Open Our Eyes and Ears.....

in #life6 years ago

Continue From "Risk Of Poor Agriculture Industry..."

Our country Myanmar has not get the exports quality to match internal expectations, the main problems of lack of familiarity with markets and poor export quality because most of the people mindset and skill issue and education.

World economy study our issue and survey found out that most local business owners didn’t really know the market demand of the world. So most of our country products has been export illegally to neighbor country and they make use of our raw products and make better profit than our own country.

In reality, we should make our own production and export our own and make benefit for our country. For example, jade market, we failed to create designs that what is outside our country market taste. There was always demand for export, but we cannot produce to meet the quality.

Another example is we cannot make our own popular dish to promote to become global known and export out as Myanmar trade mark. In our country every household owned a laphet (tea), it is one of Myanmar’s national dish and called laphet thoke (tea leaf salad). It was custom to present when welcoming guests to the home.

This dish was very popular in our country everywhere, but the question is why we cannot produce to our neighbor and the rest of the world. But we sold the raw tea-leave to china, and they make better quality, testes, smell and they sell as their brand around the world. And everyone can accept their quality.

In our country most of the end user consumers are poor awareness of consumer rights because of lack of knowledge. And also because of food safety is traditionally poor hygiene almost everywhere and the most concerned issue is because of daily income is so little compare to world average income.


When raw product export to neighbor country as it is, they offer good price than local agent. Because of price gap, local agent need to offer as foreign agent price. End up our own citizen need to share cost for high price with our low income.

For local agent, they did all kind of funny idea to get more benefit. But they do not invest for technology to improve our local product. One only thing can blame to our passed government for everything.

This government not allow us to invest in technology as well as poor basic infrastructure across the country.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)

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