF20 happens, a onetime multiplication of x30 will take place on the account creation fees since this multiplication will no longer take place at account creation stage.

Is it time for witnesses to consider reviewing the account creation fee now that the price of steem is so low?

Discounted Accounts.  This is where things get interesting and is a new way to create accounts.  With discounted accounts the fee is paid with the new resource credit that will also be introduced with HF20.  It’s a two step process. First the recourse credits will be used to Claim a discounted account.  Once a discounted account is claimed it will be stored in their pending claims account until step two.  Step two involved the actual set up of the discounted account.

Some points to note about pending claims.  These do not expire, they are not transferable and there is also no upper limit to the amount one can have.  But the do require recourse credits, and with SMT’s on the way, this could be a limited resource, especially for those with low SP.  This could very well become an activity only carried out by highly staked accounts.

Is it a case therefore that the account creation fee should be valued not against steem but RCs?  

By removing the delegation method and introducing the discounted accounts, a lot of the onus of account creation moves to witnesses.  Between them the witnesses need to decide how many discount account creation tokens are created each day and the total number allowed at any one time.

Do you think the number of account creation tokens should be limited and capped and at what levels?

You can read more about these changes on @steemitblog


Exploratory Analysis

I have carried out an exploratory analysis with the aim of gathering account sign up information in a way that it can be sliced and diced so people can see when and who has been setting up accounts.  Hopefully by looking at the numbers you will be better informed when considering what parameters should be set and why.

I have used Steemsql to gather the data and I have taken 2017 and 2018.  Full details of the queries can be found at the bottom of the report.

The full report is available here and is fully interactive.  Don’t be afraid to click around, you won’t break it.



The overview page of the report contains some general information

When filters are NOT placed on this report we can see that for 2017 and 2018 combined we have over 1M new accounts.  Of which 19.12% have their about profile complete and 9.19% have completed a link in the profile to a website or other source.  If you have followed my monthly new user report, you will know that these values are important as it is an indication of the quality of the account.

43.43% of accounts have posted, 21.25% have posted 10 or more times and 9.63% have posted 50+ times.

I have then created an account classification based on the account actives.

Fully active accounts have both posted and voted at some stage

Some accounts have posted and never voted

Some accounts have voted and never posted

Wallet holder accounts have made a transfer but have not posted or voted

Not active accounts have never posted, voted or made a transfer.

The number and % of these accounts is seen in the pie chart.

I have also added recovery account information as it gives some indication on who is setting up accounts. 

I have used the accounts create tables to gather information on who has set up each account

96.67% accounts have @steem set up as a recover account, 0.84% blocktrades and 0.71% @anonsteem.  

The gif shows how you can add and remove filters and interact with the dashboard.

Time Series

The second page of the report shows the time series for accounts set up, the top charts shows the months and the bottom chart shows the weeks and the same period in the prior year.  This page is also fully interactive and you can filter the data by years or Account Activity type.


Based on weekly account set up numbers I have used Power BI to predict the number of new accounts needed each week for the next 6 weeks


On this page you will find an interactive time series for 2018 on the fees paid to create accounts and the delegations given.



On this page you will find an interactive time series for 2018 for delegations given to new accounts so they can transact.


Explore Fees_delegation 

This page will give further details on the fees paid and delegations given.  it has been set up so you can explore groupings between fees, delegations and account creation.



The number of accounts being set up each month has declined since Jan 18 and the median monthly new user for year to date is 60K and the weekly median is 16.5K.

The vast majority of accounts have a recovery account of Steem.  After HF20 I would expect to see this change considerably for new accounts as DApps will have the ability to register accounts using the discounted account model.  This will in turn reduce the number of applications going though steemit inc and steemit.com.  It will therefore be up to each DApps to decide on the account application process.

There are a number of things for witnesses to consider in addition to the data when deciding on these parameters.  For example, if a cap is set on the total number of account creation tokens is circulation at any one time, how can the witnesses prevent illegitimate grabbing and stockpiling leaving a diminished amount for more legitimate use?  Obviously, this could be countered by witnesses by increasing the cap and will have to be monitored.  

Is it also worth considering how many new users we are equipped to handle?  Are we ready to just open the flood gates?  Or, should we keep it at a trickle, so we grow some awesome dolphins and orcas, improving the base users and current distribution first?

How many new discount account tokens should we issue each day and why?


Data and Queries

To prepare this analysis I connected to steemsql.  The SQL query to get the accounts information was

Select *
FROM Accounts (NOLOCK)
created >= CONVERT(datetime,'01/01/2017')

 and the SQL query to get the accounts involved in transfer details was 

    Source = Sql.Database("vip.steemsql.com", "DBSteem", [Query="select [from], timestamp#(lf)from TXTransfers#(lf)where   #(lf)timestamp >= CONVERT(datetime,'01/01/2017')#(lf)"]),
    #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"timestamp", type date}}),
    #"Appended Query" = Table.Combine({#"Changed Type", #"transfers (2)"}),
    #"Removed Duplicates" = Table.Distinct(#"Appended Query", {"from"})
    #"Removed Duplicates"

The SQL query used to get account creation information is

Select *
FROM txAccountcreates (NOLOCK)
timestamp >= CONVERT(datetime,'01/01/2017')

To identify the accounts activity

the accounts table records the number of posts made, this allows us to identify accounts that have and have not posted.

The accounts table does not record the number of votes.  However it does record the last vote date.  adjustments had to be made to this as accounts that did not vote, recorded their last vote data as the account creation date.

To get the wallet holders only, any accounts that did not post or vote, but have made a transfer have been included as wallet holders.

Non active accounts have not voted, not posts and have not made a transfer.


Hi @paulag, the interactive PowerBI sheets are great! What surprises me is that the accounts created by steem per week seem to come in "waves". I'm wondering if the actual "user interest" is fluctuating that much or if there are some effects from the Steemit signup process visible there?

The discounted account creation will be a big change with quite some implications for new users! Currently, new users get ~15SP delegated, so a vote from a new account is worth little but "something". This was partly abused with mass account creations.
With the new creation methods, both the discounted and the non-discounted, the fee will be burned and new accounts will have 0 SP! Du to the bandwidth vs. credit system they will still be able to interact with the chain, comment, vote, transfer, etc, ... but with 0 vote value. Will Steemit continue to give out delegations on top or will they expect new users to invest or build their account from nothing in order to make their vote worth "something"?

Interesting times ahead!

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from doing the monthly reports it appears steemit inc. block create accounts one or two days a week. I dont think it is the way users are signing up.

I also think the idea behind this is to remove responsibility from steemit inc creating accounts to the dapps.

Interesting times, and we will have a new lot of data to look at when this all happens

If steemit only approves a day a week or something like this, this would clearly explain the fluctuations.

I also think the idea behind this is to remove responsibility from steemit inc creating accounts to the dapps.

I agree on that. The new system allows the dapps to create accounts without having to spend a penny. Only the accounts would have 0 SP then. The amount of available free/discounted accounts seems to be based on the effective SP (incl. delegations), so that moves responsibility to them as well.

steemit inc could still create accounts using RCs, they wont be using their RCs for much else as they dont vote or post or comment from most of their accounts, but is also frees up their SP for cashing out....

Thank you for your review, @crokkon!

So far this week you've reviewed 1 contributions. Keep up the good work!

This is some pretty solid analysis, I have to say. In particular, classifying accounts by the type of activity that they have been engaged in since creation over the last two years is a solid way to present them.

It would be nice if we could get an animated gif of the distribution of new accounts on a per week basis over the last year, though not having access to Power BI, I'm not sure how much work it would be to generate those 52 pie charts and save them off as individual files, but I do know that having those files in hand, making an animation would be extremely easy.

Is it also worth considering how many new users we are equipped to handle? Are we ready to just open the flood gates? Or, should we keep it at a trickle, so we grow some awesome dolphins and orcas, improving the base users and current distribution first?

I find that an interesting question, especially coupled with the fact that under HF 20, new account creation will largely be accompanied with a currency burn. Should the number of accounts per week exceed in cost the weekly return from the reward pool, that would provide an inexorable upward force countering the inexorable downward force of reward pool inflation. If anything, that might result in the overall value of STEEM as a commodity to go up because it would be literally becoming rarer in the repository.

From a game theoretic point of view, this is interesting because it provides a counterforce and reason to make a decision to increase the cost of creating a new account at the very same time as it simultaneously increases the value of getting more users signed up to the platform. There is a dynamic balance to be struck but we don't and can't know beforehand what that balance is or should be, so it's reasonable for witnesses to have different ideas about what that balance is or should be.

Expect to see more conflict between witnesses, not necessarily expressed as a conflict over this issue specifically – but there are significant issues over which disagreement can and will happen.

I'll bring the popcorn.

I was hoping popcorn would be needed on this post, but it seems like the witnesses are not going to have the discussion here.
There is a lot to think about with regards to these changes and I do hope a lot of the discussion happen here on the block and not in private.

No, no. All those discussions are definitely going to be held as far from the blockchain as they can, not least because they want to have a deniable form of communication with its own private logs, because a lot of the stuff it's going to be kicked around is going to be just a little bit ugly. It has to be.

Some things are going to be said which are not going to be as flattering to the populace on the blockchain as said group would like to hear.

Some of it, here and there, but may leak out into some other discussions that we are privy to seeing – but they would have to be monumentally stupid to hash the stuff out in public. Monumentally.

They are just not that dumb, thankfully.

Myself, I'm having a bit of popcorn waiting to see if HF 20 actually sees airtime by the end of the month or gets pushed off into October.

What you mean delegations will be undelegated?

will explain in DM but delegations will not be undelegated.....

This is very very very important !

From what I understand, this STEEM will be burned when the account is created.

Hi @paulag, this analysis is really really interesting, congratulations for your hard-work.

This is my opinion about the number of discounted accounts set by witnesses.

@steemitblog in an old post mentioned that the idea is to be comparable with others social networks, and they put the example of Reddit, which has 468 million accounts.

So, following that idea, this is my proposal:

YearNew accountsTotal accounts
2018590k1 M
20199 M10 M
202090 M100 M
2021500 M600 M

Let's move from 1 million accounts to 10 million accounts in the next year. That is 9M new accounts, which represents around 25000 accounts per day. Then every day the blockchain would give 25k tokens for new accounts, and no matter if creators claim the account that day or they hold the token for the future, we know that in long term we will have 9 million new users.

If we see that this first step went well, and the witnesses can support this big community, then the next year scale by 10 again with 90 million new accounts. And the next year 500 million accounts. Wow wow very big numbers! but I'm optimistic that it can be achieved.

What is recovery account? @paulag

It os an account you use if your keys are stolen

Posted using Partiko Android

Truly interesting times are ahead and may represent an inflection point for the Steem ecosystem. I think the quicker onboarding will be beneficial as most that sign up are interested in getting started quicker. If they need to wait days or weeks, that is already increasing the potential of that person to quit. Now they would be more immediately met by the ecosystem and Ibam sure the community will continue to provide ways to get them engaged. I think that this could be a great opportunity for current small accounts to also learn there way through the onboarding process to take advantage of the flood of individual with similar interests to go on the platform. Time will tell...

time will tell, you are right. I reckon we lose a considerable amount of accounts due to the delay in sign ups, but then i'm also not to sure steem is ready to open the flood gates

Thank you for the detailed breakdown, time to digest some data.

you are welcome. What are your thoughts on the parameters witnesses should set?

I'm concerned about a giant grab of the discounted accounts, so hopefully they would trickle them, until we had some real data about the impacts, I believe we should have another peg for account creation then steem, it is as you said considerable cheaper the make an account now, then 6 months ago

What happens when HF is on progress? Will steembloggers be able to keep blogging?

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, many have already updated their servers

Posted using Partiko Android

looks like I answered that too soon seems the network went down yesterday :-)

Ma'am. Was it HF20 what we experienced last night, or was it part of it.

that was related to a bug in the new HF20 software and witnesses have rolled back now to HF19. lets hope next time it runs smoother

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